Sentences with phrase «kind of mean as»

Hunting dinosaurs seems kind of mean as they're an extinct species but that was one of the core components of the Turok series.
I've always interpreted the story of the Tower of Babel as having the same kind of meaning as Percy Bysshe Shelley's famous poem «Ozymandias».
He said that this bread was as good as the worst real bread out there... but kind of meant it as a compliment.

Not exact matches

What Facebook means is that the algorithm chooses what to show you — as though the algorithm was some kind of omniscient entity, and not a thing programmed by flawed human beings.
If we think of the corporation (for - profit or otherwise) as an instrument or technology by means of which people seek to achieve their goals, then it becomes clear that the rights (or «rights») of different kinds of corporate persons depend not on what kind of entity they are, but on the the demonstrable goals of the human beings involved.
Strikingly, while one type of digital addiction may be creating a new kind of mental disease, video games are also being explored as a means to treat mental disorders like Alzheimer's and ADHD.
The partnership means Mary's Place will receive a $ 25,000 donation from Zillow as well in - kind donations in the form of product development, economic research, marketing support, and volunteer time.
Each member of that team is registered as a Portfolio Manager — that means they have a certification in giving the kinds of advice they'll be giving.
That's because there's a margin of safety, or a buffer, that's often built right in when you buy a dividend growth stock that's undervalued, as that favorable gap between price and value also means there's less of a possibility that the stock becomes worth less than you paid through some kind of negative event (corporate malfeasance, investor mistake, etc.).
In my last post in this series, I observed that an economy's «base» money serves as the «raw material» that commercial banks and other private - market financial intermediaries employ in «producing» deposits of various kinds that can themselves serve as means of exchange.
This reality and the conditions that pertain to it mean that you can float on the seas of authority bloat that fuels your vertical, but the efforts that it requires is simply not worth it to build any kind of sustained ranking, as too many levers must float in your favor — such as the website where your link was originally hosted maintaining it's weight before being pillaged by other SEOs capable of basic competitive research — or your competitors being bad enough to not have an SEO who has heard of competitive research — in order for it to be a worthwhile strategy.
By all means take a swing at «Panama vs. Costa Rica» — but be ready to trade the bat for a magnifying glass as soon as you figure out exactly what kind of weather, scenery, population, infrastructure, cost of living, and real estate prices make up your ideal location.
The mechanism for the lower returns, in my view, is not going to be some kind of sustained mean - reversion to old - school valuations, as the more bearishly inclined would predict.
But spouting the idea that god created and designed everything in an environment such as NASA means that you are intentionally suspending rational thought, and in this kind of environment that seems, to me at least, unacceptable.
Yesterday, President Obama took to the podium and proclaimed, ``... we have always been and always will be a triple - A country,» and it sounded like empty sentimentalism from a man at a loss for words and for meaning» the kind of helpless, grasping - at - straws thing you say to a defeated friend you are trying to buck up, even as you know you lack the answers, or the resources, to offer either consolation or solutions.
Its like you arent supposed to peep behind the curtain but just accept the phrase as some kind of deep mystical statement, full of meaning... oooh, he died for our sins you know... did he?
wait wait wait... you're using the Babble... I mean buy - bull - oops I mean bible as some kind of «evidence» as to our «past lives»??? I'll bet you're the kind pf person that thinks the TV shows about hunting ghosts are real docu - mentaries!!
- What kind of deity demands blood and death as the only means of satisfying his displeasure?
And the people of the Middle East often looked upon the meaning of the name of a child as a prediction or prophecy for what kind of person that child would grow up to be.
Your very statement is contradicted by the fact that you are afraid of doing any kind of RESEARCH and education for yourself... such as researching what the word «evangelical» means.
For the faithful in Christ can not accept this view, which holds either that after Adam there existed men on this earth who did not receive their origin by natural generation from him, the first parent of all, or that Adam signifies some kind of multiple first parents; for it is by no means apparent how such an opinion can be reconciled with what the sources of revealed truth and the acts of the magisterium of the Church teach about original sin, which proceeds from a sin truly committed by one Adam, and which is transmitted to all by generation, and exists in each one as his own» -LCB- Humani Generis 37).
Kind of off topic the following question: Do you know if the greek words used in the bible which are translated as «to believe» have another or broader meaning?
Each word can be viewed as a kind of invitation to the hearer to rearrange his stock of canalized, previously traced meanings by participating in a slightly revised structure of meanings.
It is this kind of experience which perhaps best explains the meaning of the traditional term «eternal life» — which is now not conceived as an extension in time of our personal existence but as a new dimension of existence into which one can enter during his natural life.
