Sentences with phrase «kind of example for»

Our nation's leading climate scientists have told us it's dangerous folly, and all the recent Nobel peace laureates have urged us to set a different kind of example for the world... but given the amount of money on the other side, we've had to spend our bodies — and we'll probably have to spend them again.»
Be certain that the male role model you select is exemplary, loves your daughter, and sets the right kind of example for her - and for you.
Getting «rid» of a animal that you took responsibility to care for is the wrong kind of example for any child no matter how you try to sugar coat it.

Not exact matches

We didn't recommend it because parent company, Endurance International Group (EIG) is moving customers from other hosting brands it owns (eHost and Host Clear, for example), so we're unsure what kind of impact that may have on services and support.
In one recent step, for example, the site announced that Matter is being spun off as a standalone service and will become a kind of media incubator that is owned by Williams and run by Medium's former head of editorial, Mark Lotto.
For example, any team which works from any kind of document (be that spreadsheets, presentations, simple Word files etc.) could benefit from a Cloud - based IT solution, which enables users to view and edit documents simultaneously and in real time.
It also requires cooperation between different kinds of organizations — for example, between companies and law enforcement agencies.
Adding one more competitor into that marketplace is unlikely to have the kind of effect of adding a competitor when a carrier is sitting on a monopoly, for example,» he said.
For example, if you're unselfish, passionate, and enthusiastic, chances are you are the kind of person most people want to work with.
(Example: A perk like membership in an exclusive private club might look odd from the outside, but a moment's reflection should reveal that an executive who is responsible for massive fundraising efforts genuinely needs to be part of the kind of clubs where he or she can network with the right sorts of people.)
Until now, many of the jobs that have been displaced by machines are of the manual - labor kind: bots that fulfill orders in Amazon warehouses, for example, and machines that move products along an assembly line.
For example, Google has been pushing similar applications through its Tango program, but those apps require a very specific phone with a special kind of camera that can tell how far objects are from it.
Parker says there's a time and a place for that kind of meeting, for example if you're gathering some creatives to pool ideas for an ad campaign, but a lack of structure is likely to yield a lack of results.
Automotive companies, for example, were against using nickel, which is costly, as a component in a new kind of rechargeable battery that ECD aimed to develop years ago.
Researchers could not determine, for example, what kind of weapon was used in nearly two - thirds of the cases because the information was unrecorded.
Certain kinds of data gathering and processing, for example, may pose risks to privacy that consumers will no longer tolerate.
Take, for example, Miles Davis's 1959 album, Kind of Blue, which is considered by many to be one of the greatest jazz albums of all time.
Last year, for example, a study conducted by Unilever — a company that does have an admittedly vested interest in knowing this kind of information — polled 20,000 consumers in five countries and 33 percent said that given the option, they would choose to buy from brands that are focused on sustainability.
A veteran of digital imaging technology, in 1999 he founded Quantitative Imaging Corp. (QImaging), a manufacturer of digital cameras for scientific and industrial uses — the kind, for example, that can detect microscopic, early - stage cancer cells.
For example, the proposed rule suggests that boards should receive data to perform its compensation oversight but does not provide clear guidance on the kinds of information boards should receive.
For example, many AdWords tools can be used for organic SEO campaigns as well, and Google frequently publishes major news and data points here, which you can use in almost any kind of marketing campaiFor example, many AdWords tools can be used for organic SEO campaigns as well, and Google frequently publishes major news and data points here, which you can use in almost any kind of marketing campaifor organic SEO campaigns as well, and Google frequently publishes major news and data points here, which you can use in almost any kind of marketing campaign.
Patagonia's mission, for example, has attracted the kind of authentic, activist employees that has led it to continually put its money where its mouth is and inspired deeper customer loyalty.
On Friday, for example, Jim Cramer took the board to task on CNBC, demanding, «When will someone finally be held accountable for this kind of sub-par performance and why do corporate boards tolerate these mistakes, keeping the flailing CEOs of these two companies [McDonald's and UPS] around for still more earnings seasons?»
At the Vitale in San Francisco, for example, the minimalist design and fitness conscious services target the kind of bourgeois bohemian who might like Dwell Magazine.
