Sentences with phrase «kind of spirituality»

I think it is symptomatic of a new stage of human consciousness that we are reaching at the end of the twentieth century — a stage of consciousness that is calling for us to develop new kinds of spirituality and new understandings of religion and, indeed, of ethics and values as well.
The important thing to remember, as a yoga beginner, is that pretty much whatever type of fitness level you begin from, whatever kind of spirituality you ascribe to, and whatever kind of results you desire, the right kind of yoga can fulfill your needs.
Wells begins by positing two kinds of spirituality present within evangelicalism, distinguished in his view not so much by different doctrinal starting - points as differing priorities assigned to moral reasoning.
We can also call them pioneers because they are looking for a land of their own where they can build their own kind of spirituality particular to them without being harassed.
But I think that virtually everybody in this movement to save the Earth, or in any fashion do good, is expressing an inherent kind of spirituality that bubbles out of us like water out of an artisan spring.
(A North Castle Paperback), calling for a stage of consciousness that requires us to develop new kinds of spirituality and new understandings of religion and of ethics and values as well.
Whatever kind of spirituality you do or do not subscribe to, it's becoming increasingly difficult to turn your back on the science that says spiritual beliefs can have profound health benefits, mental and physical.
You don't have to love football to recognise what it does well, in bringing people together, allowing them to participate, offering them shared purpose and even a kind of spirituality.
It is the kind of spirituality that assures that religion will he kept at safe remove from public life.
See, for example, the writings of Swami Agnivesh and Asgar Ali Engineer.22 Tagore's words express this kind of spirituality:
I'm comforted by the idea that he has some kind of spirituality as a part of his life.
Is it just an account of an unusual sort of religious experience, a kind of spirituality, as we might say today?
But they can not go on without some kind of spirituality.
Others can seem too exclusive, where one kind of spirituality is unfairly dominant over another.
This has given rise to a kind of spirituality based on personal experience, with an openness to accept Eastern traditions like meditation and yoga as legitimate ways to expand one's consciousness.
«Einsteinian religion is a kind of spirituality which is nonsupernatural,» he told the gathering at New York University.
Nor can we say, exactly, that yoga is a kind of spirituality or religion.
Black Panther expands that universe by adding a great deal of culture and a kind of spirituality to the whole.
Now I know there's a kind of a spirituality about Iceland as well, with Charles and what have you, the Pachamama Ceremony... did that strike a chord with you?
Their black wood forms, variously shelved or slatted, seem to hold, organize or repress information, perhaps even a kind of spirituality, which is often embodied by added planes of color or copper.
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