Sentences with phrase «kind of challenge in»

I organized this kind of challenge myself in my home country in the early spring.
North Carolina public schools — long roiled by sharp funding cuts, a blossoming school choice movement and an often touchy relationship with GOP lawmakers — faced a new kind of challenge in 2017.
# 1 - Class - size chaos North Carolina public schools — long roiled by sharp funding cuts, a blossoming school choice movement and an often touchy relationship with GOP lawmakers — faced a new kind of challenge in 2017.
The second part of your warm up should be either specific to the kind of challenge in your main set, or based on an imbalance or movement pattern correction you're working on.
I'm thinking I need that kind of challenge in my life.
With over 20,000 holes created by the community, you are sure to find all kinds of challenges in a charming environment.
National courts in the EU face three kinds of challenge in dealing with competition law: - the factual and often legal complexity of many cases — the need to understand often detailed economic and other evidence is routine in most competition cases; - an official policy of encouraging more claimants to come forward and assert their rights; and - the «astonishing diversity» of procedures across the EU for enforcing competition law claims.
Unlike the Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB), which had dealt with these kinds of challenges in the past, the OCJ does not have jurisdiction to grant interim relief while the charges were being adjudicated, has no obvious jurisdiction to interpret the compulsory trade restrictions in light of their safety purpose, is not required or even permitted to consider workplace agreements or jurisdictional dispute awards, and lacks the expertise necessary to understand and resolve these disputes in their proper labour relations context.
We have a collection of stories from practitioners who faced all kinds of challenges in their first year on the job.

