Sentences with phrase «kind of relationship does»

PB: What kind of relationship does Dogswell have with its retail partners?
What kind of relationship does your child have with your dog?
What kind of relationship does Four have with his mother?
I mean... what kind of relationship does someone truly have with Christ if it only exists so they won't be punished?
«What kind of relationship do I want with my customer?»
What kind of relationship do Canadians have with loyalty programs?
«What kind of relationship do you want to have with your teen in five years?»
What kind of relationships do I want?
That's really a major talking point in the video below: what kind of relationship do you want with your dog?
What kind of relationship do you want while living and learning with your friend?
MAURIZIO CATTELAN — What kind of relationship did you have with Arte Povera?
Who do you work with day to day, and what kind of relationships do you cultivate within the company?
What kind of relationships do you have with opposing counsel — and is there a difference between civil and criminal proceedings?
If so, what kind of relationship do you have with her?

Not exact matches

«Most restaurants don't have that kind of relationship with their customers,» Baer says.
One of the first things to do before engaging with an advisor is to determine what kind of relationship you, as an investor, want to have with your advisor.
Sometimes Trunk was asked by clients to leave meeting rooms because they didn't know she was a partner, and they made assumptions about the kind of relationship she had with her colleague.
If you're not in a business where you have that kind of relationship with customers, do you have any friends who are similar to your ideal client?
If you don't have a relationship or some connection in your business to your target executives, getting them to care about your event will be a stretch without a hook or context of some kind.
While a cosigner is often someone who has close ties to the borrower, such as a parent or spouse, lenders don't spell out what kind of relationships are permissible.
You CAN still reproduce by having relations with memebers of the opposite gender, that is obvious, what you are missing out on is that to ensure that people didn't prefer same gender relationships over the opposite gender relationships, it was made a sin punishable by death to avoid any kind possible population reduction from members of the church.
However, I do know that in America there is a kind of religious or cultural feeling against anal sex even in heterosexual relationships.
Without a relationship with Jesus you do not enter Heaven, im sorry if you think me bigoted, narrow minded or unenlightened but that is the truth, you know, the kind of truth that the rabble have a propensity for crucifying those who speak it?
Well, given that divorce rates are highest amongst evangelicals Christians, it kind of means that many relationships do not survive the God belief.
Second, while divorce negates an important element of marriage, it doesn't change the kind of relationship we're speaking about.
I didn't think much of the divorce and the rumours simply because things were trickling to me 3rd and 4th hand, and it's really not good practice to dig into hearsay, especially if you don't have that right kind of relationship with any of the players.
This is the kind of love we are talking about — not that we once upon a time loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to clear away our sins and the damage they've done to our relationship with God.
For by «mental» prayer traditional writers have intended to denote the kind of conscious relationship with God that does not require the use of words, spoken or formed.
But I've since resolved that if this is the kind of relationship they want, I must be willing to walk the extra mile and do my best at maintaining it... always leaving the door open for something deeper, if and when they are ready for it.
It doesn't require commitment either, though in our society it is an expectation of romantic love and I think it is a healthy component of a romantic relationship to make a commitment of some kind, though I think «forever» is unrealistic.
This inverts the proper relationship between text and interpreter, committing the same kind of blunder as did the schoolboy who was startled out of an illicit slumber by his teacher's question and blurted out that science had indubitably proved all monkeys are descended from Darwin!
However, do you «really» believe by allowing gays / lesbians to just be o.k, and have their relationships, that they are somehow over a thousand years going to cause «any» kind of a fall of «heteros - e-x-uality» and reproduction...?
The bible Belt is also the lynching belt, the segregation belt, the military belt, the illiteracy belt - When I read the Gospels I read Jesus telling me about the kind of relationship i should have with God and my fellows - how I should live how I should behave - we are supposed to care for the poor not lower taxes for the rich and tell poor kids with no health insurance to suck it up - starting a war is not Christian regardless of the provocation Why do you need the 10 commandments on the wall in the courthouse when every town has multiple churches let the churches put up signs with the commandments - do you know what Moses did when he came down the mountain - he lead his most trusted men is a slaughter of 3000 Jews, read it
The question is: what kind of relationship can we forge between performance studies and homiletics and what do we gain from such a dialogue?
But to expect that all tasks will get split evenly down the middle and neither spouse will ever do more work than the other is not only unrealistic, it's not the kind of sacrificial love God calls us to in any relationship.
Precisely that kind of man, «transported by his passion» — in this case his being caught up into a relationship with God in Christ, although it may very well be true in other ways as well, since to be «transported» by passion is to enter upon the most profound experience possible to human beings — precisely such a man does feel and know what is nothing other than «the secret of the universe».
I hope he eventually came to see that recognizing the kind of person one likes does not represent the full range of skills necessary for a good relationship.
This kind of relationship training should be available to all church groups which do lay calling for budget raising, membership recruitment, parish shepherding, etc., to increase their interpersonal skills.
At the moment I think, we might rather try to be life - giving in some other sense, as looking for some kind of project or social work we can do together (as I think it is very important for a relationship to not just focus on each other forever).
They often include provisions about religious practices for the couple and for any children who may arrive; whether or not they plan to have children; what they will do in the case of a pregnancy not wanted by one or the other; what will happen if the couple decides to separate; what the financial arrangements will be in such a case; what provision will be made for the children; how in - laws, relatives, and friends will be included in the relationship; what sexual practices will be followed; under what circumstances the couple will move from one home to another; whose job will take precedence; and what kinds of freedom each partner is to have.
He does this by the kind of person he is, the quality of his relationships, the sort of people he attracts to the church, the motivational influence of his leadership, and his own passion for making that church a need - satisfying fellowship with a dynamic concern for helping lift the load of humanity.
Paul's attitude means that sexuality did not have to be troublesome to Christians since they were free to choose the kind of relationship that best fit their personality.
But most of the time I am glad I don't have that kind of relationship with them.
On the other hand, in part because of its relationship to religion, it does not have the kind of recognition accorded secular therapeutic professions.
By faith however, I do seem to experience a kind of «certainty» or confidence but it is contingent on a whole matrix of relationships in progress and so while I can be passionate about the meaning I am making about those relationships, those relationships are always outstripping my meanings (claims) and revealing more about what meaning is possible.
So according to him, Sakhkhara does not mean the conquest or exploitation of nature rather it should be a kind of relationship in accordance with God's laws and responsibility of the human beings as vicegerents of God.
This kind of fasting does not mean ignoring hunger pains or cravings but listening carefully to them, observing how they change over time, looking at the relationship of mind and body in the experience of hunger and in the experience of food.
And yet, there are many wonderful people in my life who seem to have a different kind of relationship with God — one in which he gives them very specific orders about what to do.
Rather, it resides in the relationship with God which such existence may and does enjoy, whether this is realized or actualized in a vivid manner or is present only as a kind of Leitmotif which runs through the whole history of the human race and the personal history of each and every human person as a member of the society of men and women.
But when two people commit themselves to a kind of relationship which necessarily excludes many other sources of personality - feeding, they have an obligation to do all within their power to provide the interpersonal food the other needs.
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