Sentences with phrase «kind of a relationship between»

The kind of relationships between two consenting adults of the same sex demonstrably abounding among us — relationships that are responsible and mutual, affirming and fulfilling — are not dealt with in the Scriptures.
And a fortiori a difference has been made in the possible kind of relationship between that God and the world, such as is opened up by the fact that the event of Jesus Christ has indeed occurred.
God's redemptive action has created a new kind of relationship between himself and men and between men.
The kind of relationships between two consenting adults of the same sex demonstrably abounding among us - relationships that are responsible and mutual, affirming and fulfilling - are not dealt with in the Scriptures.
That kind of relationship between two passages that are not conceptually contemporary, a relationship such that one reinterprets the other on a topic discussed in both passages, tells of the compositional ulteriority of the passage that performs the reinterpretation, namely, in this case, the second paragraph of Process 46.
There's just a different kind of relationship between a nursing mom [and baby]... It's very personal — and it's beautiful.»
Master List of Common Analogy Types The only kind of relationship between words in analogies is a clear and necessary one.
There may be some kind of relationship between the virus and bacteria that creates the symptoms that neither alone can produce.
This schema brings a sense of coherence to all kinds of relationships between artists» works and biographies.
Such research helped to build a fresh kind of a relationship between the object and the space, not to mention the original aesthetic language.
It's almost as if there might be some kind of a relationship between: (1) political ideology and views on climate change and (2) political ideology and views about «the consensus.»
It goes into much detail about the kinds of things that can be signed, the kind of relationship between the signature and the content, the role and placement of «co-signers» or «counter-signatures,» a term that seems to mean what we would traditionally call certificates.

