Sentences with phrase «kind of human nature»

It's kind of human nature to think that extra words = high - quality.

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Forasmuch as each man is a part of the human race, and human nature is something social, and has for a great and natural good, the power also of friendship; on this account God willed to create all men out of one, in order that they might be held in their society not only by likeness of kind, but also by bond of kindred.
But this «kinder and gentler» view of divine justice would still require a substantial reordering of both human wills and nature.
In my opinion, however, many, many Christians are unbelievably naive when it comes to human nature and the kinds of power dynamics exposed in this conversation.
A kind of «field» theory of human nature is evidently needed.
We look to the Bible for insights about the nature of God, the nature of humans, the nature of our relationship to God and the world and each other, and the kind of life that is appropriate to these.
First, since process thought concerns itself with the totality of human experience, it must necessarily take very seriously the fact of the religious vision and the claim of countless millions of people of every race and nation and age to have enjoyed some kind of contact with a reality greater than humankind or nature, through which refreshment and companionship have been given.
The remainder of this chapter will be concerned with three other kinds of human relations — economic, political, and familial — and with what the sciences centrally concerned with them tell about human nature and its transformations.
God in His will through history had into reality seemingly illogical or cruel events to happen in our world, but no one is spared if the purpose is for the good of humanity, wars pestilence even the holocust has a reason and purpose beyond our comprehension at our times but will be reveald in the future, The Phillipine catasthrophy for example is viewed by some as Gods punishment, we experienced the brunt of natures punishing power but it also unveiled the true feelings and concern of the whole world in helping us materially and spiiritually by aiding and consoling us that was unprecedented in history, The whole world had demostrated, to me, a kind of humanitarian concern and love that trancends races and culture, A kind of demonstration by higher being the we humans is one with Him.The cost of human lives and misery is nothing in history compared to its positve historical consequences
Positive values result when the human personality is confronted with objects and enters into situations where there is some kind of correspondence between the person's nature and the nature of the objects and situations.
It is most certainly within human nature to be selfish and to be born dead spiritually but that does not mean that we need to be threatened, beaten or kicked into some kind of religious conversion.
In taking this sixth step, Christians affirm that the «tendency toward the human and the humane (toward «Christ») in the ultimate nature of things» which has existed since the beginning of time «has become evident and clear only now in the new order of relationships just coming into view» in the Christian community To be sure, «any community which becomes a vehicle in history of more profoundly humane patterns of life» can be a part of this new order, but the events around Jesus have at least a kind of priority as its first clear manifestation.
Both describe a kind of isolated individualism that is a human construction that would require constant technological maintenance against the real impulses of nature — a world so unnatural or unerotic that people would even be repulsed by the idea of natural reproduction.
This is not an ultimate community whose solidarity is an expression of an ahistorical human nature or derived from some nonhuman objective reality, but the kind of democratic community endorsed by thinkers like Dewey.
In this kind of society essential qualities of human nature are sacrificed to productive efficiency (and to the consequent consumptive abundance).
It is generally believed that the laws, customs, and rituals by which the particular system is defined are written into the nature of things, and that the social structure is but a true reflection of the innate qualities of human nature in its several kinds.
Human dignity is «to be found in the kind of life that honors and upholds the peculiar nature that is ours.»
If the church did not maintain a voice in the contemporary debate about the nature of reality and the purpose of human life, it could not hold or attract the kind of leaders it needed for the future.
When evolutionary theory brought human beings into nature, this kind of dualism faded.
The structure of the ideal society Can not be finally prescribed, nor can we directly create a new order, The stuff of human history and human nature simply does not permit that kind of attack.
Nevertheless, Kass is right, I believe, to think that none of the secular versions of immortality, the kind science might give us, can satisfy our deeper yearnings, assuming we have them as part of our human nature.
Traditions of every kind, hoarded and manifested in gesture and language, in schools, libraries, museums, bodies of law and religion, philosophy and science — everything that accumulates, arranges itself, recurs and adds to itself, becoming the collective memory of the human race — all this we may see as no more than an outer garment, an epiphenomenon precariously superimposed upon all the other edifices of Nature (the only truly organic ones, as it may appear): but it is precisely this optical illusion which we have to overcome if our realism is to reach to the heart of the matter.
It is idle to appeal to human nature to settle disputes about matters of this kind.
However, this «new kind of reality,» who is Jesus, is an emergent manifestation of God in human life emanating from within creation: «a unique manifestation of apossibility always inherently there for human beings by virtue of their potential nature being created by God... a new mode of human existence emerged through Jesus» openness to God making him a God informed human being» (ibid).
The universe, as scientific study has disclosed it to us, is open to this kind of subtle and vigorous movement of spiritual power working in and through human nature.
