Sentences with phrase «kind of opinion poll»

As to your suggestion that I re-do the «study», I find the whole point of the study to be political in nature, trying to prove a scientific point by some kind of opinion poll and then bragging all over the press that your opinions are right because you claim to have lots & lots of people on your side.
The headline spin from The Sunday Times, however, is that the Tories are back to the same kind of opinion poll lead that they had at the very start of David Cameron's leadership.

Not exact matches

In the nightly news, respondents to public opinion polls describe him as a «can do fellow,» «a take charge kind of a guy,» «admirable for his ability to cut through red tape,» «a true patriot» who was «doing what he was paid to do.»
It's the core foundation for proven reliability in any kind of statistical endeavor, including opinion polling.
The Conservative report included an opinion poll, which found that 48 % of Londoners support some kind of ban on strike action.
Public opinion polls show significant support for limited kinds of ESC research (no cloning; no creation of embryos for research purposes).
My colleagues, Michael Henderson and Martin West, and I discovered all of this when we, as part of the 2014 Education Next (Ednext) poll, asked members of a representative sample of the U.S. population who had school - age children living with them what kinds of schools those children had attended as well as their opinions on many other education - related matters.
I do not participate in polls, as I do not form my opinions on the basis of what other people think, and would not want to encourage the kind of mindset which does.
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