Sentences with phrase «kind of parents wouldthey»

Instead, we've decided to spend some more quiet time with each other so that we can talk about our hopes and dreams for the future, and about what kind of parents we hope and dream to be to our child.
They are identifying what kind of parents they intend to be and formulating strategies on how to deal with common problems in adoption.
-- Janet Frick, associate professor, Department of Psychology, University of Georgia «The Positive Discipline series has empowered me and my husband to be the kind of parents we want to be day - in and day - out in the face of any and all circumstances.
You must consider what kind of parents you visualize for your child and what kind of life style you wish for him / her.
A major issue for us is the way we plan to cross several kinds of boundaries — which may be administrative or professional — the boundaries between open and residential care, between public and private services, between this or that kind of parents, between expert and lay support, between child and adult service.
I feel like that's the kind of parents my husband I will be one day.
Those kind of parents might support their child's bullying behavior by their failure to disapprove of it, or their outright endorsement of it.
But, he adds, HCZ has the responsibility to educate children, no matter what kind of parents they have.
The giraffe's back story appeals both to the kind of parents who knit their brows over chemical - laced plastic — Sophie's sales reportedly increased during the 2007 Chinese toy recalls — and those who get gooey over European eco-friendliness.
More specifically, she wants to know what kind of parents you'll make and what kind of future you can provide her child.
And hopefully less likely to grow up to be those kind of parents that say, «I don't know why I did what I did, but I was a terror and spanking sure helped!»
What kind of parents would we be if we denied our children the same exhilaration we experienced while coasting down a hill on our bikes on a breezy summer day?
First, you need to decide what kind of parents you want for your baby.
It sometimes seemed, when I first became a parent, like there was some kind of parents - only club where the secrets of what you really go through are finally shared.
First, she recommended that parents ask themselves what their values are and what kind of parents they want to be.
Are you the kind of parents who travel a lot and have to lug a heavy car seat from your car all the way into the airport and finally inside a plane?
We had MANY «ideas» of the kind of parents we would be.
What kind of parents will you and your partner be?
It throws a spotlight on some of our most sensitive issues: what kind of parents we are, what kind of schools we have, what kind of health care is available to us.
An article in The New York Times suggests that millennial parents («parennials,» if you will) are turning to Google, chat rooms, and apps for all kinds of parenting advice.
She says your financial history could give clues about «what kind of parent you're going be, what kind of friend you're going be [and] what kind of partner you're going be.»
As a working dad, the article notes, Branson wants his employees to have the same kind of parenting experience he enjoyed.
Directly giving the stuff they need might be better in many cases, but trying to never give money also sounds to me like a kind of parenting and denying their sense of responsibility.
There are several kinds of parent - child relationships which are often mistaken for parent - child intimacy.
But for many parents, especially those who are living in conditions of adversity or who didn't receive a lot of attachment - promoting parenting themselves as kids (or both), the main obstacle to that kind of parenting is not that they haven't memorized the list of approved behaviors.
They have parents who've cultivated the arts with their children and seen talent — and that takes a special kind of parent, I think, too.»
The best bet for you — and for your child — is to remember that where your child is admitted to college is not a referendum on the kind of parent that you have been or the kind of individual she will become.
That kind of parenting is a lot harder to pull off than deciding whether to breastfeed or formula feed.
What kind of parent thinks that his is ok behavior?
I practice a kind of parenting I like to think of as leading with love.
And then Get Help - you can deal with issues constructively, you don't have to repeat the kind of parenting your parents did.
Types Of Parenting Styles will give you a better understanding of the kind of parenting style you may be employing, and some ideas if you think you might like to make some changes!
And all the judgment I held in my kid - free heart instantly got ripped away and replaced by a stark awareness that I had never had a clue what kind of parenting choices I would end up making.
Even when I was pregnant, I never really felt the need to subscribe to any one kind of parenting style.
William Sears was the pediatrician who is known for recommending attachment parenting for babies and kids in general, but this kind of parenting has been around for ever!
After all, if we can't keep on doing the same kind of parenting and expect different results.
Wouldn't it be unusual if a pregnant woman experienced no concern about what was awaiting her — no fears related to sleepless nights, no questioning of what kind of parent she would become, how she would give attention and love to the infant without making her older child (ren) feel rejected, how she would face the financial burdens, and so on?
Before I experienced my baby I had so many pre-conceived notions about what kind of parent I would be.
If you are the kind of parent who is judging other parents on what you perceive to be unsafe parenting practices, now is the time stop.
I feel excited to have another resource at hand that speaks so much about the kind of parent I hope to be.
We got a window into the heartache and joy that is only possible to experience as a parent, as well as a snapshot of the kinds of parents most people don't want to be: a drunk mother who embarrasses and ignores her children, a highly negative and depressive father, a mother who quizzes her child incessantly to perform in front of strangers, and then BAM, pull me out of my «oh yeah, I agree they suck» trance, next in line for how not to parent was the negative caricature of an AP mother.
If I was the kind of parent who had my son at home with me, but he spent all his time watching Cartoon Network and eating junk then no, I don't think I would have had the same results with him.
Even though the depiction of AP in this flick did sting a little, I was grateful for the reminder to actually BE the kind of parent that others would want to emulate!
There are two kinds of parents: the Girl Scouts that are «always (be) prepared» and the Others.
Amy McCready shows parents why this kind of parenting raises kids who don't learn from experience, don't take responsibility, and are no fun to live with!
The attachment I have for each of my children helps me identify what kind of parenting style is appropriate.
Once you know what kind of parenting style fits with your lifestyle and baby's personality, you can jettison all the information that doesn't fit.
It allows them to become a kind of parent and it can make them feel needed and important.
No matter what kind of parent you are.
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