This does not mean that we must neglect this world; on the contrary, Islam warns us against neglecting it, for the Qur» an says, «But seek the abode of the Hereafter in that which Allah hath given thee and neglect not thy portion of the world, and be thou kind even as Allah hath been kind to thee, and seek not corruption in the earth; lo!
The kind of theology I will be engaged in here, by no means the only kind, could be called heuristic theology; in analogy with some similar activities in the sciences, it «plays» with possibilities in order to find out, to discover, new fruitful ways to interpret the universe.6 In the case of an heuristic theology focused on cosmology, the discovery would be oriented toward «remythologizing» creation as dependent upon God.
used in Acts and the epistles as it is now in evangelical Protestantism, has not yet acquired such a specific meaning in the Gospels but refers to deliverance from any kind of harm or calamity.
«There's this kind of complex dance that we do as people of faith in this world and sometimes it means accepting something that's not perfect,» Metaxas said, «I think the reason this rankles, not just for me but for so many people, it reminds them of Pharisaical thinking, it's legalistic.
If you mean an official membership of some kind then certainly that is just as unknown in the Text.
In so far as I firmly believe that faith in Jesus Christ requires action of a specific, unique, singular kind, I must admit that the counsels on violence issuing from the faith are addressed to faith, therefore can have no meaning for those who do not believe that Jesus Christ is Lord.
It is a new kind of Erastianism: the church being slowly but surely co-opted as a means of social control, subordinated to the whims of the political lobbyists as they press their commitments to creating a society of Psychological Men, Women, and all points in between through the law courts.
He goes onto note that the traditional way to «overcome» this negative factor was to try to establish what the text meant at or near the time of its composition and treat that as a kind of «essence» of the text's meaning which thereafter is taken as the retrospective norm by which all proposals of what the text might mean now are to be assessed.
Great as is the significance of the emergence of self - conscious persons within the very fabric of the universe for any reflection on its possible meaning and purpose, this must not lead us to underplay the significance also of the rest of the universe and of all other living organisms to God as Creator — even though we are able to depict only in imagination the kind of delight that God may be conceived to have in the fecund multiplicity and variety or created forms.
Hartshorne remarks that while «many theological and philosophical doctrines» of the traditional kind have asserted that «being divine means precisely, and above all, being wholly immune to suffering in any and every sense», yet in his judgement the insight of faith in Jesus as the Christ would rather point logically to the truth that «there must be suffering in God».
And, mind, this means all kinds and ways of violence: psychological manipulation, doctrinal terrorism, economic imperialism, the venomous warfare of free competition, is well as torture, guerrilla movements, police action.
It does mean, however, that, as this example from the Old Testament indicates, the Easter appearances were not dissimilar in kind from other phenomena in the history of religious experience.
It can not have done so, because all of our evidence indicates that the kind of theological emphasis associated with the «last supper» in the gospels was by no means the major emphasis in early Christian communal meals from the very beginning, as it would have to have been if this had been the occasion for them.
Ya mean the same kind of resemblance Game of Thrones DID do of actually using Bush's severed head as a prop on a spear end?
Orthodoxy is being able not only to repeat the same teachings but also to show their relevance to the new context.2 Other individuals, on the other hand, interpret religious beliefs as merely expressions of the human community's search for some kind of meaning, an accumulated source of information built up over the years as the community reflected on its life and activities.
Clearly, then, the ontological principle is meant to establish the kinds of particular causes — or, equivalently, of particular reasons or conditions — that can be given as explanatory of how and why a particular actual entity came to have the determinate characters it has.
Generally defined as «dominating, restraining, or controlling another forcibly,» coercion involves interference with freedom, where «interference» means that the freedom in question is lessened in comparison with what it would have been had the interfering individual or group not acted at all, and this broad designation leaves open to dispute what kinds of interference are immoral.
I imagine the neurotransmitters in my brain as, collectively, an instrument of perception, a kind of ear meant to pick upon the purpose of my existence.
11 [Editors note: In Bohm's notes he has written: Bohr made «a kind of metaphysical assumption about language and concepts which means (as always with positivist, operationalist, or phenomenalist approaches) that we fix our concepts to those that have been developed before.»]
