Sentences with phrase «kind of fiber in»

Studies show that consuming wheat can reduce the risk of breast cancer 41 % more than other kinds of fiber in pre-menopausal woman!
They have three different kinds of fiber in its wool: soft underwool (gentle waves and shine), awn fluff (crimped with a hooked end) and awn hair (guard hairs which are strong and straight).

Not exact matches

When the carbon fiber material undergoes a kind of heating process known as curing, it can become «stronger than steel for the same mass of material,» explained Facebook Connectivity Lab director Yael Maguire in a blog post.
I opened up all my cupboards, thought about what kind of nutrition I wanted to get out of my snack (fiber, vitamins, minerals, protein, carbs, heathy fats), chopped a dark chocolate bar in half, turned on my hob, added some water to a small pot, took out a bowl and threw in a bunch of seemingly random ingredients, rolled that dough into truffles, dipped them in what was by then melted chocolate, stuck the truffles in the freezer for 8 minutes and BAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! They were ready!
I just wonder (from a New Year's resolution kind of standpoint) if taking off the skin significantly reduces the dietary fiber content in the hummus.
This type of fiber is associated with reduced metabolic syndrome, a reduction in LDL cholesterol (the bad kind), decreased risk of heart disease, and improved digestive function.
Vegan and gluten - free, it's packed with four kinds of veggies, chickpeas (which are rich in fiber and protein) and a drool - inducing maple - tahini sauce.
The two kinds of fiber present in every seed (soluble and
The type of fiber they're loaded with is insoluble fiber — the kind that helps to lower «bad» cholesterol while feeding the «good» gut bugs in your microbiome, because it doesn't break down until it hits the large intestine.
This morning, I fried a couple in some ghee and laid them on a slice of Great Harvest's High Five Fiber bread for a kind of open - faced sandwich.
Super-strong Binchotan charcoal — the kind often used in yakitori grills and water purifiers — is blended into the fibers of this Morihata towel.
Filled with fiber and high in iron, you'll want swap it in for rice and barley in all kinds of dishes.
High - fiber salads, just sitting in the refrigerator waiting to be scooped onto a serving plate, are my kind of meal on a busy day.
It's rich in vitamin C, fiber, antioxidants and protein «'' great nutrients for athletes of all kinds.
But, though it is sweet, it is loaded with nutrition from protein in the yogurt and fiber and all kinds of nutrients in fresh fruit.
In the morning she eats fruit mixed with a 4 grain cereal and for her evening meal she has some kind of protein, vegetables and fiber.
In work they will present at the Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition (OFC), held 19 - 23 March in Los Angeles, California, USA, researchers with Japan's National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) describe the development of a new kind of an integrated optical switch, made using silicon photonics technologies in highly efficient wayIn work they will present at the Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition (OFC), held 19 - 23 March in Los Angeles, California, USA, researchers with Japan's National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) describe the development of a new kind of an integrated optical switch, made using silicon photonics technologies in highly efficient wayin Los Angeles, California, USA, researchers with Japan's National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) describe the development of a new kind of an integrated optical switch, made using silicon photonics technologies in highly efficient wayin highly efficient ways.
«Most studies looking at benefits from soluble corn fiber are trying to solve digestion problems, and we are the first to determine that this relationship of feeding certain kind of fiber can alter the gut microbiome in ways that can enhance health,» Weaver said.
«The cells and fibers of the brain and [spinal] cord must carry some kind of individual identification tags,» he wrote in 1963.
The supplement was enough to promote the kind of healthy interplay between microbiota and host cells seen in mice given a diet high in plant fiber.
While many kinds of organisms (even single - celled ones) can swim, reach, float, squirm and even roll, only animals have developed muscle fiber, which has allowed us to move in a wider variety of ways and heave around vastly more weight.
Compared with samples from 26 residents of Montreal, the samples from Resolute Bay were remarkably similar, indicating a similar kind of diet: low in fiber, high in fat.
In addition to providing protein, pulses are rich in filling, blood - sugar regulating fiber, as well as resistant starch, a unique kind of carb thatâ $ ™ s been shown to naturally up your bodyâ $ ™ s fat - burning furnacIn addition to providing protein, pulses are rich in filling, blood - sugar regulating fiber, as well as resistant starch, a unique kind of carb thatâ $ ™ s been shown to naturally up your bodyâ $ ™ s fat - burning furnacin filling, blood - sugar regulating fiber, as well as resistant starch, a unique kind of carb thatâ $ ™ s been shown to naturally up your bodyâ $ ™ s fat - burning furnace.
The best rep range for type - II muscle fibers (the kind you can see), is somewhere in the vicinity of 8 to 12 reps.
In addition to the «good» kind of fats flaxseed also contains fiber and is known to ease inflammation.
Eating a diet rich in fiber — especially the kind of fiber found in whole grains — reduces the risk of dying at an early age from a range of causes, a new government study suggests.
If you're experiencing any or all of these symptoms, you may be eating too much fiber, consuming it too quickly, consuming the wrong kind of fiber, or be in need of some extra vitamin C and more protein.
