Sentences with phrase «kind of experiment»

It is still unclear exactly what kind of experiments the banks are conducting at this point, and to what extent they are considering the integration of bitcoin.
There are more than 30 different kinds of experiments included in Phase - 5 research.
It was just kind of an experiment that seemed to go pretty well!
Click clock These days, new kinds of experiments using everything from computer simulations to brain scans to genetically engineered mice are helping unlock the nature of mental time.
It would be better to outline what kind of experiments you'd like to see to become convinced.
You have to learn about it from doing many different kinds of experiments, seeing when the results are like what you predicted, seeing when they're different, and so on.
It was just kind of an experiment that seemed to go pretty well!
Even if it just behaved like a generic human brain rather than my brain or yours in particular, scientists could still use it to run marvelous new kinds of experiments.
«We've known other people who have looked at genes involved in brain size evolution, tested them out and done the same kinds of experiments we've done and come up dry.»
«Several kinds of experiments indicated that the human cells were alive and making lumican, and that the tissue had rebuilt properly,» Dr. Funderburgh noted.
In August of 1971, at Stanford University, Dr. Philip Zimbardo (Billy Crudup) prepares for a most unusual kind of experiment.
BH: I think from a physics point of view there's no case to oppose looking at some of the particular kinds of experiments.
Such implants can be difficult to insert, however, and can be incompatible with many kinds of experiments, such as studies of development, during which the brain changes size, or of neurodegenerative disorders, during which the implant can interact with brain physiology.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is the same kind of experiment, but with a lot of the consensus - building happening behind closed doors.
I started visiting your blog many years ago when I first started to blog and I made a whole bunch of your recipes when my family and I went vegetarian for a month (kind of an experiment with the kids) The choice and flavors were incredible, we still eat well but I was sitting at my computer wondering what to cook tonight and thought I'd come back here.
Deciding what kind of experiment to perform and how to set it up is too particular to each situation to give it over to an algorithm.
Such plans would use the spacecraft and its single instrument to perform different kinds of experiments that would not require the exquisite pointing precision that three working reaction wheels gave Kepler.
At the Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ) at TU Wien, researchers have now demonstrated how quantum field theories can be put to the test in new kinds of experiments.
We would like to emphasize that this is not some kind of experiment.
Much of the opposition to the new rite brought in after Vatican Council II was caused by making it an excuse for introducing all kinds of experiments which were not really permitted by the rubrics.
No, I'm not suggesting he created us with flaws as a kind of experiment to see how we cope.
Are you suggesting that he creates us with flaws as a kind of experiment to see how we cope?
Living is, in fact, a kind of experiment in extremism.
Finally, I believe that these kinds of experiments can also test the validity of the present cosmological theory and of process cosmology in general.
Others thought it was some kind of experiment or study project to investigate the people of the area.
Aside from those who, like Richard Rorty, are content to say that the liberal society is their «ironic» preference, thoughtful citizens recognize that this kind of experiment must be philosophically and morally legitimated if it is to be sustained.
Saw this as a kind of experiment and it was interesting, but I do n`t like the taste and the feeling in my mouth.
I am happy to say that this was a «first time's a charm» kind of experiment.
Now that I'm more familiar in the kitchen, I think I'm ready to start branching out to this kind of experimenting — looks fun!
That's the kind of experimenting I rarely get to do anymore, where I just throw a bit of this and a bit of that into a recipe.
we may be the only top club fans that would allow the kind of experimenting that he has done over the course of his arsenal career... some has turned out good but 84 % has been awful... no manager has that kind of luxury even fergie did nt..
While experimenting and introducing new kinds of foods into your baby's diet, remember: your main task is to keep your baby healthy, and the older your child is the lesser is the chance to do him harm by this kind of experiments.
The Internet makes all of them easily accessible for these kinds of experiments, even if the sampling is non-random.
Just a few years ago, this kind of experiment was inconceivable.
Therefore, I need to start thinking about where I can go, what kind of experiments I should do, which laboratory may have the facilities I need... and I have to start making contact with them.
If this kind of experiment proves successful, Cash says, it will open up an entirely new kind of science.
We viewed it as a kind of experiment, not only to gain money but also to learn how people react; what they say, what pushback they give.
But no one is running Venter's kind of experiment.
But, you know, it has turned out there are many other unanticipated simple physical processes that have been found in the course of these kinds of experiments as well.
Lathrop is building a 10 - foot - sphere version of this kind of experiment that some believe will be the first model to convincingly imitate Earth's geodynamo.
And in a bid to cut paperwork, it urges exempting some kinds of experiments from full reviews by university committees, and doing away with literature searches for alternatives to testing.
These kinds of experiments shattered our preconceptions and forced people to think differently.
This is a profound advance in the kind of experiment available to test evolutionary theory, and it depends entirely on the progress that has been made in evolutionary developmental biology.
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