Sentences with phrase «kind of mean spirited»

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True love, of whatever kind, will take delight in all that is good, which means all that is of Christ in the Holy Spirit, which is why it finds its true home and its wellspring in the great offering of Love that is the Eucharistic Sacrifice.
«Trinity» did not originally mean, as it does for some later, that there are three kinds of revelation, the Father speaking through creation and the Spirit though experience, by which the words and example of the Son must be corrected; it meant rather that language must be found and definitions created so that Christians, who believe in only one God, can affirm that he is most adequately and bindingly known in Jesus.
Notwithstanding, in the mean while they fight in spirit against the flesh, lest they should fulfill the lusts thereof; and although they feel the flesh to rage and rebel, and themselves also do fan sometimes into sin through infirmity, yet are they not discouraged, nor think therefore that their state and kind of life, and the works which are done according to their calling, displease God; but they raise up themselves by faith.»
Spirituality can be about the advancement of the human spirit and that in itself can mean personal growth, becoming more in touch with our surroundings, with the energy around us, with other people, being kind to others... etc etc..
The world needs more kind and compassionate people like this man, and less of the mean - spirited and hate - filled people like these so - called atheists on this board.
I don't mean some sort of epiphany that one might call enlightenment, but a kind of radical worldview change (caused by the Spirit) that shapes the way we interact with the world and causes us to take up arms for love and justice.
If the thing exists it's some kind of evil spirit; certainly not worthy of worship, which means Jesus, for all his supposed good qualities, was wrong about THAT too.
I don't wish to be mean - spirited, but isn't there a certain kind of arrogance in such a stance?
The ultimate random reinforcement is the one imposed by reality, that they who survive can assign whatever meaning to that survival, unchallenged by the notion that it could just as easily have gone the other way, and no force, no spirit, no god or force of any kind was supervising the battle, or caring about its outcome, or either of the combatants.
When he reveals their meat is sliced in Iowa instead of in the store, many viewers reportedly felt that the point was a little shaky and the overall effect of the ad kind of mean - spirited.
After the nativist bludgeoning of the last 12 months, with all the mean - spirited nonsense about the somewheres versus the anywheres, people who believed in a kind, open society felt hope.
It takes a special kind of stupid to turn discontent over an ill - thought and mean - spirited policy into a crisis that rocks the foundations of the Mother of all Parliaments.
It's mean - spirited to fight against that kind of hope.
Bachelorette is mean - spirited, and its humor derives from pain, which makes it unique and harder - edged than most comedies of this kind.
«Sticking with the spirit of the first movie means ducking social commentary — or any kind of commentary, really, apart from commentary on the drastic lengths men will go to for their own amusement.»
You will rarely benefit when you get into this kind of mean - spirited activity.
As the Arizona Republic writer notes in a mean - spirited kind of way, «Avenger drivers, beware: This car might be saying, «Bankruptcy filer on board.»
The Villa is as beautiful as the meaning IBERIS, it means of a kind of Japanese flowers that gives a whole pictures of beauty filled with optimistic and peaceful spirit as the flowers always grows toward sunshine...
What she says «I often worry that artists can get into this hilarious kind of masturbatory practice... I mean, how it can be mean - spirited or self - congratulatory if all the hooks, all the one - liners, the loops, are a contented pat on the back: hermetic»
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