Actually Brehvik does not consider himself a christian in his words, «in the strictest sense», so the first part of your point is moot... Secondly I think a fairer statement would be that not «all» muslims are violent extremists, as many who don't live in western countries are, as their book does instruct them to kill any and all who do not procalim allah as the one god and mohammed as his prophet... As far as having extreme passion for one's beliefs, if someone was truly to be an «extreme» christian that person would be completely loving as this was Jesus» command to love both God and everyone... to take that to the extreme would mean «extreme» loving, like the radical kind of love that caused Jesus to endure the cross for the sins of us all... includinig the man who committed this atrocity and yes any and all of the muslim's who have committed similar thingas many who don't live in western countries are, as their book does instruct them to kill any and all who do not procalim allah as the one god and mohammed as his prophet... As far as having extreme passion for one's beliefs, if someone was truly to be an «extreme» christian that person would be completely loving as this was Jesus» command to love both God and everyone... to take that to the extreme would mean «extreme» loving, like the radical kind of love that caused Jesus to endure the cross for the sins of us all... includinig the man who committed this atrocity and yes any and all of the muslim's who have committed similar thingas their book does instruct them to kill any and all who do not procalim allah as the one god and mohammed as his prophet... As far as having extreme passion for one's beliefs, if someone was truly to be an «extreme» christian that person would be completely loving as this was Jesus» command to love both God and everyone... to take that to the extreme would mean «extreme» loving, like the radical kind of love that caused Jesus to endure the cross for the sins of us all... includinig the man who committed this atrocity and yes any and all of the muslim's who have committed similar thingas the one god and mohammed as his prophet... As far as having extreme passion for one's beliefs, if someone was truly to be an «extreme» christian that person would be completely loving as this was Jesus» command to love both God and everyone... to take that to the extreme would mean «extreme» loving, like the radical kind of love that caused Jesus to endure the cross for the sins of us all... includinig the man who committed this atrocity and yes any and all of the muslim's who have committed similar thingas his prophet... As far as having extreme passion for one's beliefs, if someone was truly to be an «extreme» christian that person would be completely loving as this was Jesus» command to love both God and everyone... to take that to the extreme would mean «extreme» loving, like the radical kind of love that caused Jesus to endure the cross for the sins of us all... includinig the man who committed this atrocity and yes any and all of the muslim's who have committed similar thingAs far as having extreme passion for one's beliefs, if someone was truly to be an «extreme» christian that person would be completely loving as this was Jesus» command to love both God and everyone... to take that to the extreme would mean «extreme» loving, like the radical kind of love that caused Jesus to endure the cross for the sins of us all... includinig the man who committed this atrocity and yes any and all of the muslim's who have committed similar thingas having extreme passion for one's beliefs, if someone was truly to be an «extreme» christian that person would be completely loving as this was Jesus» command to love both God and everyone... to take that to the extreme would mean «extreme» loving, like the radical kind of love that caused Jesus to endure the cross for the sins of us all... includinig the man who committed this atrocity and yes any and all of the muslim's who have committed similar thingas this was Jesus» command to love both God and everyone... to take that to the extreme would mean «extreme» loving, like the radical kind of love that caused Jesus to endure the cross for the sins of us all... includinig the man who committed this atrocity and yes any and all of the muslim's who have committed similar things.
His whole emphasis on irony and contingency is meant to protect us against what he calls «the dangers of over-philosophication,» the temptation to think of philosophy as providing anything more than a kind of therapeutic stance.
My fellow gun - owners all agree that there should be a national database for those mentally ill people that are currently undergoing any kind of treatment, including the use of any pharmaceuticals as a means to treat depression, psychosis, etc..
«Trinity» did not originally mean, as it does for some later, that there are three kinds of revelation, the Father speaking through creation and the Spirit though experience, by which the words and example of the Son must be corrected; it meant rather that language must be found and definitions created so that Christians, who believe in only one God, can affirm that he is most adequately and bindingly known in Jesus.
the belief on the existence of the devil was concieved by theologians of the past thousands of years, there was no other way of explaining the bad experiences of people in the past because we were not educated yet to the kind of what we have now, Why this happened because that was part of the learning process that God wants us to know, in pathrotheism, we are part of God, and He himself is evolving because He is the universe, We are now the conscious part of Him, our destiny in accordance to his will also be His destiny because it is His will.Although He prepared first all the material reality of the universe ahead of us, The experiences for us humans including the supernatural is just part of nirmal process for learning because its natural process, today we reach a point of not believing the practices of the past, but it does not mean its wrong, Just like a child, adults loved to tell mythical stories to them, because we knew children enjoys it as part of their learning process.
Insofar as meaning is contextual, the meaning of life ultimately depends on a different kind of symbol — not amenable to empirical falsification — which evokes a sense of the ground of being.
But if he had the charge of a hospital, or lived in a city where the pestilence was raging, if he would be studying fermentation, the circulation of the blood, blisters, and the like, and such like excellent points, when he should be visiting his patients, and saving men's lives; if he should even turn them away, and let them perish, and tell them that he has not time to give them advice, because he must follow his own studies, I would consider that man as a most preposterous student, who preferred the remote means before the end itself of his studies: indeed, I would think him but a civil kind of murderer.
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