Dave Asprey: It's interesting, when I was writing the Bulletproof Diet book, I really dug in on the butyric acid angle and found two different studies that talked about what many in the Paleo community all know, if you eat some kind of fiber, vegetables, or starch, then the bacteria in your lower intestine can make butyric acid.
(Soluble fiber is the type of fiber best known for helping reduce LDL cholesterol, the bad kind, and it also plays a role in helping us to feel full.)
A review of 67 studies showed that diets high in soluble fiber, like the kind in steel - cut oats, decrease total and LDL («bad») cholesterol.
[9] The thing is that beta - glucan contained in oats is a soluble form of fiber that dissolves in the digestive tract and forms a kind of a thick gel, which binds to excess cholesterol within the gut and thus prevents it from being absorbed.
Sweeteners of all kinds, even unrefined versions, are best consumed in moderation and with fiber.
Dr. David Jockers:... causing inflammation in their body, and they're thinking, «Well, I'm getting the fiber, right,» which is kind of like — you know — the main reason why people eat oatmeal.
It's kind of a dumb distinction, so just eat lots of plant matter that's fairly low in calories and high in micronutrients and fiber.
Do eat natural whole foods that have the kind of fiber we and our probiotic gut flora co-evolved eating; mainly, resistant starch from in - ground starches like potatoes and soluble fiber from fruits and vegetables.
I tend to see this not emphasized enough in kind like the bro science body building mass gain, become extremely fit kinda industry so love the idea of eating more fiber and nutrients and...
I like to slip in different fibers so my digestive system doesn't get used to the same kind of cleanser, and chia, oats, and flax are my favorite additions.
A morning staple, oatmeal has protein, and plenty of all the right kinds of fiber, which helps people who eat it in the morning feel fuller longer (this is a phenomenon called «satiety»).
Don't do this and you'll end up neglecting all kinds of muscle fibers in the upper chest.
Also important in menopause and progesterone is also... it's kind of like fiber.
They are packed with protein and fiber, low in calories and not to mention all kinds of healthy minerals, 2 - B vitamins and iron.
This type of fiber is associated with reduced metabolic syndrome, a reduction in LDL cholesterol (the bad kind), decreased risk of heart disease, and improved digestive function.
Kimchi is rich in vitamins, iron, calcium, and iron, and also low in fat and high in fiber, kimchi's; its greatest health benefit is a result of its fermentation process that creates good or «healthy» bacteria (the same kind found in yogurt or sauerkraut) which in turn, preserves the vegetables and gives them their distinctive tangy flavor.
In addition, the effects of fiber type after any kind of training could differ, depending on the time period over which you measure force.
So when you have soluble fiber in your diet it creates that liquid lubricated environment and then the insoluble fiber helps to kind of push it through and carry it all through your intestinal walls.
Anyways, after my visit with Dr. Toby, I rushed home to make you the video below, in which I give you a step - by - step guide to testing your gut for nasty invaders, along with how to see if you have bacterial overgrowth, yeast or fungus issues, the right kind of bacteria in your colon, not enough fiber in your diet, fat malabsorption, pancreatic insufficiency and much more!
What I wanted to show you here was it's a powder right but what happens is that this fiber actually as you can see this is when it's, when water is added to it, it turns into a gel and that's literally i mean once you mix it up and shake it like I just shake it in a water bottle, it literally turns into this gel and you can see the soluble fiber so you can see that it contains soluble fiber and there's insoluble fiber in here so you literally are drinking this and you're putting this goo through your intestines which really helps to create hydration it creates an environment where your intestines are just cleaning out so I highly recommend this product fiberzon, it's an organic product, it supports amazon rainforest research and I use it myself and I absolutely love it as you can see I mean imagine this going through your intestines and just you know pulling things out of there so it's kind of gooey, i'm going to throw this away now, you can see what soluble fiber actually looks like, it's kind of cool to see soluble and insoluble fiber so it looks kind of gross and disgusting but it really doesn't taste that bad once you get used to it.
Vegan diets, rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and legumes are much more likely to easily yield the amount and kind of fiber your body needs to maintain good digestive health.
Soluble fiber should be consumed moreso within the winter months because soluble fiber like I said breaks down into a liquid, it becomes sort of a gel, a gelatinous, gooey kind of substance and what it does it hydrates your internal, your body internally and it creates a kind of a coats the walls of your intestines with this gel, this sort of mucus if you will and it creates a slippery environment in your intestines so that when you eat food or consume drinks or food or anything it slips through and it slides through the intestines like it should as opposed to getting stuck and creating intestinal backup, colon backup and things like that.
Whereas in the summer time it actually slows down and it cools down and that's why insoluble fiber is better because it helps, it's roughage it helps to kind of slow down overall digestion but you need both of them in your diet to have a healthy gut and healthy digestive system overall.
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