Sentences with phrase «kind of performance hit»

Question: What kind of performance hit do you get?

Not exact matches

For as convincing as Blunt manages to be as an alcoholic about to hit rock bottom (this is a far cry from more glamorous representations of functional boozehounds, Charlotte Rampling of The Verdict, for instance), her performance actually is responsible for creating an even wider rift between the initial semblance of narrative integrity and a shallow reveal which negates any kind of groundwork laid concerning Rachel.
In one of the year's biggest hits, Haddish gives the kind of fearlessly committed performance that should be studied in acting school — if, of course, anyone could copy the timbre of her comedic timing.
The sense of reality often hits hard and with a strong central performance from Vincent London I kind of have to recommend tracking this one down sometime for at least a one - time viewing.
Anti-aliasing is added into the bargain, giving us a kind of «what if» scenario - the resultant image quality is a night and day improvement, but the hit to performance is unacceptable for a fast - paced shooter like this.
It was Uncharted: Greatest Hits and the story and performances were good but nothing more — kind of business as usual.
In a straight line, though, the car just as quickly hit some kind of limit; either a software limit purposely put in place on the drivetrain performance itself, or my driver's forgivable hesitance as he tried to keep us from running through the fence.
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