Sentences with phrase «kind of secret»

When one of the girls commits suicide, the diary begins to reveal a different kind of secret.
It's safe to assume that a lot of women hide this same kind of secret - wanting their SO to drink their breastmilk if and when they ever get pregnant.
Kind of secret spot for people that don't want to surf with 100 other people in the water.
The rest of the cast don't really have much to do beyond reacting to English's latest cock - up, but Gillian Anderson (The X-Files), Dominic West (The Wire) and Rosamund Pike (Die Another Day — once a Bond girl herself, now falling for a very different kind of secret agent) are fun in their mostly straight faced roles.
In a traditional classroom, the teacher's role is generally to kind of to «dispense information», provide learning activities, assess learning usually at the end, and it's kind of all secret teacher's business.
That was kind of a secret until retired Harper's magazine editor Lewis Lapham accidentally brushed too close to one of them, pulling away with some of it on his pinstriped sleeve.
And so the story teaches us something about how to look for such things — if not necessarily to know when we have found them — and to know what kinds of secrets are worth pursuing.
But Jimmy — you were more than that — you had some kind of secret force — you were a nuclear power, a sun of positive energy.
His faith was often a kind of secret which, once noticed, could explain at least in part his choice of themes and subjects.
«For years I thought there was some kind of secret smelting sub group of church where they would go home from church and boil lead or something,» Nick says.
She also didn't keep it hidden as if it was some kind of secret.
Can you imaging living with that kind of secret?
But the last thing Christians need today is some kind of secret way of picking each other out.
But, hey, I've been up for over 24 hrs, so I thought I'd better let everyone know I am not some kind of secret - conspiracy nut.
Like it is some kind of secret code.
However, one must note that as pre-marital missionary sect will send one directly to H - E-double toothpicks, you find those who are unmarried (as well as those married who have grown tired of post-marital missionary sects) engaging in all kinds of secret sects.
Not the ugly kinds of secrets that corrode the heart with rust of unspoken truths, but the lovely, quiet kinds of secrets that remind me I exist apart from what I share.
What kind of secrets could a church have?
(Is there some kind of secret?!?! Please someone enlighten me!)
The Northside location is in an alley and has a courtyard that makes you feel like it's the kind of secret you don't want to let out but also want everyone to know about.
Between the military using games to recruit / train (which, incidentally was never any kind of secret), and «all those war / shoot em up vid games are funded by the Pentagon.»
I think he is in the midst of planning some kind of secret, husband - designed scavenger hunt meant to drive me mad.
He writes, «turning toward one another is a kind of secret weapon against elements such as contempt, criticism, defensiveness, and stonewalling - factors that can destroy any relationship.»
Unless Cahill has some kind of secret weapon, like a shillelagh in his pants, I'd bet in that encounter on the younger, fitter Hein.
«I'm not going to be complicit to any kind of secret arrangement,» Perkins said.
«It is a feeling like you've discovered some kind of secret of nature.»
I feel a bit like I'm revealing some kind of secret with today's blog post!
For all my first time readers, I wanted to share with you all a «not - so - secret» kind of secret, and that is, I love going to KPOP concerts.
You'll find all kinds of secrets being revealed in the way they stand, the way they touch your arm, even in the way they move their face!
Wow ive seen so many of these haha not sure if there's some kind of secret society all these idiots belong to.
The corners are rounded, the colors are yellowed, the exotic landscape is hiding all kinds of secrets.
But this story goes way deeper than that, weaving all kinds of secret Royal scandals into the mix as well.
These one - on - ones all follow the same pattern: Garlin arrives at a character's house or workplace, stands around awkwardly while they do weekday improv workshop material, and then learns some kind of secret about the character; more often than not, the secret involves a controlling woman.
Instead, by pulling together preexisting content, taken out of its original context, she's created a work of casual artistry, in which she has made the invisible visible, a kind of secret cinema that exists behind the one we normally take in, and take for granted.
In everyday life, we're awkward and uncertain, but each of us just might have some kind of secret power that helps us to feel stronger.
Do you think Benedict Cumberbatch and Morten both had their light - bulb moments (as it were) on the set of The Imitation Game, and this is some kind of secret spiteful race between the two of them?
Have the guys over at Marvel Studios discovered some kind of a secret formula?
A kind of secret handshake show for true television aficionados, the series stars Donal Logue and Michael Raymond - James as two anything but by the book private eyes who get in way over their heads while investigating a slew of unsavory miscreants in Ocean Beach, San Diego, California.
The key, Ogston says, is to understand technology as a tool rather than some kind of secret sauce.
Luke's father always knew that Luke had some kind of secret and he always wondered if Luke was involved.
It's the kind of secret that nobody ever wanted to keep to themselves, because even when you tell someone «my secret to success is that I make a good plan,» they don't really believe you anyway.
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