Sentences with phrase «kind of barrier»

Respondents were asked to specify what kind of barriers or discrimination they most commonly faced.
Robert Frost, in his famous poem «Mending Wall,» describes in earthy New England symbols the humanity - old dedication to erecting barriers between ourselves and others, the very kinds of barriers that separate religious groups.
Scientists are now using data about Sandy to try to create forecasts that can better define impending surges, and can help urban planners and engineers figure out what kinds of barriers might reduce future flooding.
I don't know how you are actually going to build any kind of barrier that makes sense across such an incredible length.
And finally it is better that they flow freely throughout the world than that national borders constitute any kind of barrier.
In literally thousands of local congregations a minister or a lay leader has raised the question of why a disabled member of the congregation has to go elsewhere: «Of course we must make it possible for him [or her] to attend here,» they say, and then they intentionally work at overcoming two kinds of barriers — architectural and attitudinal,
As they do so, society at large must cope with two kinds of barriers: attitudinal and architectural.
The coat creates some kind of barrier, between the kid and the straps?
But if you want to understand the kinds of barriers that stand in the way of schools just goiung rogue and setting up their own food service program independent of what the USDA calls the «local SFA» (school food authority), here is some info we put together to explain the issue to folks in San Francisco.
There must be some kind of barrier at a height of at least 4 feet encircling the pool or spa to prevent the child from entering it or a pool alarm that goes off whenever someone goes near the pool.
The other executive action seeks to make good on another of Trump's promises: to construct a wall (or at least some kind of barrier) along the Mexican border.
She remembers her difficulty reaching decision - makers at Immunex, where she had «no idea, from a political standpoint, how I could break those kinds of barriers since I didn't have a support system that was telling me about what was going on.»
«I think there is some kind of barrier there,» she says.
Transgender men and women are breaking all kinds of barriers, and this one is pretty amazing: A 30 - year - old transgender woman is believed to be the first to breastfeed her newborn baby.
Connelly suggests that eating a protein like cheese while you're enjoying your wine, which he says can create a kind of barrier.
«Your skin has a homeostatic balance that it will inevitably return to, so applying a moisturizer that's just forming some kind of barrier won't «fix» much,» Dr. Jack explained.
You can be sure that you feel a kind of barriers within several first times of communication with a Ukrainian woman due to peculiarities of nature, differences in cultures and habits, but the situation will change, when this barrier is cleared and you will be able to appreciate the girl of your choice.
He has broken all kinds of barriers and was influential to many black indie filmmakers.
Had the movie attempted to break down some kind of barrier in regards to LGBTQ cinema, it likely would not have been the light - hearted, delightful film it turned out to be.
Social networking links us together, but the inherent structures can enforce the kinds of barriers we most hope to remove.
Almost one in two female teachers in Australian schools have experienced some kind of barrier or discrimination throughout their careers, according to a new survey administered by the National Excellence in School Leadership Initiative (NESLI).
For those kinds of barriers, I think out loud with people about shortcuts — making double batches of food, so you can defrost things during the following week, or making breakfast for dinner, which can be a lot easier.
Almost one in two women teachers in Australian schools have experienced some kind of barrier or discrimination throughout their careers, according to a new survey administered by the National Excellence in School Leadership Initiative.
There is no registration or any kind of barriers to prevent you from discovering content and installing it.
The rise of ebook and the self - publishing movement have broken down all kinds of barriers and obstacles for authors.
The Atlantic calculates that Amazon controls less than 1 % of retail as a whole, while Yglesias protests that «[a] monopoly needs to involve a lack of choice and some kind of barrier to entry.»
Most likely a leash, a fence, a tether, a baby gate, being in a car, an x-pen, or any kind of barrier.
The paths to the bosses are each blocked by some kind of barrier.
But crossing that kind of barrier requires rhetorical tools that go beyond plain expository argument.
Should we put up some kind of barrier or demarcation?
Shared solar still faces all kinds of barriers, both regulatory and in the form of «soft costs» — customer acquisition, permitting, managing, billing, that sort of stuff.
There's obviously some kind of barrier holding things up.
Likewise, if your pet likes to curl up at your feet when you are playing video games, you may want to put up some kind of barrier.
Maybe construction companies could come up with some kind of barrier that you could see through, like a hardy plastic that is strong enough to contain debris but clear enough to see through.
An attitude geared toward a public service mentality can help to overcome all kinds of barriers to «success» within the real estate industry (success as measured by the quality of one's service to one's fellow beings, regardless of how much money is involved).
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