Fuller's is the kind of notion that attracts Dillard in all her work, from Pilgrim at Tinker Creek to Teaching: a metaphor to describe the human encounter with nature.
There is a second kind of veneration, called «hyperdulia,» which is applied to the highest human nature — chiefly to the sacred Humanity of our Lord, Jesus Christ Himself.
The first thing to give us pause, as we survey the progress of human collectivization, is what I would call the inexorable nature of a phenomenon which arises directly and automatically out of the conjunction of two factors, both of a structural kind: first, the confined surface of the globe, and secondly, the incessant multiplication, within this restricted space, of human units endowed by ever - improving means of communication with a rapidly increasing scope for action; to which may be added the fact that their advanced psychic development makes them preeminently capable of influencing and inter-penetrating one another.
It is natural for us as human beings to breathe, sleep, eat, walk, talk — it is part of the nature of the human being to do that kind of thing.
Now what I want to know is, What other sort of nature is there beside human nature, and how does this connect with the age - old Christian belief that there is a personal destiny, a continuity of some kind between this life and the life hereafter?
When we humans were primitive thousands of years ago, we survived because nature provided us the basic conditions for life, that is called anthropic environment that until now sustained our existence, We as creatures never affect the environmental balance, but today because of many synthetic products our existence had endangered nature, that awareness developed a kind of concern for us to correct some of what we seemed us environmental abuse, That is the phiysical or material aspect of reality, in the spiritual part of our responsibility we also began to realize the meaninglessness of our existence without God, and for the atheists the reverse, Why do you think is the reason?
His whole code and one's allegiance to it suggest, however, that somehow, somewhere, human beings have acquired the faculty of imposing meaning on the meaningless; and this imposed order becomes a kind of substitute for an intelligible universe, which may or may not be presided over by a Nature greater than our own.
It must be emphasized that «religious intuition» as Hall uses the term is a kind of mystical sense of oneness with nature, closely associated with the Taoist ideal of wu - chih or knowledge in accordance with the natures of things, a sense of «human participation in» or «constatic unity» with nature (UP 400).
Man is ontologically no more or less real than any other kind of complex, and human orders are continuous with other orders of nature.
So according to him, Sakhkhara does not mean the conquest or exploitation of nature rather it should be a kind of relationship in accordance with God's laws and responsibility of the human beings as vicegerents of God.
It is my theological sense of the doctrine of man which says that any system that expects to work with human nature must have some kind of incentives built into it, a profit motive for example, or adequate rewards for labor.
So are the miracle wheat and rice of the Green Revolution, the technology of behavior modification proposed by B. F. Skinner, 1 and the computerized model of the global ecology produced by the authors of The Limits to Growth.2 This kind of reasoning operates within the limits of what is possible as defined by (1) the available material and human resources, (2) the laws of nature, and (3) the state of knowledge at the time.
From the quality of this kind of love in the human situation, Hosea came to discern the nature of the love of YHWH for his people, Israel.
Learn a bit more about history and the nature of human kind — you might see some amazing similarities.
This kind of repeated application of the proposition that Yahweh's dominant sphere of self - disclosure is history rather than nature is responsible for the persistent biblical address to human history and the full range of human life and human existence.
The postwar paganism also gives its converts directions for their conduct in practical life; and these directions are of the kind which human nature craves for: they are simple, clear, concrete and confident.
Skills and technology of all kinds may be admirable, but the tyrannical or greedy use of human power over nature is a failure deriving from human sin, not from God's intention in creation.
For example, there were those who believed that our Lord did not really have a human body and a human nature, and such people by their teaching imperiled the Christian assertion that God had acted for us in one of our own kind, and therefore in a way which we, men and women with bodies and human nature, could grasp and be grasped by.
In his tentative and incomplete fashion, he was feeling his way towards acceptance of a kind of natural law and an affirmation of universal human nature.
Also showcasing: its full range of sustainable skincare products that are kind to both human and nature (Denmark).
This method of farming serves as a great reminder of the bountiful capabilities inherent in Mother Nature and how the right kind of human intervention can be the best formula for yielding a safe and delicious harvest.
In Two Kinds Of Society, Corneilius writes about detached and attached societies, detached not only vis - a-vis children, but detached or attached in a more general sense, as to their relationship to nature, other people and innate human capacities.
This kind of interdisciplinary engagement may also have the side benefit of heightening the theorist's reflective awareness of the underlying sociological assumptions — about power, human nature, the main tendencies of social life and so on — that s / he inevitably makes in constructing a political vision of how the world ought to be.
While human technology has brought about some of our current troubles, nature's own biological technology has not been kind to the modern sperm either.
«This kind of research is needed to fully understand the bidirectional nature of the human - dog relationship.»
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