Sentences with phrase «kind of entity»

Many founders are confused about what kind of entity to register when they start their business.
To test this hypothesis, we can look to other kinds of entities that might have mental states but do not have bodies that look anything like the bodies that human beings have.
Also we believe that this complex human experience has evolved gradually from some such simpler kinds of entities.
This falls under what kind of entity I was trying to describe, sorry for confusing you.
A salesperson is an individual who sells goods and services to people, companies, and other kinds of entities.
Intermediaries must be either a traditional broker - dealer or a portal like SeedInvest, a new kind of entity created by the law.
I tried to make this clear both in the reference to being in the expression «ontic power» and by using the expression «fundamental entity» in the latter part of the book to refer to human beings and other kinds of entities as well.
For if it is granted that our awareness of ourselves leaves us no option but to admit the existence of experiencing entities, and if it be further granted that it is conceivable that supposedly vacuous matter be constituted by occasions of experience, then, arguably, preference should be given to the panpsychist doctrine on the ground that it is a more economical theory than any kind of dualism which posits an additional, radically different kind of entity, the unit of vacuous actuality.
Whitehead requires that the ontological principle apply to a ubiquitous kind of entity which is incapable of division into more fundamental components.
It moulds the scientist's assumptions as to what kinds of entity there are in the world (Newton was interested in matter in motion) and the methods of enquiry suitable for studying them.
«For our civilization to become a new kind of entity on the planet, we need to live comfortably, over the long haul, with world - changing technology,» David H. Grinspoon, an astrobiologist at the Library of Congress, said Dec. 12 here at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union.
For the correspondence between the two to be identical, a civilized society would have to be the exact same kind of entity as some other type of Society, inanimate or personal for example, which of course is not the case.
They suggest that youth psychopathology may contribute to the development of certain kinds of entity theories.
An academic institution seeking a significant public benefit is a very different kind of entity, and is not entitled to violate the equality, privacy, liberty and other fundamental rights of its students and faculty.»
The proposition is a «new kind of entity» — an oft - touted phrase echoed by Whitehead throughout his commentary on propositions.
If we think of the corporation (for - profit or otherwise) as an instrument or technology by means of which people seek to achieve their goals, then it becomes clear that the rights (or «rights») of different kinds of corporate persons depend not on what kind of entity they are, but on the the demonstrable goals of the human beings involved.
He is asking, rather, how the terms of proposition denote different kinds of being, and he points out that, alone among other kinds of entities, primary Entity is conceivable, and can be discussed, without its having to be thought of as essentially inhering in some other kind or category of entity.
There are some broad, general changes that will affect every business but to understand how this plan will affect you specifically, you need to know more specifically the kind of entity you are.
Now the claim that could appropriately be advanced on behalf of this form of panpsychism in respect of considerations of parsimony would be that it does with fewer kinds of entity what it would be vain to do with more — that it does with one kind of entity what the dualist only achieves with two.
But «man» and tree», as kinds of being, are not thought of as needing to inhere in some other kind of entity.
True, primary Entities do require the other kinds of entities — a man, for instance, must have some shape, yet not with that same relation of inherence.
The kind of entity which acts in this sense he has termed «actual entity.»
Closely related to this etymologically and in philosophical usage is the word «efficacy,» which in its primary sense refers to the power of acting of the kind of entity I am discussing, but which also is used derivatively of other entities.
I agree with Kuhn that the scientist does have beliefs about the kinds of entity there are in the world, and does have ontological commitments (and not merely methodological commitments for the sake of a fruitful research strategy, as Lakatos would have it).
There is no kind of entity present in man that is not present in animals.
This difference in respect of laws of motion could be significant of a fundamental difference in the kinds of entities respectively involved.
This means that it becomes of the highest significance to know what kinds of entities we are concerned with, for the inquiry into the kind of change is not possible in dissociation from the question of the kinds of entities.
For the dualist, the psyche, or more often the mind, is one kind of entity, and the body is another.
Don't ever think of the «church» as some kind of entity ASIDE from the real flesh and blood people that constitute it.
Education Cities, one of my favorite groups in education reform, networks these kinds of entities together (they all need talent and resources).
In abstract painting one can't deal with a kind of entity, entity like an object or person, a concentration of psychology which a person is as opposed to what, where the figure isn't in the painting.
«Any great idea comes at you in the simplest of forms,» Singh noted, «and this one came out of nowhere because I had never created this kind of entity before.»
Does this kind of entity allow the ownership to be continuously changed between a varying number of members who each hold a technical but non-profit stake in the entity?
If Facebook is to recover from the Cambridge Analytica scandal, it needs to emerge as a new kind of entity that has privacy central to its ideology.
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