For example, merchant services can also allow you to accept other kinds of payments, such as debit cards, international payments, ACH / eChecks, mobile payments, digital wallet payments and more.
For example, what kinds of blog posts do best both on and off social media?
For example, if you search on «nurturing» vs. «lead nurturing,» you'll get all kinds of web pages related to babies.
This does not mean you need to put any kind of cap on how much you spend on, for example, travel and entertainment, providing you limit the amount you claim to what is allowed, but it does mean you should be prepared for a visit from the IRS if those numbers are uncommonly high.
Mari stays at the forefront of the industry by, as the example above, knowing what's happening now and what's next, actually using it for her audience, and wrapping all of this into a kind of heart - based marketing.
So, for example, I would argue that in the early stages of reform, especially in countries that have suffered many years of terrible economies and weak investment, crony capitalism can be consistent with high levels of growth because the kinds of programs that lead to growth — mostly massive investment programs in countries in which capital stock is excessively low — benefit the elites directly.
During this time we often also see informal kinds of partial debt forgiveness, for example when sovereign borrowers have repurchased their obligations in the secondary market at steep discounts, often secretly, or exchanged their obligations for other assets at a discount, for example the famous debt / equity swaps in several Latin American countries in the 1980s (see footnote 3).
Except under conditions where the national currency is radically devalued (for example in a financial crash and depression), it seems unlikely that such a currency could aspire to the kind of scale where it became a viable alternative.
For example, Andrew Collier, of Orient Capital, has been particularly thorough in attempting to understand these kinds of transactions.
If wage negotiations, for example, were to build in current low expected price increases — of the order of 2 to 3 per cent — that kind of behaviour would clearly produce better national outcomes than if larger increases (not backed by genuine productivity gains) were pursued and granted, only to be followed by a tightening of policy.
Commenting on rumors that banks could create their own cryptocurrencies, he says that in this example, people are referring to building some kind of technology whereby things are tokenized on the blockchain, and issued as, for example, shares or currency.
If you run an Internet Marketing blog, for example, you could segment your list by these kinds of interests:
The thread that binds this kind of SEO effort is that customers are searching for content being published on and off company web sites (inside social networks for example), but it's often difficult to find.
An index fund, for example, is a type of mutual fund, while an exchange - traded fund (ETF) is another kind of investment fund.
The return on your investment could be an asset with different kinds of value (for example, marketing, defensive, offensive, funding purposes, exit strategy).
It's important — at scale — to know which kinds of opportunities require engaged attention (from the PR department for example) and which require a templated email from an intern.
For example, under Chapter 19 of the agreement, which the US wants to eliminate, Canada and Mexico can take their complaints against the US over certain kinds of tariffs to a special international court.
For example, a welcome program that provides new inbound leads with helpful information about the problems your product or service solves, the kinds of companies you help, and where to find additional information sounds right, doesn't it?
It is not my place to tell others how they MUST live their lives it is for me to live the kind of life that is an example to others such they will want to live a better life.
In this extract from Bill Hybels» new book Holy Discontent, Hybels explains how Moses and Popeye are great examples of the kind of people God is looking for.
Losing the war made the South the South; Southern literature, for example, is all about the experiences of displaced aristocrats and a kind of very otherworldly Christianity that was the product of political defeat.
39:27 — And We have certainly presented for the people in this Qur «an from every [kind of] example — that they might remember.
For one thing, it means one isn't Jean - Paul Sartre, the «archetypal example» of anti-political, «literary politics,» a manner of «engaging with political life that deliberately... ignored reality and that preferred to remain on the level of an abstract theory or a kind of pure, contentless moralizing.»
Sylvania, for example, was «erudite and fond of literature» (a kind of patron saint for female seminarians); day and night she read the ancient Christian commentators, three million lines of Origen and two and a half million lines of Gregory, Basil, and others.
Abusive people will not accept any kind of «messy» process (like discernment and conversation, for example).
«Somebody who has for example become radicalised to a cult ideology — we might stop seeing that as a personal choice that they have chosen as a result of pure free will and may start treating it as some kind of mental disturbance.»
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