Sentences with phrase «kind of language»

It clearly follows that the study of manners, one of the most powerful and commonly used kinds of language, is of considerable importance.
What kind of language do we hear when members speak about our school life?
In the process there would be a discovery of the different kinds of language that are used.
Using the same kind of language makes you seem more familiar.
Years later, the scientists received a vital new clue when the same kind of language disorder was identified in an unrelated 5 - year - old boy.
To know the right keywords, just look at some job postings in your field, and see what kind of language is used to describe key skills and job titles.
Is it the same kind of language as that in which we say, «The battle of Hastings was fought in 1066» or «Water is composed of oxygen and hydrogen»?
What really frosts my backside is that much of the church is so concerned with whom marries whom, or whom is sleeping with whom, or what kind of language people use or what they eat and drink that the systemic injustices are allowed to run past with nary a blink.
How far have they explored a fetish, and what kind of language do they like to use?
Louise Bourgeois (1911 — 2010) invented a new kind of language for sculpture — a language that was essentially psychoanalytic, uniquely capable of expressing oedipal struggle, ominous forces of repression, sexual symbolism and material uncanniness.
The second kind of language in the Creeds is what I should want to call by a word that I hope is not too outlandish: «ontological.»
At this point we take up some hints from the distinctions between various kinds of language - games, which is a particularly important insight for Christian educators.
To speak, then, of the «God - hypothesis» may be to use a misleading kind of language, to put up the wrong frames of reference and to suggest that we look for God - answers to questions where such answers would be out of place.
There he develops a distinction between ordinary language («It was very cold») and two other kinds of language, each of which transforms ordinary language in the interest of certain purposes.
The whole approach strikes me as too academic, a new kind of language game for intellectuals rather than a practical attempt to make social and educational reforms.
Because our intimations of God are so often placed within the wrong kind of world view, operating with the wrong kind of language, our students are liable to conclude that the whole story is nonsense, and therefore they are frustrated because they have no place to fit whatever visions they may have into a world view that makes sense of their visions.
It is assumed to be a poor, debased kind of language used for dysfunctional social purposes.
What's really important is not what kind of language Ebonics isn't, but what kind it is.
Music and rhythm creates connection because, as Cirelli says, synchronous movement is its own kind of language — a language of affection.
Christensen is aware of the strong class differences among children as reflected in school achievement, but he is convinced by research that shows that a great part of intellectual ability is determined by the experience of the first 36 months of life, particularly the amount and kind of language directed to children.
Keep in Mind: Students who have been living in the U.S. may have moved between different kinds of language programs and classrooms even within the same school, and there may be significant gaps in both their home language and their English skills.
They remind me of Ken Price in that quintessentially Californian kind of language, but brought right up to date.»
To get at that you'll need to use the right kind of language, whether it's a guarantee, testimonials or some other tactic, to assure people you have what they need.
Dyslexia, dysgraphia, and various kinds of language - based disorders make themselves very pronounced when children are learning to write.
In a commentary on the work in the same issue, Steven Pinker, a cognitive scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, says this «smoking gun for a genetic cause of one kind of language disorder» should motivate researchers to search for possible genetic explanations of cognitive deficits in general, as well as potential treatments.
«We had to have a new image and a new kind of language to appeal to a younger generation of women,» recalls one of the founding Guerrilla Girls, who goes by «Liubov Popova.»
And Sam Messer was such a good teacher because he understood young people's concerns about what being an artist is, specifically those making paintings, what kind of language of expression they should have, and so on.
This kind of language increases the likelihood that the person will answer positively.
Define the kind of language and comments that are unacceptable and may cause users to be blocked from your community.
«I don't think there's a place for that kind of language in any part of society, not in locker rooms, not in football players» homes, not in anyplace.
Tell them what they will gain from it, and use the kind of language they will find familiar.
This is not the kind of language we are used to seeing on U.S. company websites when the jig is up.
However, Mr. Zuckerberg insisted that the company does not discriminate against Republican employees and that its definition for what kind of language should be kept off the platform was rooted in common sense.
The great disagreement among people is over the meaning of perfected dignity, even if they do not use this kind of language.
i understand why we use that kind of language.
So we like all the big «save the world» kind of language but we ourselves need quite a bit of saving (at which point he chuckles).
To be perfectly honest, I'm a little uncomfortable using this kind of language to describe the publication process.
The sacramental voice of the priests (identified in scholarship as «the priestly tradition»)-- a kind of language markedly absent in our shrill moralisms — insists that when old patterns of meaning are destroyed, one may find refuge in liturgic construals of ordered holiness.
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