Sentences with phrase «kind of a phase»

With that in mind, my preference is to buy one young - ish Box - to - Box CM to bed in, keep Moose for the last year of his contract to kind of phase out, and have a few minutes left over for Winks to recover his fitness and reassert himself in the squad.
We put up with this for a bit, thinking that it was a growth spurt or some kind of phase.
The Liberals have gone through 6 party leaders since 2006 (including interim leaders); The Progressive Conservatives went through this kind of phase after the Joe Clark government was defeated, and again when the Reform Party was established.
This type of material is of particular interest for the field of solid state physics: their electrons can not be described as separate from one another; they are strongly interconnected and it is precisely this that lends them extraordinary properties, from high - temperature superconductivity through to new kinds of phase transitions.
In their proof - of - principle experiment, the researchers used germanium antimony telluride (GST)-- the kind of phase - change material found in CDs and DVDs — to make an improved switchable metasurface that can block or transmit particular wavelengths of light at the command of light pulses.
Throughout my adult life I've been through all kinds of phases in my jewelry selection.
So this is kind of phase one of setting the limits of both businesses.»
Henry's a man guarding a secret and going through what he calls «kind of a phase»: lounging around his house, drinking heavily and eating junk food.
TW: By the early «90s, I began to see the total surface as a kind of phase space — an accumulation of actions and information.
Sunamp appears to take this a step further, storing the excess energy in the same kind of phase change material used in those hand warmers you can buy from camping stores.
Mr. Zandi said he favored some kind of phase - in period so that markets could adjust more gradually.

