Sentences with phrase «kind of discussion»

I remember having this same kind of discussion with members of my old church... 30 years ago.
I wonder what kind of discussion it might open up.
These examples show that the interaction between modelling and algorithms and transparency and politics can lead to two very different kinds of discussion.
A chat room is an open forum where people share various kinds of discussion mostly of common interests with other people.
It's not that I'm recommending doing nothing as far as communicating climate change validity in the classroom is concerned, but there has to be a more realistic amount of horse - trading or «is this a hill to die on» kind of discussion when it comes to this.
What kind of discussions do you have with filmmakers, especially someone like Terrence Malick, when you are working on this kind of film?
The women formed a new kind of discussion club - a place where a nursing mother could go to get answers to her questions, draw emotional support and get solid evidence that she wasn't the only woman on Earth ignoring her doctor's advice that formula was better for her child.
The issue was less known in the other groups, and it spurred varying kinds of discussion.
The Nobel Forum — a room usually associated with discussions of careers that are well advanced — was, in March of this year, the setting for a very different kind of discussion.
We have the same kinds of discussions we'd have at a story meeting at work.»
What kinds of discussions, on subjects such as copyrights, safety, purpose, and so on, do teens take part in while creating and uploading content?
These kinds of discussions can go on for months.
So, if you're heading down this path, there's one crucial fact and one absolute rule that I tell every entrepreneur involved in these kinds of discussions to keep firmly in mind.
Everyone has time for that kind of discussion.
«We think that in 10 years we won't be having this kind of discussion; we'll just take it for granted that we should be looking at this kind of information.»
How should you prepare for this kind of discussion?
There is a forum for all kinds of discussion from an introduction forum to dividends and even real estate investing.
(I totally disagree with his beliefs, btw) but the workplace is not the appropriate place for these kinds of discussions and he's lucky his butt wasn't discharged long ago.
With the collection of all of our voices, we'll hold the kinds of discussions that can only be found at the intersection of thought and practice.
Wow, look at all the vitriol and hate this kind of discussion brings out in «Christians.»
These are the kinds of discussions he had.
The missing piece in all this kind of discussion is the collapse of the Protestant mainline, which opened up a hole in our public life.
I admit I don't have the credentials to jump into this kind of discussion.
Perhaps here and more widely in culture is not ready for that more publicly for this kind of discussion but rather likely consciously or unconsciously to result in othering.
He carries that kind of discussion on into the contemporary revisions of the Church of England and the new Breviary now in use in the Catholic Church.
And, if I saw someone, having this kind of discussion with the TSA, (not fighting necessarily), I would still be concerned, regardless of any kind of sacred religious views or not.
I don't think CNN is perpetuating or keeping this kind of discussion going... I see it as mankind that is keeping these discussions going.
Because the kinds of discussions that garner the most response get the most views, it's typically the most inflammatory content that rises to the top of the feeds: Algorithms ensure that the more controversial or dramatic the post, the more likely it is that people will see it.
For some people, it might be having these kinds of discussions.
Obviously too addicted to quit these kinds of discussions — too much fun to be had sh tting on people.
All depends what «s on the menu... maybe I was a little obscure; these kinds of discussions have that tendency
In my opinion, these kind of discussion are so incredibly important for keeping a cool head throughout what will be a long improvement process, and for allowing a plan to be followed not subject to emotions, but clear logic.
So this kind of discussions is useless unless something drastically happens
You won't feel condemnation for what you're not doing, but you'll read it and feel excitement about the kinds of discussions you can have with your kids to lead them closer to Christ, one day at a time.
The home birth community seems to be inhabited by singularly callous people, who find that it is worth ostracising and ignoring loss parents, sacrificing other people's (and sometimes even their own) babies, and protecting dangerous midwives, all for the sake of avoiding any kind of discussion whatsoever of the risks and benefits of home birth.
Having these kinds of discussions in front of kids is great modeling, as long as you agree to postpone further conversation if one of you gets triggered and it becomes a heated argument.
Exploring those mistakes can help you avoid them and have the kind of discussion you want.
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