Sentences with phrase «kind of conspiracy»

«Denying climate change is worse than spreading the usual kind of conspiracy theory: it costs lives ``, wrote former Political Editor, Mehdi Hasan, whose lefty - liberal street - credentials enjoyed a short lived boost last month when he layed into Daily Mail Editor Paul Dacre on BBC TV.
This photo of Brady wearing a glove on Thursday was the subject of intense speculation about what kind of conspiracy may be afoot:
Actually, the first kind of conspiracy theorist could start here, too, for a reality check.
So what kind of conspiracy is it if your claims of peer - review process hijacking, data - concealing / destroying, greed - indulging are true?
Now, the average Joe may believe this is some kind of conspiracy in which the NSA has secretly made an agreement with big corporations to use their powers to help sell more stuff.
Those who believe that there is some kind of conspiracy afoot to pull out and form a new church overlook these differences among conservatives, and underestimate the difficulty of bringing them all together.
For schools of theology to teach its students to fudge on this matter, to «demythologize in their minds» the Sacred while they mouth the literal supernatural God in their sermons and prayers and worship, is to enter into a kind of conspiracy with the literalists in the pews.
We know, of course, that conspiracy ideas are floating around in American society and that about ten percent of all Americans believe there is some kind of conspiracy of the government against the people.
Slightly over forty percent of the active members of the Religious Right believe there is some kind of conspiracy.
It's these kind of conspiracy theories that are just absolutely ridiculous... Our record signing in Ozil is one of the most marketable players in the world.
There are people who think this is some kind of conspiracy to get children conforming to governmental standards.
Well let me tell you, there were multiple occasions while I was potty training my daughter, when I was brewing all kinds of conspiracy theories about why my husband wasn't home yet.
Rather than have the decency to apologise and reimburse the taxpayer Lord Prescott has made the false claim that the items were cloned and that he was victim of some kind of conspiracy.
Most of the characters in the film also mistakenly believe themselves to be caught up in the kind of conspiracy thriller that flourished in the 1970s (Three Days of the Condor, The Parallax View, Marathon Man, etc.).
Meanwhile, a rookie policeman (Eric Stoltz) investigating the murder begins to suspect that some kind of conspiracy is behind it.
Clearly the movie's going to uncover some kind of conspiracy or side effects or hidden downside.
On the unrelenting pressure to improve schools without corresponding improvement in teachers» skills: «In its least desirable face, educational reform can become a kind of conspiracy of ignorance: policymakers mandating results they do not themselves know how to achieve, and educators pretending they do know what to do but revealing through their actions that they don't.»
So I wasn't suggesting any kind of conspiracy on the part of the banks but rather just simple supply and demand.
There is always some kind of conspiracy to try and hide that the game just looks average at best, but sony is the one behind all this.
Of course they can be lying, but I'm going to assume everything they say to us is true, because if not, all kinds of conspiracy theories can appear here and then any discussion will be meaningless.
By which, I mean, of course, that there is no evidence whatsoever of the kind of conspiracy which Senator Whitehouse alleges in a paragraph of paranoid ranting so deranged it makes me fear for the sanity of those citizens of Rhode Island who chose this litigious eco-loon as their elected representative not once but on two occasions.
Well, I've read the memo and if this represents any kind of conspiracy then I am Chief Komodo Dragon of the Lizard Headed Master Race.
Around 9 in 10 people think that climate change is happening — only 6 % think it's some kind of conspiracy *.
California thought there might have been some kind of conspiracy by oil companies to hide secrets about global warming... Aiding his honor were two friend - of - the - court briefs, one of which was led by Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, Willie Soon, David Legates, Yours Truly, and others.
Those who detest the «consensus science» and those who think it is very foolish to imply some kind of conspiracy to all our freedoms.
Frankly, this sounds to me to be exactly what the email suggests it is... an attempt to protect volunteers from harassment by the kind of conspiracy nuts that Surface Stations is likely to inspire.
Add to it the shortage of available information on the projects and you can start making all kinds of conspiracy theories.
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