Not exact matches

I went through a big Cure phase so I was trying to do that kind of dramatic voice.»
Mark Stodden, telecom analyst at Moody's Investors Service, said about Sprint: «To really take the kind of next step from a business that has been stabilized to a business that has been growing is going to require a new more intense investment phase
Small value does best in the first early phases of a bull market, which is the kind of the data mine in the small cap effect.
If this case succeeds in reaching the expensive and intrusive discovery phase, he argues, it will chill advocacy of all kinds of ideas.
Melinda Gates, a passionate advocate for improved maternal and infant care worldwide, puts it this way: «To help women and children fulfill their potential, we need to make sure they can receive the right kind of health care at every phase of their lives.
The first phase of «Marxist reductionism» and «mindless revolutionism» was followed by a second phase wherein liberation theology became oriented to the kind of grass - roots democratic populism embodied in the Christian base - communities.
There is an initial encounter of some kind; a phase of readjustment which is unstable and a final stabilization that marks the end of that event.
Is it the next phase in a scholarly, sophisticated kind of theology?
So we may say that since by a sort of chain - reaction consciousness, itself borne of complexity, finds itself in a position to bring about «artificially» a further increase of complexity in its material dwelling (thus engendering or liberating a further growth of reflective consciousness, and so on...) the terrestrial evolution of Life, following its main axis of hominization, is not only completely altering the scale of its creations but is also entering an «explosive» phase of an entirely new kind.
Im just getting into my «bling bling» phase in life - having money and buying all kinds of things and taking all kinds of trips.
He took for granted some kind of continuity between the heavenly and earthly phases.
Thomas Merton says that, for the soul in the life and death struggle of some phases of the advanced spiritual life, any kind of rationalisations are absurd luxuries.
Referring again to the production notes, the film is an exploration of «different kinds of love,» «love and its many phases and seasons,» calling to mind Anna Karenina again where she says, «there are as many kinds of love as there are hearts.»
This phase of the construction process helps determine what kind of building will be planned and built.
A kind of restlessness is intrinsic to all phases of emergence, a cosmic discontent, a sense that further ideals of harmonized intensity yet remain to be realized.
Both kinds of feelings are pre-reflectively meaningful because, for Whitehead, reflective, judgmental consciousness is only one «subjective form» of feelings, which is possibly present in the final phase of some concrescences.
We went through a phase a few years ago where we loved the frozen ones, but now they kind of weird me out so it's been forever since I've had them.
Love this list, I've been contemplating doing another round, totally skipped the reintroduction phase last time which kind of defeated the point.
I go through phases with mushrooms, and we've been kind of on the outs for the last few months.
I've been in kind of a chocolate banana phase lately, so I was in the middle of making a chocolate banana bread when the idea hit me that the crunchy topping from the pound cake would be awesome when added to chocolate banana bread to make Banana Chocolate Cinnamon Bread.
Kind of like a construction project entering the demolition phase, sometimes things have to get worse before they can get better.
It's a weird phase I'm in, but it's kind of like a smoothie without milk right?!
It kind of just... «phased out» sort to speak as my interest to delve into more «complex» sweets grew larger.
Probably some kind of end of expansion World of Warcraft boss with five phases.
What she saw was the first facility of its kind in Pakistan: a factory that centralizes every phase of soccer - ball production, including stitching, under one roof.
The Frenchman has improved his form from the early phases of this season, when he predominantly played alongside Mertesacker or Calum Chambers, and didn't have the kind of support he would have hoped for.
Arsenal definitely is one of a kind because we had to wait 8 long years with the same manager before we won another trophy, but I agree 100 % with the article because during that time, we had built a massive new stadium and also lost a lot of our best players, a major stumbling block in this transitional phase — YET Wenger was able to keep us in the top 4 and keep things afloat — a great achievement not many managers would be able to pull off and I really think he deserves our support until his contract expires because let's be honest, things are better than they were 5 years ago.
Well, outside of the fact that both teams are kind of in a weird transition phase, I don't know.
This might not be possible in the newborn phase when you are dealing with different kind of issues.
No one really had anything negative to say although I think that a lot of them are really skeptical because I don't think before me they had really heard that that was possible and I don't think most of them really believed that it could be possible and especially I think a lot of them are kind of thinking this is probably like a phase or and like be what you wanted me to do at the beginning but then after a while you probably will decide that it's too hard or you know, so I think it surprised a lot of them that I nursed for such a long time and I'm still nursing so yeah.
I fully agree with you and am glad that there is a kind of compromise between my baby's health safety and my having a little break (by significantly easening falling asleep phase)
Nomsa: I feel like maybe there was just a phase there, for whatever reason, where my supply kind of just needed a little bit of a kick - start.
Veronica Tingzon: A baby in a new, new, new born phase shouldn't get more than about 7 milliliters, which is a tea spoon may be of colostomy and so they are eating so frequently but they've got little tiny little marble sized bellies so they are not eating a whole bunch at each feed, it's just kind of like little nibbles here and there.
ROBIN KAPLAN: Ladies, did you feel like you had an overactive letdown with your oversupply and do you feel like your baby has more of a challenge on that first kind of a letdown phase?
Furthermore, it is now clear that all kinds of crying (i.e. fussing, crying and inconsolable crying) is prolonged, that this prolongation occurs only in the first few months, and that inconsolable crying is almost unique to the first few months of life.3, 40 The «unpredictability» of the crying, and of the caregiver's ability or inability to soothe the infant is most likely due to the facts that (1) the infant cry in the first few months is a reflection of the organization of its behavioural states (crying, awake alert, sleeping), rather than an intentional «signal,» 14 (2) that behavioural state changes occur in «steps» rather than due to increases or decreases in arousal7, 41 and (3) infants are resistant to behavioural state change unless they are in a transitional phase in which they are «ready» to change state.7 Finally, there is now good evidence that the proportion of infants that have evidence of organic disease to explain their crying is less than 5 %.8, 42,43 In the absence of other compromise, infants with «colic» have as good an outcome as infants without «colic.»
Babies make all kinds of noises — including crying — and even sometimes wake momentarily during the light phase of sleep, only to fall back to sleep on their own.
I thought May was talking about some kind of «implementation» phase.
Practically, the lack of time and resources during the transition will make the EU the overwhelming priority; politically, other countries will want to wait and see what kind of deal we strike with the EU before negotiating their deal with us, and thereby also increase their leverage; and legally, we will almost certainly be remaining in the customs union as a result of the phase one deal, with the key prize of agriculture tariffs and standards already guaranteed to be out of our hands.
He further added that, «I personally think that if we are now moving into a longer phase of fiscal restraint, that kind of caution just doesn't make sense any more.
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