Sentences with phrase «kind of fantasy»

Whatever type of doll house kids choose, the same kind of fantasy role - playing goes on inside the miniature walls, as did when we were kids.
Fresh faces and long - time fans, fulfil your destiny and experience a brand new kind of fantasy.
This is a different kind of fantasy with a flawed hero whose character develops through the story.
This isn't the same kind of fantasy - fulfilling idea.
They have all different kinds of fantasies, but the ultimate outcome is the same.
I know there are many fantasy writers in the Writer Unboxed community, and perhaps you wonder how your particular kind of fantasy can capture the interest of publishers and agents in an age when the market often seems flooded with competitors.
In the Sept. 5 issue of Fortune, we imagined a new kind of fantasy league: one focused on business leaders, where the stats are ruled more by market cap and earnings per share than on - base percentage and earned run averages.
Sprat sought to oppose a certain kind of fantasy, but himself fell prey to it.
Deadfire might look a bit glossier tan the old Baldur's Gate - style Infinity Engine fare, but it's very much the same kind of fantasy quest.
But to place this car in the gallery seems to miss the point, offering it as an object of aesthetic contemplation and period design rather than the embodiment of a particular kind of fantasy that suffused»60s culture, that often found its expression in a burgeoning ethos of conspicuous consumption.
This literal - minded movie sells old pieties and washes away fear so thoroughly that it creates a new kind of fantasy, in which all's right with a very troubled world.
But Atwood is only a spoiler here, as this race belongs to another three - time winner: Milena Canonero, whose costumes for a different kind of fantasy, The Grand Budapest Hotel, the only best picture nominee in this category, are a showcase for her canny gift for delectably subtle affectation — for making clothes that could have been pulled out of Pharrell's closet seem like they were stitched by the mice from Cinderella.
Somewhere in between these two extremes lies his newest work, In Dreamland (2016), an installation seemingly straight out of the same kinds of fantasies that produced the hit Netflix show Stranger Things.
@TheCapitalist, I can give you all kinds of fantasy stories why we're inferior.
This is also why, during the teaching and especially after, I allow discussion so that people understand I am not trying to cram something down their throats so that they will become the kind of people I want them to be, or that the church would become the kind of fantasy church I want it to become.
Personally, I love science fiction and all kinds of fantasy and mythological books.
I'm talking about the kind of fantasy that puts Jerry Maguire to shame.
«I was painting spaceships, heroes and comic books, and drawing all this kind of fantasy art, and Star Wars was everything.
I would also still take Reggie White over Smith as a defensive end if ever given the chance to pick between the two (in some kind of fantasy football heaven).
It would be dangerous for Labour to rely on this impression: this kind of fantasy rarely survives a general election campaign.
Research has always been a kind of fantasy job for people and it is perceived as «we love so much what we do we don't need to earn money to do it» (maybe this is my personal opinion only), but we are human beings, we need more than love and water!
Early on — when Alex and I first got our own place — I also entertained all kinds of fantasies about how to spend more time in the lab.
When you aren't together, it's all kind of a fantasy.
This quick - date method works for many because you don't have time to build any kind of fantasy or unrealistic expectations.
Movies, travel, All kind of fantasy
As a matter of fact, they are searching for a true and grounded rapport, not some kind of fantasy seen on magazines, blogs and TV shows.
Badly written, badly cast and done on the cheap in the Canadian woods, Flash is the kind of fantasy toss - off that gives sci - fi, and Sci Fi, a bad name.
Fun if predictable, the kind of fantasy where our heroes have a gunfight with a whole army and never get shot even once.
The fantasy adventure follows a young boy named Kubo (Art Parkinson) who gets caught up in the kind of fantasy adventures with which he usually entertains his village.
Even the trailer doesn't give much away — a young woman comes into possession of a metal badge which transports her from the humdrum normality of middle America into some kind of fantasy world.
Much of the second half of the film involves some kind of fantasy of Abe's so much so that you lose your investment in what's happening: if you're never quite clear if what's happening is, well, actually happening, it becomes hard to care, and despite some moments that could have been moving towards the finale, the film never gets out of the muddy waters.
This is not that kind of fantasy.
The heaven Susie occupies looks a little like a Flower Power world in the kind of fantasy that, murdered in 1973, she might have imagined.
And we had this kind of fantasy, unintentionally built.
The trouble with this kind of fantasy is the whole process gets rather addictive.
So when she came up with a light, warm, humorous fantasy series set here and now using fairy tales, she didn't want to confuse her readers and make the readers that liked one kind of fantasy and not the other angry.
Here's one that sticks with you: it's an often slapstick spoof of all kinds of fantasy conventions set in an alternative universe where Pilgrim Parties from our Earth have for years been wreaking havoc by forcing the weary kings, lords, wizards, and others to role - play as the forces of the Dark Lord or the Forces of Good in order to provide exciting vacations for the tourists.
When u have stress at your work or school, you can just turn your console on and there you go — into some kind of fantasy world, have a chance for at once just be really inside something else than your usual «boring» life.
Have you ever owned or at least read any kind of fantasy comic where the plot's as generic as you can get, but the characters and backgrounds look amazing?
This is an important first step toward the future that I'm talking about because it challenges the notion that the kinds of fantasies gamers are interested in are inaccessible to a broad audience.
I would imagine a lot of children experience this kind of fantasy.
Using a seriously good imagination and plenty of patience, she creates all kinds of fantasy worlds for the happy, sleeping little one to explore.
Mr. Fast, an Israeli immigrant to the United States now living in Berlin, seems to have intended the Cohan gallery «waiting room» not as a replication of any real Chinatown but as the kind of fantasy version of immigrant neighborhoods evoked to justify «slum clearance.»
NS: People have often said that your paintings have a very cinematic quality and here we are in Italy and I'm conscious of the fact that very recently they've reissued, in Britain at least, Fellini's 8 1/2 and the kind of fantasy that is expressed in that kind of cinema.
You could say one was superior to the other and play those games, but the thing was that before coming here, I had a kind of fantasy about what was really going on.
The New York Times declared it a «serious misfire» and «the kind of fantasy version of immigrant neighbourhoods evoked to justify «slum clearance»».
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