Sentences with phrase «kind of limitation»

Since a huge majority of cover letters for railroad safety inspector position are submitted electronically, it is important to determine what kind of limitations you might face.
On the other hand, if we made this move we would be choosing, consciously or unconsciously, a suburban model of development, one which would put a different kind of limitation on our church's ministry.
That being said, I am mindful that the Kindle Paperwhite is limited by the fact that it is an electronic device and has many of the same kinds of limitations a computer does.
Duncan J. Watts writes: «Real science occurs in the same messy ambiguous world that scientists struggle to clarify, and is done by real people who suffer the same kind of limitations and confusions as anybody else....
The Reticule — How much scope is there for creating your own tracks, what kind of limitations are there going to be?
We mention all of this because you can choose the greatest web hosting service in the world, but if your ISP is putting some kind of limitations on your site, or trying to charge you unaffordable fees to reach a wider audience, your hosting service isn't going to matter.
Print imposed the kind of limitations that force us to work harder for the reader.
Now there is no cure whatever for this kind of limitation, and it seems to me but one instance of the intrinsic limit of the human situation, and this might reasonably be expected to recur in other fields in man's search for truth.
However, with the increase in the popularity of bisexual dating sites, come all kinds of limitations and obstacles.
That is kind of a limitation with some matchmaking firms.
Freedom: The online dating website will offer you higher level freedom which means that you would be able to find the dates according to your wish without any kind of limitation at all.
It allows freedom for customization and eliminates all kinds of limitations.
If you are uncomfortable with this kind of limitation, you should apply for a true cash back card.
Now, given that I have funds in it, it appears that I can not transfer those funds to another account via bank transfer (my wife has account in the same bank) as cash accounts have this kind of limitation.
That makes it seem like there will be some kind of limitations on these certificates and that might just be the case after some bad news today.
But in your 1985 Wizard's Lair — one of my personal favourite games, incidentally — you came up with a mechanic which circumvented these kind of limitations: the elevators.
They believe that the capitalist system can deal with all kinds of limitations, that technology, say, can easily overcome any constraints on growth posed by limited reserves of oil or other natural resources.
Without those, we might as well be using Internet Explorer, and that's the same kind of limitation you feel when you use Chrome Mobile or Firefox Mobile on Android.
And he was elected in 2016 to his first term in Congress, representing northern Palm Beach, Martin and St. Lucie counties, with the support of the National Rifle Association — which opposes the kinds of limitations Mast wants to see enacted.
The only time you should share personal information is if you have some kind of limitation, like a handicap or external responsibility that will affect your potential daily tasks.
Take the time to explain the possible drawbacks of this kind of limitation.
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