Sentences with phrase «kind of magic»

But there is a different kind of magic at work here too.
Round up everything that you still like, but never quite fit correctly and head to a local tailor to see what kind of magic he can perform.
I am hoping readers will work that same kind of magic for Aurora.
It's a special kind of magic when a disabled cat finds such a large forever family and an important job.
There are a lot of spices — like leafy green ones — that are safe for baby, flavorful, and work their own kind of magic.
That's kind of the magic of Sea Of Thieves.
It does not mean that repentance does not bear social fruits; it does mean that repentance practiced for the sake of such fruits is a bad kind of magic.
Or maybe their overnight appearances simply seem like a sinister kind of magic.
But anyway, as it happens with most kinds of magic, these Pants did their job a little too well.
These elements can be combined in an options menu and mixed with different items to create multiple kinds of magic effects.
The only time I felt as happy again was when my darling daughter was born; it's a different kind of magic and delight that only our children can fill our lives with.
I can't wait to see what kind of magic she works in the rest of the house.
It's the sum of all the parts coming together in a special kind of magic.
He speaks of the net of St. Peter and the snare of Satan, each of which represents a different kind of magic in which one can become enmeshed.
When we let the high and low - sublime and ridiculous - coexist, a certain kind of magic happens.
I'm not sure what kind of magic spell you cast you your apple juice but this recipe is going in the trash.
She explained that she had first discovered my work thru my low - budget, kitchen renovation and was hoping I could work some of that same kind of magic on...
«This is the worst kind of magic trick — making problems disappear on paper while leaving NYCHA residents to deal with faulty wiring, falling plaster, and dangerous homes.»
I went to Luxembourg to loiter on the set and watch the professionals do their work — a whole different kind of magic from writing.
The work is part of Hirst's «Mental Escapology» series and alludes to «a fairground kind of magic».
Emily, a psychic medium based in Brooklyn, New York, directly opposed my unrealistic, misinformed view of psychics from the moment I met her because not only does it turn out that she lives in my neighborhood, but also she embodies an even more mysterious kind of magic: the ability to be an everyday person, a working mom, and the possessor of an impressive gift.
For Reid it is by a «natural kind of magic» that we take them to stand for these objects; there are no grounds in experience for making this association.9 As we have seen, Whitehead disagrees with Reid in that he holds that we have a direct intuition or «feeling» of external objects as causes of sensations.
For me, the main aim of tomorrow is to ensure Alexis, Ozil and Campbell show the same kind of magic v Norwich as they did v Zagreb I midweek.
If she drinks it, she drinks it (and whoever she's with might take it — you never know what kind of magic someone will have, and most babies won't take a bottle easily from a breastfeeding mom), but if she doesn't take it, one afternoon isn't going to hurt her, and it'll get you a stretch to help fortify you for the next few weeks until she breaks through the developmental leap.
Not the wand - zapping Harry Potter kind of magic but the real magic, the kind that draws from the one true source... you!
this zelda game is awesome but already took my breath away 10 years ago, i'm enjoying it again but my question remains, will we ever get that authentic kind of magic in the nowadays era.
October 6 Manson Family Vacation Last Shift Nocturna Curve Golden Shoes The Wine of Summer The Target A Kind of Magic Eaters Maul Dogs Martian Land All Hallows Eve 2 The Ouija Exorcism The Curious Case
Remember from the last time we talked about covers, you're still going to want a professional designer to take that photo and add the right kind of magic that'll turn it into a cover.
In Bravely Default: Flying Fairy players have access to 5 different kinds of Magic types; White Magic, Black Magic, Time Magic, Genome Magic and Summons.
There is an extra-special kind of magic, though, that occurs when just the right words are gathered together.
Bruce Nauman puts an infrared camera in his studio at night to see what happens when he's not there, what kind of magic happens.
The movie follows the plight of Tony (Ike Eisenmann) and Tia (Kim Richards), a brother and sister who posses unusual powers, as they apply their special kind of magic in an attempt to uncover their puzzling past.
She says that the looks on the kids» faces when they see one of their favorite princesses is priceless, noting that their eagerness to believe is its own kind of magic.
That is kind of the magic of Mario: he can be in almost anything and it will be amazing.
Your own play personality and your spirit are the individuating factors that will create a very special kind of magic as a play therapist, one that no one else can duplicate.
It seems the golden tablet is working the same kind of magic in Washington D.C. as it did in New York City.
GLENN O'BRIEN — One of the things that you've done is hold out the idea that there's a certain kind of magic to it.
Once harvesting, you fill up your magic flask with what kind of magic you want.
The first reactions indicated that this was the perfect follow - up to Harry Potter, delivering a different kind of magic in a simultaneously familiar and refreshing fashion, thanks to a whole new roster of characters.
I was talking to someone earlier today, and said I'm getting clients asking to report on my recent trip to Asia, and one of the questions is what's the catalyst to make the market go up — that kind of magic - bullet question.
«This is not any kind of magic bullet,» said Dr. John Franklin, the chief of addictions in the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Northwestern.
Salespeople are waking up in the morning determined NOT to go out and make the kind of magic a gifted salesperson makes.
It's not rocket science or some kind of magic sales secret, just plain common courtesy and common sense.
Despite my previous implication that a trader may even be able to be profitable using the 20 - EMA along, you should not look at the 20 - EMA on the hourly chart as some kind of magic indicator that will instantly cause you to become the greatest trader in the world.
We know wights can't get though the wall when they're animated, and we know some kind of magic protects the Wall / keeps the WW's from being able to pass through, but I don't think we have enough information to know whether that would prevent WW's from raising wights on the other side of the Wall.
Is it some kind of magic?
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