Not exact matches

There is common link between your leadership style, call it your personal leadership brand, and the kind of brand relationship you have with your customers.
Often, these kinds of interactions can skew power dynamics in relationships between men and women, and leave the men coming out on top.
While its emphasis on fostering «intimacy» between bosses and underlings can at times read like the world's most awkward relationship guide, that's kind of the point.
«At the heart of nearly all jobs is that kind of relationship management — connecting, negotiating, brokering peace between differing sides,» Kluger wrote in TIME.
«At that kind of level, you're talking about usually some very senior, very sophisticated business people... and you typically will have a fairly developed working relationship between those people,» Dye said.
By developing a budget, making a list, setting up the right kind of card payment or payments and considering balance transfer credit cards, you will also become more aware of the cause - and - effect relationship between credit and debt.
So having read Bob's post and Carl's very thorough and elegant response, let me offer a somewhat different view on the relationship between the progessive TR and our (new kind of) progressive Justice Anthony Kennedy.
This palpable «communio» is the basis for the kinds of collaborative relationships between the hierarchy and Catholic universities that Ex Corde Ecclesiae called for.
The first is that all human societies contain a kind of opening toward transcendence; the relationship between the human person and God is constitutive and unavoidable.
The old Testament affirms the goodness of life and sexuality, and sexual language is freely used to describe the relationship between God and his people, but the prophetic tradition is consistently and radically opposed to the kind of sexual worship found in Baalism.
There is no exegetical support for sexual relationships of any kind except between a man and woman married to one another.
would normally express some kind of parallelism, and they would certainly imply a close relationship between the two things.
A precise statement of what the correspondence or the clash might be is not easy to produce and is not necessary here, since our main purpose in these remarks is merely to emphasize the point that value experiences depend for their character upon the kinds of relationships that exist between subject and object.
This inverts the proper relationship between text and interpreter, committing the same kind of blunder as did the schoolboy who was startled out of an illicit slumber by his teacher's question and blurted out that science had indubitably proved all monkeys are descended from Darwin!
What even the most casual historical inspection showed was two elements — sheep and shepherd — as constants, but with the kind of imageous relationship between them, and combined with additional elements, manifesting great variation.
So there is a dialectical relationship between instinct and intellect, and the two have to work together to get intuition, which Bergson says is what lends us into new kinds of knowledge, so it is nice to hear that stressed.
The question is: what kind of relationship can we forge between performance studies and homiletics and what do we gain from such a dialogue?
In these quite different ways, something is being said about a refreshment or enablement which is provided for human existence; and something is also being said, even in a fashion which sometimes seems curiously negative (as in Indian religious thought and observance), about a relationship with a more ultimate and all - inclusive reality that establishes a kind of companionship between our own little life and the greater circumambient divine being.
It would not be too far - fetched to imagine the actual fulfillment of this relationship between Jesus and God as a kind of magnetic field attracting our own still possible relationships with God.
As scientists dispute the question of whether the record of life on this planet can be plausibly explained apart from some kind of intelligent source for its high information content, the relationship between information theory and theology is hardly inapposite.
Forging this kind of relationship created such a sense of trust that when the white police officer who trained me killed a young African - American male in an incident that was ruled to be a justifiable shooting in the mid 90s, there was no finger - pointing between the African - American community and the police department.
If human beings could communicate among themselves by direct sympathy, then they would be as mutually dependent upon each other as the body and mind are; and this condition would deny individual persons freedom and distinct individuality over against one another.26 Although the relationship between one's body and mind seems to be immediately social, Hartshorne holds that interchange between human minds is almost never by direct contact and generally through mediation of vibrating particles of air and other kinds of «matter.»
You have to be a very special kind of stupid to equate the loving relationship of two consenting adults with the abusive relationships between adults and children, or animals.
Neither in Europe nor in Israel has the relationship between Jews and Christians made possible the kind of dialogue we know here.
What kind of relationship exists between pure ideality and the generalized, dimensional nature of the visible is not clear, even to the author.
Cargas: Your most recent book, Widen the Prison Gates, makes an obvious kind of reference, but one that needs to be made for us, about the relationship between war and racism.
Genuine pluralism is a civilizational achievement: the achievement of what Murray called an «orderly conversation» — a conversation about personal goods and the common good, about the relationship between freedom and moral truth, about the virtues necessary to form the kind of citizens who can live their freedom in such a way as to make the machinery of democracy serve genuinely humanistic ends.
This does not answer the «question of the historical Jesus», but rather raises it in what we regard as its proper form, namely: What is the relationship between the three kinds of knowledge of Jesus of Nazareth that we may be said to possess?
The sixth book is a very obscure one, «The Book of Double Questions,» and the seventh, «The Book of Causal Relationships,» deals with the twenty - four kinds of relationships which are supposed to exist between the body and mind, or the corporeal and psychical.
Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to create an agency, partnership, joint venture, employer - employee or franchisor - franchisee relationship of any kind between us and any user.
Those sorts of businesses that have direct relationships with their producers are clearly going to be better for the eaters as they serve as a kind of conduit between the two, rather than a brick wall like the current system (I'm looking at you, ColesWorths).
Mourinho is no Alex Ferguson and there was an unbreakable bond between club and the former manager that, even given another ten years of frequent trophies, Mourinho will never be able to establish the same kind of relationship with the club.
So there might be a relationship between what kind of dominant breast tissue that a woman has and how much her breasts «sag» after she has been pregnant.
In the 1950s, Mary Ainsworth joined Bowlby in England, and a decade later back in the U.S. began to diagnose different kinds of relationship patterns between children and their mothers in the second year of life.
Continuity of care midwife, great relationship with knowledgeable midwife, lots of interaction and talking with children about birth and baby, stand ing strong in the face of medical opposition, eating vegies and staying away from sugar and carbs, empowered by Blessingway ceremony, contractions started and stopped, sleep in between, wanting pool but clear about at what temperature, different kind of pushing, more power required and more lucidity, her body knew how to give birth and her baby knew how to be born
Collaboration between schools and colleagues is equally as essential if we are to develop the kinds of relationships needed to keep our Waldorf schools vital.
Consistent and loving care is key: «The difference between children without consistent relationships with parents (or parental figures of any kind) and well - parented children who are fed formula (instead of breastmilk) and put in bouncy seats (instead of slings) is huge.
It has never been proven, nor shown, nor is it even probable, that sleeping with your baby has any kind of negative long - term effects when the relationships between those involved are healthy.
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