Sentences with phrase «kind of communication»

Don't try to talk continuously - find a balance and find what kind of communication works for both of you.
Moreover, you can choose different kinds of communication while your creative communication essay writing: team communication, interpersonal communication.
Fortunately, other scientists and engineers saw the radio spectrum not as a curiosity but as a tool for a new kind of communication.
When deciding on a dating website, what kind of communications tools the site provides to contact other members is another important factor to consider.
One area where that good kind of communication comes in very handy is when dealing with the objectives of the course.
What kind of communication exists between government and school districts and things like that.
And human / alien exchanges aren't the only kind of communication Arrival investigates.
If language is a system that names and describes, perhaps we can say that a painting that shows us what is not there is the most articulate kind of communication.
And the equally disturbing trend for governments to try to interfere with various kinds of communications to squash activity.
What they really are upset about is that they didn't get a particular kind of communication at the time they wanted it.
If possible, invite a communications expert to speak to the class about different kinds of communication.
Use each medium consistently so that members know what kinds of communications to expect on each platform and how often to expect updates.
There is no government mandate, no utility incentive, just a better kind of communication.
A Public Librarian requires different kinds of communication skills to deal with the public.
As digital technology has pervaded every aspect of our civilization, it has set forth a revolution not only in how we store and transmit recorded knowledge, historical records, and a host of other kinds of communication but also in how we seek and gain access to these materials.»
«Wireless» radio extended communication to ships at sea and across continents, and undersea cables brought about whole new kinds of communication with other continents.
The purpose of both these Acts is to define certain kinds of communications as illegal.
Michael Coyle, solicitor advocate at Lawdit Solicitors, says: «The judge commented that when considered in the context of defamation law, therefore, communications of this kind were much more akin to slander than to the usual, more permanent kind of communications found in libel actions.»
Y did not «widely communicate» the information; it was only to one person (you), which is, numerically speaking, narrowest possible kind of communication possible.
Section 4 would allow authorities to demand customer data from overseas providers, and section 5 would sweep new kinds of communications data into the fold, potentially including that for social networks, forums and instant messengers.
When considered in the context of defamation law, therefore, communications of this kind are much more akin to slanders (this cause of action being nowadays relatively rare) than to the usual, more permanent kind of communications found in libel actions.
The company won a contract to train airplane safety inspectors on the fail - safe maintenance of the very kind of communications and navigation equipment Galaxy played a part in designing for the DOD.
The counselor's job is to help them discover whether Connie's needs for a deeper kind of communication can also become Steve's needs and whether they have enough in common to build a relationship with a different, more conscious and articulated «contract.»
Other kinds of communications outfits might break down differently, with communications staff perhaps specializing by issue or by region, but the key part is the integration of the traditional media and online outreach.
The seemingly heartfelt letters they produce are among the most persuasive kinds of communications that Congress receives, polls of congressional offices have shown.
«There is definitely a desire for more natural kinds of communications with computational systems as they grow in their ability to be intelligent,» Ben Grosser, an assistant professor of new media at the University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign, told Live Science.
The most secure kind of communications encryption, called «end - to - end» encryption, prevents even app makers, cellular carriers or phone makers from being able to read the messages.
Usually, they mean to tell me that all couples fight over this or that, all couples can have the same kinds of communication problems, and all couples can benefit from a particular school of couples therapy.
Women with PCOS have a different kind of communication with their body, and it's my job to guide you through learning that mode of communication.
What kinds of communication for BBW singles are great?
But it apparently does exclude many other kinds of communication, such as nversation that is not aimed at persuading someone of a particular point of view and discourse oriented solely toward description or enrtainment (though this is not to say that these other forms of discourse ight not have some ideological overtones).
Business letter writing now covers many different kinds of communications.
Part of my job is to decide what kind of communication is needed, and hopefully, if I do a good job, they are my client for a long time.
Among virtual employees surveyed by Interact in October 2014, 69 percent said the kind of communication that could keep them engaged in their work is lacking.
Aquila will be responsible for beaming Internet signals back to rural areas on Earth that lack the kind of communications infrastructure needed to maintain Internet connectivity.
Unicode We use computers for every kind of communication, from IM to e-mail to writing the Great American Novel.
«We know the kinds of communications that really work in an oral tradition are stories — because those are the only things that have survived.»
Nearly 70 % of offices have ditched cubes for open plans, but while that may (may) increase some kinds of communication and collaboration, it's also making us sick.
(We collect data on those kinds of communication without using the badges.
But the latter could also be significant, because as the Atlantic's David A. Graham wrote last week, it could mean all kinds of communications that would otherwise be privileged could be opened up to investigators.
This kind of communication — two - way, ambiguous, in - process — stands in marked contrast to the «hypodermic needle» model that characterizes the communication of TV and most other mass media.
To practice this kind of communication, find a quiet place and take turns, as a couple, completing the following sentences.
Saying it straight involves being honest about negative as well as positive feelings, and being able to state them in a non - attacking way: «I feel...», rather than «You are...» Some risk is required in the beginning of this kind of communication, until both husband and wife can trust the relationship enough to be able to say what they really mean.
If you simply can't communicate on any but a superficial level («Pass the butter,» «Looks like rain») in spite of determined efforts on your own, or if your are unable to achieve the kind of communication which satisfies your needs as a couple, it is essential to seek professional help with your communication blocks.
The problem for the young ministers, first of all, was to establish some kind of communication with East Harlem, to overcome the cultural barriers and get to know people at the level of our common humanity where the genuine religious issues arise.
They call for justice — in this case, balance in the kind of communication they have access to.
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