Sentences with phrase «kind of mean so»

I was originally taught the dominance model but it was kind of mean so I switched to positive reinforcement, only to find that it was mostly ineffective.

Not exact matches

The reality is, and it's a sad one, consumers are used to receiving terrible service, so when your company responds to their requests in a timely manner — which means at minimum, the same day — they will be absolutely shocked and will have the perception that your company is one of a kind.
«And, that means that sunny weather doesn't really serve our purposes anymore, so we kind of pushed everything down the line so we could get some grim, grey weather, even in the sunnier places where we shoot.»
«Every other country in the world has some kind of securities law,» Santori said, «so just because you're trying to avoid the U.S. securities law it doesn't mean you [avoid] the rest of the world's securities law.»
That means that the stem - cell therapies have to be converted into whatever cell they're meant to be (heart - muscle cells, neurons, and so forth) before going into the body, rather than using different kinds of stem cells to treat the condition.
So maybe Ford took some chances, creating spots in which McConaughey just kind of meanderingly freestyles his way through various quasi-philosophical musings about Lincoln and the meaning of life (it's all been compared to his «True Detective» character).
So maybe five years from now, we'll see a market where there will be the kind of access that we see now, meaning that there'll be storefronts and a multitude of products.
Finally, in - kind income is supposed to be taxed in most instances, so removing the loophole means tuition waivers are treated like other forms of in - kind income which is an equity issue.
So then that means that, unless there's some kind of a structural break in earnings, where earnings, because you look, in the CAPE, you look at the backward - looking earnings — Steve: What's the long term CAPE?
I mean, think about areas outside of the United States that have high inflation rates, if you are a consumer there, in an oppressive regime, you want a way to have more control over your assets and not be at the whim of governments, so that's kind of how it all started.
So if you have one kind of growth — booming financial fortunes in the stock market, higher real - estate prices and more expensive means of living — then you are going to have slower growth in the real economy because money is diverted from peoples» pay - checks away from buying goods and services to just having to pay the banks.
Not like we really want to be strutting around like prize cocks all the time ya know, we kind of wouldn't mind being ourselves but that means being placed back in the pecking order and getting less lady attention so we try to act like we own it all, because we have to.
He isn't mighty enough to leave any kind of verifyable trace, and the stories in the bible that claim he did this and that are clearly false, so which god do you mean?
«There's this kind of complex dance that we do as people of faith in this world and sometimes it means accepting something that's not perfect,» Metaxas said, «I think the reason this rankles, not just for me but for so many people, it reminds them of Pharisaical thinking, it's legalistic.
In so far as I firmly believe that faith in Jesus Christ requires action of a specific, unique, singular kind, I must admit that the counsels on violence issuing from the faith are addressed to faith, therefore can have no meaning for those who do not believe that Jesus Christ is Lord.
So, whether you're a refugee which means you crossed a national border or whether you're an internally displaced person, all that kind of stuff really does end up mattering here.
It can not have done so, because all of our evidence indicates that the kind of theological emphasis associated with the «last supper» in the gospels was by no means the major emphasis in early Christian communal meals from the very beginning, as it would have to have been if this had been the occasion for them.
Amen really means something to the equivalent of «It shall be so» but like saying Tony Blair is a phony then saying Amen is kind of weird.
Actually Brehvik does not consider himself a christian in his words, «in the strictest sense», so the first part of your point is moot... Secondly I think a fairer statement would be that not «all» muslims are violent extremists, as many who don't live in western countries are, as their book does instruct them to kill any and all who do not procalim allah as the one god and mohammed as his prophet... As far as having extreme passion for one's beliefs, if someone was truly to be an «extreme» christian that person would be completely loving as this was Jesus» command to love both God and everyone... to take that to the extreme would mean «extreme» loving, like the radical kind of love that caused Jesus to endure the cross for the sins of us all... includinig the man who committed this atrocity and yes any and all of the muslim's who have committed similar things.
«Trinity» did not originally mean, as it does for some later, that there are three kinds of revelation, the Father speaking through creation and the Spirit though experience, by which the words and example of the Son must be corrected; it meant rather that language must be found and definitions created so that Christians, who believe in only one God, can affirm that he is most adequately and bindingly known in Jesus.
I don't want to take that so literally that we assume God will go around collecting swords and bending them, but this kind of passage does seem to indicate that our creations which we meant for destruction, God will transform somehow in the new city.
The prayer is kind of written in an archaic style, so he even went through the prayer line by line to teach us what the words meant.
There's so much room within her talent to create a great character, and that means her turn would lead the new Office in terms of the kind of funny it wanted to be.
And if it does not so happen that a man with the years sinks into the most trivial kind of despair, from this it does not by any means follow that despair might belong only to youth.
Running parallel also means that mental processes must be synchronized by innumerable specific laws, for all kinds of sensations — red, sweet, cold, painful and so on — all mental images, feelings, thoughts and acts of volition must have a special physiological correspondence.
