Sentences with phrase «kind of bias»

They then checked the predictions made by those models to see if the models reflected some other kind of bias and found that them to be highly reliable.
This workshop will discuss the different kinds of bias and how to recognize them.
This site is clearly a dairy - consumption proponent which makes me think wise traditions is kind of biased regarding this matter.
My bias towards being interested should be seen by those who want to do more than «just get it done» as being the correct kind of bias!
Nevertheless, the Gunners should not worry themselves on what kind of bias officiating the match officials might do against them today afternoon.
«I would like to believe that flagrant, intentional racism is rare,» but «more subtle kinds of bias can't be ruled out,» Collins says.
There are also the nastier kinds of bias that are based on elements of someone's identity, such as cultural heritage, skin color, or gender.
The main focus of this lesson will be on helping students understand a particular kind of bias — confirmation bias — but you may want to share definitions of confirmation bias in the context of implicit and explicit bias.
The «plan to buy a 3D enabled console» stat is kind of biased since the PS3 is technically a 3D enabled console but that doesn't mean the people that plan to buy it are doing so because of that.
He questions (and forces the viewer to question) how curators shape interpretations of historical truth, artistic value, and the language of display — and what kinds of biases our cultural institutions express.
Researchers have identified many different kinds of biases, including confirmation bias and anchoring bias.
I'd add another one — kind of biased but it helped me speak with 15 execs from fortune 500 companies!
Vestager said she has examined statistics concerning anti-trust, merger control and state aid decisions and that «I can find no facts to support any kind of bias
Mostly, the kind of bias that makes a brand valuable is built up over time through predictable behaviour.
Harvard academics have created an implicit association test that you can take to see if you harbor these kinds of biases.
It's a harder problem to solve - you can always improve the quality of information you spread, but it's harder to come up with a mathematical algorithm that sorts data that doesn't have some kind of bias, one way or the other.
This kind of biased advice can be troublesome for any investor and might even lead to investment decisions that are good for the broker but bad for you.
«Knowing that kind of bias still existed in the marketplace, especially when these [women - led] companies tend to outperform, made for a great opportunity from a financial return perspective.»
That kind of bias is totally counterproductive to Arsenal getting better, this notion we have it all is detrimental to progress and people need a reality check.
However, we tend to think that this kind of bias was not an important problem in those studies.
«This law will not only ensure that our state provides the necessary education and counseling to deter hate crimes, but will also make it very clear to the perpetrators that New York state does not and will not tolerate threats and violence that are motivated by any kind of bias,» Meng said.
If this kind of bias occurs in the polls in the run up to general elections it could be seriously misleading as to the likely outcome.
«I certainly did not go into this project with any kind of bias.
These kinds of biases are unconscious and subtle but invidious enough to suppress the diversity of students and faculty in many university science, engineering and math departments and in the scientific workforce at large.
«I just couldn't breathe,» she told an interviewer, «because this kind of bias makes me physically ill.»
Simply warning the jurors not to consider the consequences might help — though these kinds of biases can be very difficult to overcome through conscious reasoning (New Scientist, 12 November 2011, p 38).
It is not clear if that kind of bias is what caused Hauser's troubles; he is on leave (the psychology department voted to bar him from teaching in the upcoming school year) and not talking.
«Historically, researchers thought these kinds of biases must be a product of human culture, or the way we're socialized, or our experience with financial markets.
«Though we know many of the kinds of biases that can occur, modeling them has to occur on a sample - by - sample basis,» he added.
You've also studied another kind of bias: the tendency to devalue what we don't have, a «sour grapes» attitude.
And if that's the case, then these kinds of biases might be shared with other primates, which leads to the question of whether they are really biases in the first place.
These kinds of biases do serve an evolutionary purpose, many other researchers have found.
As we try to find what truly, effectively helps women with hormone imbalances, any kind of bias is the enemy.
I think this article is kind of biased or I'm missing a point.First I wan na say that I'm vegan primarily for ethical reasons even if I think that the vegan diet is a very good one.
After several articles all about how to wear riding boots and what to wear with them, I realized I'm kind of bias.
«This kind of bias affects people from the time they are hired to the time they are fired,» says Rebecca Puhl, the Rudd Center's director of research and weight stigma initiatives.
«Unless a school has a specific policy in place to deal with these kinds of bias, bias incidents against these groups will only become exacerbated over time,» says Mariam Durrani, an anthropologist and postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
To cope with this kind of bias, some districts have adopted a notion of value added based on more sophisticated statistical models.
Their research explored whether there was evidence of this kind of bias by conducting what researchers call a «sensitivity analysis» to test whether the results from the L.A. Times model were valid and reliable.
It means bias is applied at the gate and not the kind of bias that guarantees a well - written, interesting story.
However, we'll leave it up to you to determine whether or not placing your hamster in a ball that is difficult to breathe in and is tightly cramped is a good idea (Note: we're kind of biased on this topic).
After reading about this please feel free voice your opinions freely because this kind of bias has just got to stop.
If fans perceive this kind of bias though, I say welcome to last gen when PS3 owners had to put up with that kind of BS.
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