Sentences with phrase «kind of fruit»

The recipe was such a snap that I plan on giving it another go with different kinds of fruit.
Be wary of what kind of fruits or vegetables you have in your home, as some of them are not recommended to be given to rabbits.
Great idea, and I really like that they are not overly sweet, unlike every other kind of fruit based bar.
The key is to eat many kinds of fruits and vegetables.
You are the most wonderful kind of fruit salad.
Several kinds of fruits and veggies, such as pears and broccoli, can get things back on track, along with fruit juice and water.
Then you will automatically produce the right kind of fruit.
You can toss fresh blueberries or other kinds of fruit into your pancakes.
I'm thinking especially about the kind of antioxidants that occur in the much touted blueberries and broccoli, and other various kinds of fruit, berries and vegetables.
It's so thick, you need to eat it with a spoon and the flavor centers around my favorite kind of fruit.
Be aware of what kind of fruits, leafy greens, and vegetables you have in your home as some are rabbit - safe and others are not.
This recipe is easy to modify as you can add different kinds of fruits and change up the yogurt flavor if you want.
I like to make sure we ALWAYS have bananas on hand as well as multiple other kinds of fruit.
Since my smoothies normally have at least 2 different kinds of fruit in them, though (see my blueberry muffin power smoothie), I've had to do something to make up for the lost fruit.
The regulations by the European Union forbidding the sale of certain kinds of fruits
In my opinion, the main differences in all of these recipes are what is used in the milky base, the different kinds of fruit used and the sweetener, if used.
I love jucing carrots with different kinds of fruits like banana, kiwi, strawberries etc..
Hm what kind of fruit did you have in mind?
Rest assured, we have good news; there's a new kind of fruit snack that has the crave - worthy taste your family wants and the nutrition you've been missing: FroozerⓇ!
Rest assured, we have good news; there's a new kind of fruit snack that has the crave - worthy taste your family wants and the nutrition you've been missing: FroozerⓇ!
Tom is a right wing fundamentalist, in Jesus's time they were called Pharisees, his responses are the only kind of fruit a tree like him can bear.
When I read about Domestic Goddess» sugar - high fridays, the idea of cooking them Tatin's style came to me - it's one of the richest kind of fruit pie, right?
A few individuals from three different kinds of fruit bats tested positive for an immune response to the disease or had pieces of its RNA in their cells, although no one has yet found the actual virus in these bats.
Apples and oranges are supposedly hard to compare and this list is more akin to ranking dozens of different kind of fruits belonging to a wide variety of species.
As for the specific kinds of fruits that are safe for hamsters, cherries are definitely one of them, along with raspberries, apples, strawberries, cranberries, bananas, blueberries, mangoes, melons, blackberries and lychees.
Ream painted nearly every available kind of fruit, both combining different species and showing single kinds.
For a series of Prang «dessert pictures,» he painted tabletop displays of fruit and other foods amid luxurious containers and embroidered cloths; he also depicted groupings of single kinds of fruit in natural surroundings.
A scion exchange can be a great way to grow rare and unusual kinds of fruit.
And there's one I can't find anywhere, and can't remember anything about the title, but can picture some of the illustrations... It was about a little girl who found «magic ground» and whatever she planted and nourished would grow a tree of the same kind of fruit.
The regulations by the European Union forbidding the sale of certain kinds of fruits and vegetables due to size.
Me: What kind of fruit do you want today Mr. Caterpillar?
As usual feel free to customise these to your own liking by adding different kinds of fruits like raspberries and strawberries, or maybe you want to leave out the spirulina and turmeric and keep the dough white, there are no rules!
Many different kinds of foods are high in FODMAPs, such as wheat, beans, garlic and onions, and many kinds of fruits and veggies.
While you're making dinner, toss together a bowl of several kinds of fruit, such as apples, bananas, berries, melon and citrus fruits, and stick it in the refrigerator.
You probably already have a good idea of whether you qualify as an apple, a pear, an hourglass, or goodness knows what other kind of fruit or vegetable; and you'll know how to dress to make the most of your shape.
Grandpa was able to graft 3 different kinds of fruit on one tree!
The sugar in a candy bar is added sugar, while the sugar in an apple — or any other kind of fruit — is natural sugar.
DUBNER: So, to summarize your overall argument about our rise and fall of American growth: would it be an overstatement to say that there was a lot of low - hanging fruit — physical and labor, and all other kinds of fruit that we picked beautifully and ate hungrily, and we did really well with — and that those things, once used up, that kind of gain will never appear again as far as you can see?
Rev 22:1 - 2 — Then he showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city; also, on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.
Jesus dropped the threat of judgment but reflected on the metaphor itself (Q 6:43): There are indeed different kinds of fruit trees, as anyone living on the land knows, and each bears its own kind of fruit.
Lent is a time to take stock of the kind of fruit we bear.
Jesus teaches that everybody produces some kind of fruit.
So how do you develop this kind of fruit in your life?
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