If the argument here is correct, the two developments result from some of the same causes: The American kind of church - state separation meant no church monopolized religious symbols; courts were called upon to articulate ultimate purpose and justice; and judges felt little ambivalence in doing so.
So, it's that kind of find, which doesn't necessarily mean this isn't a Beatles song, but there's really no way to prove it one way or the other until Sir Paul weighs in.
If, for our purposes, Cotton Mather can stand as a kind of archetype of Puritanism, with his very considerable impulsive energy kept in tight control and consecrated with meaning by its service to the divine plan, Benjamin Franklin may serve, as he has for so many others, as an archetype of the worldly American.
The alleged subordination of the gospel to Karl Marx is illustrated, for example, by charging that «false» liberation theology concentrates too much on a few selected biblical texts that are always given a political meaning, leading to an overemphasis on «material» poverty and neglecting other kinds of poverty; that this leads to a «temporal messianism» that confuses the Kingdom of God with a purely «earthly» new society, so that the gospel is collapsed into nothing but political endeavor; that the emphasis on social sin and structural evil leads to an ignoring or forgetting of the reality of personal sin; that everything is reduced to praxis (the interplay of action and reflection) as the only criterion of faith, so that the notion of truth is compromised; and that the emphasis on communidades de base sets a so - called «people's church» against the hierarchy.
Excellent article from my perspective, which is that true Christianity (meaning the kind of Christianity Christ himself would have promoted) and many (not all of course) modern offshoots of it are so different from each other.
So the word «other» in v. 34 I believe is meaning another of different kind, maybe meaning different kind of gender?
The reason it is so often a matter of dispute is that people differ in what they mean when they use the word, and since deep emotions are tied in with the conviction that the Bible is inspired, to doubt the kind of inspiration one believes in is apt to seem like rejecting the Bible outright or making it no different from any other book.
The world needs more kind and compassionate people like this man, and less of the mean - spirited and hate - filled people like these so - called atheists on this board.
The fact that so many people believe in some kind of god or another doesn't mean that they have any logical or factual basis to believe in one.
I mean that I don't think those two verses in Romans 1 are actually condemning gay sex, of any kind, temple prostitution variety or otherwise (not that I think that temple prostitution sex is ok — oh so wrong on so many levels — but that it isn't what Paul is saying there).
So whatever Jesus means by rewards from the heavenly Father, it can not be any kind of credit in God's accounting system.
Last week, Pat Robertson told his viewers that he believes Alzheimer's disease to be a «kind of death,» a basis for the un-afflicted spouse to seek divorce and move on with their life — so long as they act mercifully and provide a means for care of that spouse.
So, this means that there is ONE valid interpretation to any text, unless the author purposely designed the text in such a way as to make people ponder various interpretations (which would be a certain kind of genre, but not most texts).
The institution teaches that «to loose your life» means to be some kind of slave to that institution or God, but Jesus clearly says «I came so that you many have abundant life!!»
By faith however, I do seem to experience a kind of «certainty» or confidence but it is contingent on a whole matrix of relationships in progress and so while I can be passionate about the meaning I am making about those relationships, those relationships are always outstripping my meanings (claims) and revealing more about what meaning is possible.
Jesus, so far as we know, never addressed himself to the kind of question that asks who, or what, God is, or what we mean when we use the word «God».
Morals, you mean the kind that allow you to profit off the backs of slaves you never so much as see?
Like the Hebrew prophets and wise men whose belief he inherited, Jesus, so far as we know, never addressed himself to the kind of question that asks who, or what, God is, or what we mean when we use the word «God».
I mean... what kind of relationship does someone truly have with Christ if it only exists so they won't be punished?
In the conception of the physical as «acting,» on the other hand, change of other kinds in addition to locomotive change are admitted, so that a mechanistic analysis must accordingly be only of an aspect of physical acting, which means that since it leaves out of account other aspects or features of change or motion, it is an abstraction.
So according to him, Sakhkhara does not mean the conquest or exploitation of nature rather it should be a kind of relationship in accordance with God's laws and responsibility of the human beings as vicegerents of God.
At the moment admittedly there are still many gaps in our knowledge, but the closing of so many gaps in everyday experience has meant that it needs no great stretch of the imagination to see that the gaps could readily close to the point where there is no room left for any faith in that kind of God.
The exclusive concentration on means rendered that final end of freedom so devoid of content that it became illusory and the rationalization of means a kind of treadmill that was in fact the opposite of freedom.
Boff certainly does not mince words, and in one place even offers a kind of Marxist analysis of institutional church life, citing «the expropriation of the religious means of production» (forgiveness, sacraments and so forth) as means by which the clergy deny power to the people.
So up into the pulpit he went and began the kind of classic but easily intelligible exposition he was so good at: «The Latin word communio means «fellowship», and this is what scholars call the holy sacramenSo up into the pulpit he went and began the kind of classic but easily intelligible exposition he was so good at: «The Latin word communio means «fellowship», and this is what scholars call the holy sacramenso good at: «The Latin word communio means «fellowship», and this is what scholars call the holy sacrament.
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