Sentences with phrase «kind of pollution»

But there are different kinds of pollution — some visible, some invisible — that contribute to global warming.
High interest loans are not negative forces, small businesses do not harm the environment and they do not usually contribute to the worse kinds of pollution.
I don't draw a line between global warming and greenhouse gases and other kinds of pollution.
Paper and e-readers both have different kinds of pollution and waste that are quite different.
While the best - known pollution in Mexico is Mexico City's air, which mainly comes from the combustion of vehicle fuel, it's not the only place with a problem or the only kind of pollution in circulation posing a serious risk to human health.
Several years ago, EPA decided to look into the same kind of pollution - credit trading for water polluters.
The Ceres poll, conducted by Hart Research Associates and the GS Strategy Group, focuses on public attitudes toward the EPA in general, and then on two proposed rules that would would prevent different kinds of pollution.
Such legal actions, in other words, constitute a kind of pollution, a negative externality imposed on people not directly involved.
Beyond their misunderstanding of the facts, beyond their tolerance of draconian solutions, the [environmental and population] controllers are finally accused of regarding people, at least when found in great numbers, as a kind of pollution.
Today's parents are sending kids to camp to escape a different kind of pollution: an overabundance of electronics, and an overcrowded schedule that often leaves children no time for unstructured play.
«No site is the site to do it, but particularly this community has seen firsthand the cancer and the explosion of health issues that have been caused by this kind of pollution
«No site is the site to do it, but particularly this community has seen first - hand the cancer and the explosion of health issues that have been caused by this kind of pollution
«No site is the site to do it, but particularly this community has seen first hand the cancer and the explosion of health issues that have been caused by this kind of pollution
Researchers from Harvard and Syracuse University have joined forces to look at how reducing this kind of pollution impacts human health and the environment.
Led by PNNL, the cross-functional research team, working under a measurements - to - modeling paradigm, investigated the ice nucleating properties for different dust samples affected by another kind of pollution.
smog A kind of pollution that develops when chemicals react in the air.
Organic farms tend to produce less of that kind of pollution.
I'd rather see people exploring the moon than going to the Antarctic to create the kind of pollution shown in the picture above.
The continued circulation of the non-peer-reviewed draft can act as a kind of pollution of the scientific literature, as it is often unclear to the uninitiated what it means to be published in an EGU «Discussions» journal.
Carbon dioxide, unlike the kinds of pollution wealthy countries dealt with in previous decades, is a persistent gas.
Controlling this kind of pollution requires coordinating across city and provincial boundaries over a geographic basin, but rural politicians and urban politicos in India have vastly different constituencies, making it difficult for urbanites to convince farmers to use less polluting practices or for rural people to ask city dwellers to drive less.
If GM crops are cultivated, then this kind of pollution will spread even more.
These days, to experience the kind of pollution crisis that used to be all too frequent in Los Angeles or Houston, you have to go to places like Beijing or New Delhi...
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