Sentences with phrase «kind of needle»

It is a tiny pin prick, and is the same kind of needle we use to give vaccines.
What kind of needle are you using in your machine?
It was just really interesting that she made, just, like a really good point about these kinds of concerns and these kinds of moments, and then she kind of needled a little hard on the idea that people who care about this stuff are like shouting, or preaching, or being angry, or dramatic, and that was like, I have such a huge issue when people like get my politics completely correct, or like, they have the same feelings that I do but they sort of undermine other people's reactions about it.

Not exact matches

It seems very Anglo - Saxon kind of question to ask if Jesus had a sense of humor - kind of ridiculous like arguing about how many angels can stand on the pin of a needle.
This kind of communication — two - way, ambiguous, in - process — stands in marked contrast to the «hypodermic needle» model that characterizes the communication of TV and most other mass media.
Yes, I mean actual knitting — yarn, needles, piles of knitting pattern books based on literary heroines, fibre strands clinging to my black clothes, first - name - basis with the local yarn shop, Ravelry member kind of knitter.
Although trying to figure out who, exactly, those players may be is basically like trying to find a needle in a haystack, the authoritative nature of the report should at least come as a relief to a fanbase that has been clamoring for some kind of transfer news.
He took to it so quickly, and has been plugging away at his little basket ever since (except for the moments when I kind of steal it because it's SO much fun to do), all while plotting the next one he wants to make though he's contemplating how he can do it with Maine pine needles.
So it causes the blood vessels to constrict so there's no blood flow to the nipple often times the nipple would be bleached white and then all of a sudden the blood goes right back into the nipple and it turns like a purple kind of being (inaudible) parents say if you sit on your foot and your foot goes to sleep and then all of a sudden you get the pins and needles.
«When it comes to the state budget we're always at the mercy of what's done in Albany, so we always kind of wait on pins and needles; I don't expect there to be major issues,» he said.
While it's hard to move the needle on something as binary as a vote on the tax hike, the kind of pressure that advocacy groups like SEIU 1199 can bring often shifts funding parameters.
In the end, there are all kinds of forms that can arise: everything from prisms and needles to the familiar lacy snowflakes.
This unfortunate and rare side effect of the biopsy provided Nicola Valeri at the Institute of Cancer Research in London and his colleagues with a kind of stopwatch — an exact point in time when a few cells left as the needle was withdrawn began their two year evolution into a tumour.
Their name is E. coli 0157: H7 and when they get into you, what they do is they build a needle and inject toxins into your cells in your intestines and [your] cells form these bizarre pedestals almost kind of like this throne you are making for this bacteria that is making you sick.
«I was kind of like, «You all need to get together and look at the total amount you are trying to fit through the eye of the needle,»» he said.
Best for: All kinds of pain Why it works: A recent study conducted in the emergency department of a hospital showed promising results of the ancient practice of pricking needles into the skin at specific pressure points.
That can lead to the kind of frustration that makes guys think they are «hard gainers» or need to resort to the needle to get the physique they desire.
:... and then, they can start to carry that process forward and see if they can uhm — move that needle on their health and get to a point where they can start to reintroduce and individualize, kind of personalize, their diet.
Angie Alt:... and then, they can start to carry that process forward and see if they can uhm — move that needle on their health and get to a point where they can start to reintroduce and individualize, kind of personalize, their diet.
physical exertion will soon have your testosterone levels going through the roof — and I'm not talking about the kind that some people use needles for either — but genuine increases of the hormone that increases your sex drive.
Bobbin lace, needle lace, crocheted, knitted and tatted lace and every kind of lace you can imagine.
Mainly because despite having a mother who sewed a significant portion of my wardrobe growing up, and still does the occasional sewing project for me, a needle and thread kind of scares me.
Bobbin lace, needle lace, crocheted, knitted and tatted lace and every kind of lace you can imagine.
Okay, the film's story is hardly needled - thin, but it is thin, with a limited sense of meaty consequence and direction that may be intentional, but is still kind of problematic, pumping the final product with natural shortcomings that it doesn't simply fail to dilute, but makes all the more glaring with the aforementioned issues in atmospheric and structural pacing.
Because the nerves have grown numb now, there are scenes of cruel torture in the picture — the kind that a troubled child would enact on his action figures after a few days of standard play: Dr. Strange at the mercy of glass needles, Nebula (Karen Gillan) bloodlessly segmented like a plasticine exhibit in a sadist's medical museum... The atrocity escalates because there's nothing at stake here.
In fact, the main character even kind of looked like a young Al Pacino circa «Panic at Needle Park» or «Dog Day Afternoon.»
That makes their tastes somewhat mainstream but also a bit in keeping with the kinds of waves of popularity that sometimes take hold online but fail to move the needle in the industry at all.
He had to learn not to squirm and bite us when getting poked with a needle, and we had to learn what kind of food he liked best.
Again, then we will elevate that up and kind of give a few squeezes and sometimes we will actually agitate the skin a little bit because they'll notice that more than they will with the needle.
Sometimes I get down on the floor and see things at their level and I'll find needles, I'll find all kinds of things.
This medication involves a needle which is being inserted in many different places on the body in order to provide comfort against any kind of pain or discomfort.
Best months are May to the end of October; during rainy season when the rivers are flooding it attracts numerous kinds of bait fish like ballyhoo, sardines, needle fish, and herring to the mouths.
Bobbin lace, needle lace, crocheted, knitted and tatted lace and every kind of lace you can imagine.
Aquatint: A type of engraving that, instead of using a needle to carve a wax ground, precisely spreads powdered rosin (a kind of tar) over the matrix to resist the acid and create various tonalities.
The press release states the program's «central goal is to ensure such artists have the kind of flexible support required to execute ambitious creative projects intended to move the needle on the critical issues of our times.»
it's kind of throughout... He keeps needling Cook about it but listen to the last 5 minutes or so... he'll address it to Cook that he has a responsibility to correct those that misinterpret his study.
My hope is that victories like this one will help build the momentum to generate the kind of people power necessary to move the needle on comprehensive climate policy — policy that prices carbon, removes subsidies for oil companies, and encourages clean energy development.
If the opposing witness wants to test that kindness, the skilled criminal defense lawyer will let the witness feel the needles proverbially buried within the context of the lawyer's seemingly kind approach to the witness.
I think I can kind of move the needle a little bit in that format change by taking the world's largest mass market product and adding something onto it rather than trying to create something completely new.»
While you shouldn't rely solely on traditional advertising methods like print ads and press releases to gain the kind of attention needed to move the needle for your business, it doesn't hurt to cover your bases with your open house promotion by leveraging popular newspapers, magazines, news stations, and other outlets in your market.
As @Joel Owens said, it could very well be a needle in a haystack kind of deal... but couldn't you build a pipeline, and start sorting through all that hay?
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