Sentences with phrase «kind of think»

«I kind of think the president has his hands filled with what he has to do and one of the main reasons I wanted to wrap up with these two years because there's so much on his agenda that the Tea Party has really thrown into a gridlock.»
Jeffrey, dad to one year - old Gethin, has had to work away from the family home during the week since the company he works for downsized «It's just annoying»cause you're not around, especially now»cause he's starting to stand up and he's almost walking and he's almost talking, you kind of think you're missing out a bit really».
Now when I was pregnant I mean actually with all the kids I ate a lot of curries so I kind of think I sort of prep them they got it when I was pregnant you know the amniotic food they got with the breast milk.
However, I kind of think it's cleaner that this one focuses only on pumping.
Mom has to be ready to do it, baby has to be ready to do it, so there, and I feel like there's a lot of factors to, to kind of think about in this whole process.
And we didn't really get to delve into it too much but Lisa, do you find that is helpful and if it is why is it that something that women should kind of think about doing?
It did set a different tone than the other births that I have been to, so you really kind of think about your personality and what really suits you; also you have to think about other people around you might respond to it because if you're playing punk metal and that's what get you in your zone you might be creating an antagonistic environment with your care provider.
Confessions of a Pioneer Woman: Once Upon A Time I don't know if Ree considers herself an Attachment Parenting mama, but deep in my heart, I kind of think she is.
I kind of think right sizing this business means better food for everyone (including those that will choose to start packing peanut butter and jelly sandwiches).
I kind of think that school lunch should be run as a not for profit, so that there are no profit dollars built into the cost of the food.
So, you know, I do kind of think there's a problem with dichotomy and judgment of: are you nursing or not?
Kind of think of your breast is like squeezing out like an orange.
«I have always dreamt of playing for Liverpool, but I did kind of think the chance of playing for them had gone.
«I don't want to be harsh on him, I don't want to be harsh on any player, but I kind of think Wenger brought him in because he didn't get the top - level striker that he wanted.
As a matter of fact, I do kind of think Rousey is a clueless idiot, but that doesn't have anything to do with this discussion.,
But he was comin» at me and I kind of think he'd of hit me if he could have.
I kind of think of it as avocado toast in tortilla form, which means you know it's gonna be good.
I kind of think that we need to have a monthly National Pretzel Day (or at least National Pretzel Month) because these were SO good.
We kind of think that vinegar goes better with tomatoes.
The rolls in the video are not vegetarian, so if that kind of think bugs you, then you might want to look around for another video.
Sometimes I still get complaints, but I kind of think I'm doing everyone a favor because who wants to bite into a coconut - filled chocolate when you wanted caramel?
I really did love the salsa as is, but I'm sure it would be even better with the garlic because I kind of think that everything is better with garlic.
I wasn't so crazy about the one with Aperol because I kind of think Aperol is Campari for sissies.
I have actually never bought a cookbook before (I kind of think, why bother when there are so many amazing food blogs!)
Thank goodness, too, because I kind of think the kids may have turned up their noses if they knew what was in them.
I haven't made fudge since Christmas (it's usually a one a year kind of think, but I think I could break that rule for these), and now I am really craving it.
But I kind of think of this comment section as living room, a place where we can enjoy each others company and where I'd hope politeness trumps presumptions.
I'm in love with the dressing and I kind of think it needs a post of its own because it's so good.
Very nice of her, but I kind of think it was because they knew that there wouldn't be meat at my party.
which makes me kind of think they must be sexually active when they say it like that.
I kind of think faith, the way it is used in this day (examples Jeremy has given), doesn't really cut it.
I can certainly relate to the kind of think you are talking of David with prayer, though I didn't have a partner to share that with as you have with Lisa.
Those are the stories that will come to the surface and help us as Christian readers to kind of think through and put ourselves in that spot and say, «What does this mean for me?
I kind of think it is the least we could do for them seeing as how we stole their land, gave them blankets covered in disease, hooked them on alcohol, massacred the buffalos, do I need to go on?!? Oh, I forgot the whole slaughtering them for their lands thing.
I kind of think I knew that, but I think it muddies the waters (anyway) and places things in question which ought not be re-thought, such as the existence of God.
Kids today kind of think its all garbage.
I kind of think TJ's article was ultimately making something out of nothing.
«A stress test that claims that if the Dow falls by 60 %, the unemployment rate rises to 12 %, housing prices decline substantially more than they did during the 2008 recession, GDP declines by 6 - 7 % — and that all of that can happen and no bank will be in serious financial trouble or have any problem of being undercapitalized or illiquid — I kind of think says more about itself than it says about the health of the banking system.»
For the 2018 letter, the couple opted to organize their thoughts in the form of frequently asked questions about their priorities, how the current political climate is impacting the organization, how they decide where to donate funds and what kind of thought goes into their corporate partnerships.
You don't want to overdo that kind of thinking; it can be restrictive.
When he told her his plan — sell the printing business so he could create a reality series centered on a hot - rod shop that didn't exist yet — «I kind of thought he was crazy,» she says.
It's very easy for this kind of thinking to be reduced to cynical tactics that cover up old business practices with new, friendlier terminology, but when it's done right, it's obvious.
I stumbled across an ad in the paper, and I kind of thought it might be for a Santa, but I wasn't sure.
Says Gionta: «I just kind of thought, «Hmmmm...»
However, this kind of thinking may be a huge mistake.
I kind of thought like, where the fuck am I, and what the fuck is gonna happen?
While there's a lot of good reasons for this kind of thinking, I've allowed myself to confuse this thinking with the tendency to avoid all sorts of self - congratulation.
We can model and teach the skills that will equip them to lead themselves and others in this hyper - competitive world, or we can allow them to fall victim to the kind of thinking that makes them slaves to the status quo.
But that kind of thinking is short - sighted, said Ediberto Román, a professor of law at Florida International University.
That kind of thinking guided Rendle's career decisions and explains how he rose to the top job of VF (VFC), the giant retailer known for its Lee Jeans, Timberland footwear, and North Face outdoor apparel.
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