Sentences with phrase «kind of existence»

The phrase "kind of existence" is an abstract concept that refers to the nature, character or quality of life experienced by someone or something. Full definition
Indeed it is much easier to imagine the souls of the dead living on in some new kind of existence than it is to accept as fact that they have really died.
As for what kind of existence the hero is, those answers will be answered through the story.
It is hard for us to envision the possibilities for conscious being outside the narrow confines of our own kind of existence.
Everything that is actual participates in the same kind of existence, what might be called the essence or nature of actuality.
The black and white movie really illustrates this, dismal kind of existence.
It's the idyllic kind of existence you might imagine for your family.
What kind of existence can a soul have which can receive no sense impressions and make no physical response, and hence have no communication and no communion with other souls?
The fair opens Rosie's eyes to a different kind of existence in a story that's full of humor and history.
Despite this fact, I have employed it to refer to a particular kind of existence that emerged for the first time in Israel.
They all live in the valley of «Cain,» which serves as a symbol for the cursed kind of existence they must endure.
Because of their belief in this gospel of reconciliation and their experience of its power, Christians can never accept, as the only kind of existence open to nations, a state of perpetual tension leading to «inevitable» war.
The ambience of this ending reminds that the loveliness Merrick had communicated to others was suggestive of the elusive possibility of some «other» kind of existence where love and justice may be no illusion.
Because it has been so agitating at times, we continue to feel the strong tug of non-human nature, or other ahistorical lures, beckoning us to return to a more secure and predictable kind of existence.
At a later cultural stage a sharp distinction is usually made between two kinds of existence which, it is supposed, may occur separately as mindless matter and as disembodied mind but, at least in man, in an association of body and soul.
Whatever form of the statement best represents Jesus» own words, his reply to the Sadducees implies a spiritual, perhaps even incorporeal kind of existence, like Paul's conception of the spiritual body (1 Cor 15:35 - 50).
Are we to think of God as the parent who sits in the audience and watches beloved sons and daughters graduate from one kind of existence into another?
Peter sees himself as the kind of old lag who gets himself returned to jail because he can't manage any other kind of existence.
The new kind of existence that it expressed and created constituted axial existence.
In Boston - Edison, it's a different kind of existence that includes manicured lawns and well - lit streets than what I and the television journalists saw on Hogarth and the surrounding streets of Whitney, Columbus, Montgomery, Vicksburg and Lawton, which is said to be a notorious crime area.
By analyzing how strongly you feel about certain aspects of life, we can discover where your priorities lie and what kind of existence you lead.
In short, extreme and enduring inequality of potential is the essential condition for assuming the aesthetic subordination of one kind of existence to another.
Many poor escape this kind of existence for whatever solace can be found in the whiskey bottle and in hard drugs.
They exist, independently, absolutely, though we think of that kind of existence as different from physical existence.
Now the reason for my insistence upon the issue of the basis upon which the distinction into types or kinds of existence is made is because it is of the greatest relevance to Professor Buchler's charge of incoherence and arbitrariness in Whitehead's system.
In conclusion, it should be made clear that the kind of existence ideally embodied in him is reflected also in most of the Greek and Roman philosophy that followed him and looked back to him with special reverence.
They have no kind of existence precisely because they have tried to obtain indisputable existence beyond the uncertainty of the word.
If such a view of God can be found, and if we can find in our everyday experience a basis for the distinction being made, then the logical types objection will be met, because the distinction will then fall between two aspects or kinds of existence, not between property and existence in general or as such.»
After death... «if»... there is some kind of existence?
And... should there happen to be some kind of existence beyond this earthly world, then... peace and whatever comes next for her too.
Not this kind of existence going on and on, but life transformed by faith and love so as to become life of a different quality.
The infestation is deadly, but it also offers visions of deceased loved ones to the infected, hinting at the reality of an afterlife, or at least a new kind of existence that is beyond human comprehension.»
There are those who fall into substance abuse and become stuck in this kind of existence.
I've fostered many dogs rescued from mills & no dog should ever have to endure that kind of existence.
When we know that dogs are such sentient beings capable of so much emotion, who typically live with such a joy for life, this kind of existence is the cruelest form of unwarranted punishment I can imagine.
AR Sorry, I'm still absorbing the caffeine and getting over my hangover... I imagine some kind of existence with the Internet that'd be like Jason Rhoades's Black Pussy show.
Of course overall there is no * best * temperature, but if we continue at some point it will be too warm in the lower latitudes for any kind of existence.
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