Sentences with phrase «kind of awareness»

Exactly what kind of awareness it is supposed to give, however, is far from clear.
More broadly, what kind of awareness are you hoping to promote?
If city governments want to sponsor grassroots Fon networks — and thus waive the $ 80 fee for the Aliens — they could use those opening screens to build new kinds of awareness of local services and events.
Featuring over 40 artists (including PIPA Prize nominees Adriano Costa and Lucas Arruda) and curated by Fernanda Brenner, every artwork in the exhibition «holds the seed of this floating «neutral» in itself» by offering «a new kind of awareness, removed from binary oppositions.»
«They faced obstacles to everyday learning,» Jeffrey relays, «how to gain basic kinds of awareness, how to comprehend, how to fix words in proper sequence, how to acquire experience, become alert, become informed, find out.»
A rightly developing personality is related in differing ways and with differing intensity with the whole range of reality, and humans are becoming what they have in them to become in their response to this whole range, again with differing intensity and with various kinds of awareness.
Old, outdated programs slowly start to slip away and are replaced with intuitive guidance and a simple kind of awareness that can't be described, only felt.
They all have lots of objectives, but it's about helping them measuring back to that object, not just awareness but what kind of awareness, not just impressions but what are they actually going to do for you or for the brand, the business, are you changing the hearts and minds of the customer?
This kind of awareness and emotional intelligence is what gives people the courage to do crazy but brilliant things — like leave their well - paying job and start an online bookstore.
It was the eighth most - viewed viral video of all time, and gave Dove the kind of awareness leverage content marketers fantasize about.
So I want to bring some kind of awareness to it.
I never heard Richard speak of that skull or its terse motto, but he seemed more than others to live his life with its kind of awareness» and maybe, for that reason, as a happier man, with a more exquisitely lively sense of humor.
By «creative» I mean the commitment to giving birth to this kind of awareness where we live, work, play and pray.
But notice that this kind of awareness is always of the self as experience.
As its name indicates, perception in the mode of causal efficacy is supposed to give some kind of awareness of causal relationships.
For on his own principles if there were not some kind of awareness of causal efficacy, there would be no warrant for making statements about it: «Nothing is to be received into the philosophical scheme which is not discoverable as an element in subjective experience» (PR 166/253).
Just in a way that raises the kind of awareness that needs to be raised.
This kind of awareness is available only through long - term psychotherapy in depth.
Wieman seemed puzzled that «Whitehead does not seem to attach any value to this state of awareness, that Whitehead in fact conjectured that this might be the kind of awareness present in lower life forms.
Beyond that, however, we are also learning to translate the anger and hurt we first feel with that kind of awareness into a search for another side of the story.
I'd like to introduce this kind of awareness back in Indonesia.»
And when we develop this kind of awareness, we make healthy choices all day long.»
This kind of awareness will help you make better food decisions.
Nikki: What inspired you to write a blog post about your yoga experience and what have you learned from bringing this kind of awareness to your practice?
When I recognize my tendency to hold tension in my glute med on my right side I can work with that kind of awareness.
Purportedly trying to emulate the success of the Jump Street movies by taking a dated television property and turning it into a tongue - in - cheek blockbuster action comedy that's aware of how ridiculous it is, Baywatch seemingly forgot to have any kind of awareness or really any comedy.
Erik Crew, community outreach and education director at the People's Grocery, explains that in a community such as West Oakland, which has some forty liquor and convenience stores and only one real grocery store, instilling that kind of awareness in the city's youth is crucial to a more long - term change in the area's nutritional landscape.
Building that kind of awareness can go a long way toward preventing conflict.
How do we develop this kind of awareness in our students?
That kind of awareness coming from a staunch district advocate is incredibly encouraging!
«I hope this experience helps to increase that kind of awareness among those pet owners.»
Attitude: Portraits by Mary Ellen Mark, 1964 — 2015 is curated by Melissa Harris, editor - at - large, Aperture Foundation, who notes, «In choosing the images from among many of her key series, I was defining attitude in terms of a sense of self, a kind of awareness and confidence, self - possession.»
Not the profound, religious sort, but the kind of awareness and free reception of everyday events, insignificant events, that somehow pushes you to some other direction in your life.
Zhang Peili's work — The Endless Walkway, blurs the concept of countries and territorial boundaries in a wider sense, inviting audiences to face a historical moment of the world's current crisis and turbulence and evoke a kind of awareness and fantasy.
It's a challenge sustaining this kind of awareness, similar to that of Brazil engaging its southern urban residents with its vast Amazon rain forest.
The result of this kind of awareness is that there is a strong infrastructure in place in the country to handle huge volumes of trade.
This kind of awareness will help the job candidate to prepare a professional resume which will certainly help the individual to modify the resume according to the requirements of the post and not present a general resume and thus increase his or her chances of getting an interview call.
This kind of awareness is a variation on the practice of mindfulness.
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