Sentences with phrase «kind of holistic approach»

It affects everything, not just the brain but your entire body as a kind of holistic approach.

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Touted as the first of their kind, the guidelines, however, largely mirror best practice recommendations that MomsTEAM Institute has long advocated that independent sports programs adopt as part of a holistic approach to safety using a process spelled out in the International Safeguards for Children of Sports, which MTI played a part in developing as part of a 38 - member global coalition of sports safety NGO's, and that is embodied in its SmartTeams program.
We love her webinars which provide a holistic approach to help relieve any kind of pelvic pain and pelvic floor dysfunction.
There is two kinds of DO's — ones who practice medicine and don't say bullshit like «unlike ALLOPATHS, osteopaths treat the «whole patient» with a holistic approach», and ones who are chiropractors with prescription rights.
«It's more of a holistic approach to discover what kind of people are more likely to develop an addiction,» said Vaghefi.
Ultimately, I hope to create a directory so the kinds of doctors who are reconnected to the lineage of the true healer can connect with the kinds of patients who are seeking that holistic approach in a physician.
You're the kind of person who likes a more holistic approach to health that includes science, psychology, heart and soul
Check out: John Oursler's which has Phoenix and Tangerine and The Tribe; Kyle Turner takes a more holistic «best of» approach of with all sorts of personal notes and thus personal obsessions like Noah Baumbach, Spectre, and such; David Poland published his but without commentary of any kind.
There are some basic health approaches, just like for ourselves — eat fresh, local food; avoid toxins (like flea treatments and vaccines); get plenty of the right kind of exercise; have a job you love to do and an abundance of love and play; when ill use holistic approaches like TCVM (traditional Chinese veterinary medicine), chiropractic and homeopathy.
Scottish law is more developed in this respect and has, for some years, adopted a holistic approach to both kinds of protection.
Well, this kind of dilemma for those first time drivers is due to their lack of driving education which covers not only the holistic approach of handling the driving mechanically and psychologically which every driving schools are offering.
You need to apply the holistic approach that is including the kind of language you should use.
«Payfirma's growth since their launch has been nothing short of spectacular,» noted Josh Heppner, COO of Sutton West Coast, «their leadership and execution combined with their innovative and holistic approach to working with our numerous payment cycles and systems is truly one of a kind — we are thrilled to be partnered with them.»
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