Not exact matches

Blair and Michael encourage and challenge each other — the kind of relationship we all need in our lives.
Who in their right mind would take on that kind of challenge?
«It usually starts off with some kind of challenge your company is facing,» says Ron Welty, owner of ItelliShop, a market research and mystery shopping company in Perrysburg, Ohio, with a database of 400,000 shoppers.
«I don't envy the challenge Elop faces,» he says, «but his background represents a refreshing change from the kind of person who might have been slotted into the role in the past.
Its biggest bottleneck: Finding the rare kind of talent willing to put in long hours for the opportunity to do challenging work with startups that may end up being the next Facebook.
«Any argument they make for keeping that in would result in the same kinds of legal challenges presented by Section 3 (c), which poses the question of, «Why have people from these countries been deemed more dangerous than others?»»
There are a lot of challenging social dynamics at play when someone this young is in this kind of position, and I have to go above and beyond what is required normally to establish my legitimacy in this position.
«The kinds of things that people would have defined as technology in the 50s and 60s» are complicated and challenging to create.
CVS Health will acquire Aetna for roughly $ 69 billion in cash and stock in a first - of - its kind deal aimed at fending off challenges in retail and health care, the companies announced on Sunday.
«By building a first - of - its - kind organization with a mission to focus exclusively on founders working on tough tech, The Engine aims to enable startups like Suono Bio to solve some of the world's most complex challenges, «The Engine CEO and managing partner Katie Rae told Business Insider in an emailed statement.
As companies continue to increase the number of tests they conduct in cities, their vehicles are facing the kinds of challenges — like pedestrians and intersections — that are more difficult for self - driving cars to handle.
In the mean time — get working and tell us what kinds of challenges you've faced with your domain name, logo and the build or buy decision.
Unsure of how to take someone with those kinds of physical challenges climbing, Skelton reached out to O'Neill, a professional climber who had successfully led his brother, Sean, a 12 paraplegic, up El Capitan in Yosemite National Park.
«Our work challenges the widespread assumption that true creativity requires a kind of anarchy in which people are permitted to speak their minds, whatever the consequence,» commented study lead author and Cornell organizational behavior professor Jack Goncalo.
One challenge for Univision in owning The Onion could be keeping some kind of intellectual — and practical — distance between its serious news and its satirical news.
In particular, the annual Alberta Energy Challenge business competition would not have been possible without the generous support of Suncor and Cenovus who provided financial and in - kind resources for this competition since 201In particular, the annual Alberta Energy Challenge business competition would not have been possible without the generous support of Suncor and Cenovus who provided financial and in - kind resources for this competition since 201in - kind resources for this competition since 2010.
While B2B content marketers continue to be challenged with producing enough content and producing the kind of content that engages — in addition to the ever - present challenge of «lack of time» — they are still making impressive strides.
I didn't know what kind of play he saw in Blockbuster — and I certainly didn't expect the new challenges his being our biggest shareholder would bring over the next couple of years.
Big companies are not the only ones investing in blockchain, new innovative startups are leveraging blockchain to not only solve some of these challenges but also using it disrupt all industries that deal with data or transactions of any kind.
But we've found that employee count is a decent proxy for the new kinds of challenges that emerge in growth - stage companies.»
I obviously can't speak for everyone, but I think the most common allure to generating that kind of passive income is that it can give you the freedom to pursue those other challenges in life.
It is the pre-eminent and leading name among international property consultancies in India, with a vast operational platform that presents me the kind of challenging professional opportunities I prefer.
What kinds of challenges (such as regulation) might a startup with a peer - sharing business model have in a place like Hong Kong?
I had in my heart and tongue the Name of Allah when ever I had fears, troubles or depression of any kind but from Jan 05 1995 when had lost my father and second brother in a car accident, it was the time I really felt am alone at age of 33 to face all the challenges my father has left upon me to run and manage among other partners therefore had been investigating the Quran as to understanding every word of it rather than to memorize it, have been did a lot of reciting verses of prayers begging God to look upon me and give me strength... am sure through such difficult times if I had no faith in God I would have perished and lost every thing long ago... Another thing my heart always gave me signs and my mind gave me logic of what to believe although have read many books abroad in my youth of many beliefs out of curiosity but could not belief in other than that God is one and Muhammed is his last prophet in all belief of the Quran he brought upon me / us in all that it says... Should mention at times had experienced dreams seeing signs and warnings long in advance of things going to happen A year or more before losing my father in a car accident I had seen him in my dream good bye wearing white cloth and going to board a tourist ship all crew dressed in white uniform rolling a red carpet on front of him and when was on the top of the stairs weaver smiling good bye... seen in another dream how or wealth will be stolen and what I will hold... so many things like that..
The challenge that atheists face is two-fold; If it is true that we, and everything else in the universe is some kind of cosmic fluke then there is no right or wrong, no immoral or moral.
As we saw in South Hadley, instead of challenging these definitions, or even the kind of cruelty endured by kids like Phoebe Prince, teachers and administrators often adopt a hands - off approach.
Instead of such an open challenge, this temptation is a much more subtle kind of stress that encourages its victims to make their own false moves so that in the end they destroy themselves.
This kind of love sees what is good and true and of God in others and wants to build that up, take it further and deeper into the life of God and even challenge people to relinquish what is spiritually harmful to them.
Since what I hear over an amplified PA system (kind of hard to «ignore» 70 db invocations in a mid size room, tbh) are things in the prayer I passionately disagree with, yet barred by prayer protocol to challenge the assertions of the prayperson (which such challenges to ideas are encouraged at public meetings) it sets up a «I'm not going to get anything accomplished unless I pretend I am one of them.»
Bigotry of any kind is one such view (in my opinion) that should be challenged as it is inherently abusive.
He then utilized terminology that for decades informed the basic stance of process theology on the nature of true power, though, as we shall see, that is open to challenge: God «persuades the world by an act of suffering with the kind of power which leaves its object free to respond in humility and love.»
From a canadian standpoint it is kind of frightening in 2012, to hear people challenging to become president of United States speak religion.
(This presumption is in fact being challenged by many people who are placing more emphasis on job satisfaction and lifestyle, but this is all too often merely a reorientation of our selfishness from one kind of satisfaction to another.)
In the present chapter I shall utilize the thought especially of Michael Polanyi to challenge the kind of materialism that dominates the life sciences.
The challenge, to both adults and youth, is to pioneer in developing a new kind of collaboration between the generations so that we can search together for the answers to the problems threatening our planet's future!
We have witnessed this kind of leadership, even in congregations that face daunting sociological challenges.
At the beginning of this kind of study some feared that our faith in Jesus might be challenged.
I confess that there was a period in my life when I wondered if praying was merely a historically sanctioned procedure for challenging me to bring the separate aspects of my psyche into some kind of integration.
But for those with families to support and lots of bills to pay, «the challenge becomes what kind of policies can help people move up,» says Kazis, senior vice president of Jobs for the Future, a Boston group that specializes in workforce development issues.
Is Shane Claiborne one of a kind — a radical follower doing things not all of us could, or is there something in him which could challenge all of us?
Let us now turn back the pages of time and visit another kind of challenge to the theistic consensus that has accompanied what we have just been observing, as a concomitant undercurrent — namely, that the God of unqualified and opposable omnipotence is, in fact, not the living God of scripture at all but is, for all...
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