Sentences with phrase «kind of suffering»

I think it is common — people that kind of suffered from the addiction — even after the fact.
The game also kind of suffers with the lack of variety, as you seem to do the same thing over and over again.
But not knowing which to do is the worst kind of suffering.
It is not only that in committing oneself to another we take the risks of certain kinds of suffering.
But as fate would have it, natural disasters often lead to other kinds of suffering — divorce.
We all know what kind of suffering it takes, loving fashion shouldn't mean being so selfish.
Of course, the spooky factor kind of suffered since my «spider legs» were to be built form slices of green peppers.
Or perhaps you are a sufferer, who is wearied by talking of so many different kinds of suffering when yours is not even mentioned.
One kind of suffering comes from knowing that the world, perhaps even a non-physical part of it, is not going as we believe it should.
Detached from the concrete habits and ideals that ground particular moral communities, empathy would not enable a person to discriminate among competing kinds of suffering.
Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.
The curatorial strategy thus sets up two boundaries for the work in the show: the colors blue and black as formal elements on the one side, and associations with the colors black and blue — including race, bruising as a metaphor, and the specific kind of suffering resulting from racism and racial inequality — on the other.
In May 2014, 10 months after getting married, I was still kind of suffering from post-wedding blues.
The third answer to the worst kind of suffering — seemingly senseless death — is: «God saves some people and lets others die because he favors and rewards good people.»
In May 2014, 10 months after getting married, I was still kind of suffering from post-wedding blues.
We can tend to gloss over the devastation of any kind of suffering but especially sexual assault, with Christian platitudes like God works all things together for good or God is sovereign.
Is it really possible that there might be something unspeakably horrible in store for every single person who dies this way, or for the world, that only this kind of suffering and death can avert?
So you wouldn't see God and Jesus able to predict exactly the kind of suffering that was dished out by human agency?
Taken by itself, the counseling image might suggest that the pastor can do all the helping needed, or that he is concerned only with some kinds of suffering and not with all, or that this is the elite form of helping to which all others are inferior.
But in Jesus» words here, to be a disciple is to be willing to live and show forth the kind of suffering love that shines through the cross.
This over-glorification of a man that Jesus often said missed his point is cause of countless wars and all kinds of suffering going all the way back to the earliest Christian churches.
I doubt if Ms. Harvey, or anyone else for that matter, would want to return to a city of the thirteenth or fourteenth century in hopes of finding a more humane treatment of the physically needy; and citing the Church's support for the «noble» care - giver is hardly helpful, because the church of the Middle Ages was rife with a twisted theology that found ego - gratifying glory in all kinds of suffering...
The kind of suffering caused by such a break is no small matter.
10 THINGS YOU CAN DO WITH YOUR ABUSE There are different kinds of suffering and abuse.
For people isolated by stigma and fear, it's powerful to hear an acknowledgement that this kind of suffering exists, that it doesn't mean God has abandoned them, and that people in the church might be willing to walk through it with them.
His has been the kind of suffering that, in days gone by, might have inspired a religion or two.
But enacting protections for students against that kind of suffering took over a decade.
While that style of logic is still consistent with how I think today (i.e. that humility and an open mind are essential in this line of work), I learned that I was totally missing the point, because my question was completely abstract — and the kind of suffering I witnessed on those wards was anything but an abstraction.
I hate human and animal and any kind of suffering, think everything would be better off if it didn't exist......
Even if this kind of suffering has happened only to other people and not to you, you're likely in for an ugly cry.
The risk in playing this kind of suffering lies in the temptation to externalize the misery, but Mr. Hawke strips away everything that might turn this into a performance.
The implication is clear: there's no easy way to convey this kind of suffering.
Forcing ourselves to like someone is one kind of suffering; trying to find someone we really like is a different sort of suffering.
That's the best thing about that kind of suffering — the kind you have on a long - distance trail — it's always funny later.??
It is your support that made this rescue possible, and that keeps us going in our efforts to put a stop to this kind of suffering.
Anyone who has known a dog's love also knows how tragic this kind of suffering is for such innocent beings who only want to love, be loved, and feel safe.
«Most every pup sold in stores in America comes from this kind of suffering — or worse,» he insists.
No trip is worth that kind of suffering.
With «The Labyrinth Wall,» a group show at Exit Art, it becomes too diffuse, as if wanting to embrace every kind of suffering.
And it is also a kind of suffering.
And it is also a kind of suffering... [more]
In May 2014, 10 months after getting married, I was still kind of suffering from post-wedding blues.
In May 2014, 10 months after getting married, I was still kind of suffering from post-wedding blues.
Not the kind of suffering you can remove yourself from, but the kind that you have no choice but to endure.
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