Sentences with phrase «kind of trauma»

The second most difficult is severe neglect, just a different kind of trauma.
Our personal injury lawyers knows what kind of trauma personal injuries can cause.
There are likely as many kinds of trauma as there are human beings.
This is a special kind of trauma to the relationship.
This workshop presents six different kinds of trauma and their specific emotional and sexual consequences.
No matter what kind of trauma or difficulty you're coping with, the three good things exercise is a relatively easy way to try focusing on what's currently going well for you.
«The response was different from what other researchers have found regarding natural disasters or other kinds of trauma,» says Hobbs.
I suspect that there may be some people with similar kinds of traumas from nasty custody battles, or from life - threatening illnesses, but don't know if those compare in any meaningful way.
That same kind of trauma can cause the brain to collide with the skull without breaking the bone itself.
Existing measures of growth were criticized due to their retrospective self - report format that may cause biases in capturing the growth processes in individuals with several specific kinds of trauma, such as physical or psychological disabilities of close family members, bereavement and some others kinds of traumatic experience.
For over a decade, I have helped clients with anxiety and mood disorders, as well as victims of various kinds of trauma and their families, and those that struggle with drugs and alcohol to cope with stress.
In - depth case material brings to life the process of assessment and treatment with couples coping with the impact of different kinds of trauma, including childhood abuse, serious illness, and combat experiences.
While my one childhood fight taught me a couple of valuable lessons (notably, to be incredibly nice to Ira Blitz until after graduation), it also raised a question: Exactly what kind of trauma had I put my body through?
When we experience some kind of trauma... especially abuse... a part of us... the abused part... freezes over.
This is what happens to anyone who experiences any kind of trauma.
My observations, of my own life and the lives of others, is that it usually takes some kind of trauma to change one's mind.
People who have any kind of trauma often have emotional flashbacks (sometimes without any connection to any external trigger at the time), and they can be extremely hard to work around.
If you are parenting a child with severe behaviors, particularly one who has experienced some kind of trauma, I urge you to check out Heather Forbes.
The court will take this kind of trauma into consideration when making their decision.
If your child still won't open up and you continue to suspect some kind of trauma or upsetting event has happened, seek a therapist's help to get support for your child and your family.
In Emotional and Physical Trauma and Its Impact on Breastfeeding Mothers, author Dianne Cassidy, IBCLC - RLC, ALC, describes the different kinds of trauma and discusses ways to work with these moms...
In some cases more than others, your body experiences a kind of trauma through childbirth that is difficult to explain unless you've had that experience.
And as I started sharing the Conscious Uncoupling process with friends, clients and students, and began to see their immediate success in using the process, I realized clearly that none of them had to bear that kind of trauma in their lives... and neither do you.
Being female — Women may be at increased risk of PTSD because they are more likely to experience the kinds of trauma that can trigger the condition.
The groups intend to carry out a series of studies to better understand the kinds of trauma exposure in Yemen, the effects on the population, as well as local needs and coping strategies, and the links with peace and transitional processes.
Any kind of trauma to the breast can cause pain, including from surgery, a biopsy, an elbow to the chest, a seatbelt injury, or even rough sex.
Tight and sometimes even frozen shoulders are a result of the fear that creeps into the crevices of our bodies when it has experienced that kind of trauma.
The dark - colored variety has quercetin, which is a powerful antioxidant which protects the body from oxidative damage caused by increased inflammation levels, whether from being overweight or some kind of a trauma.
People with this kind of trauma often have a more difficult time dealing with the rejection and the betrayal of infidelity.
It can help calm an agitated child, it can see dramatic behavioural improvements for children who have Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or who have undergone some kind of trauma or abuse.
It is seriously amazing that we live to be with our babies after that kind of trauma.
Many of us have experienced heartbreak, which is a kind of trauma, and sometimes, you can get stuck in your feelings and apprehension without even realizing it.
She's clearly been through some kind of trauma, but is unable to speak.
He usually undergoes some kind of trauma in the first act and is forced to define himself in the face of these trying circumstances, more by who he is than what he does.
Data shows that more than half of all U.S. children have experienced some kind of trauma in the form of abuse, neglect, violence, or challenging household circumstances — and 35 percent of children have experienced more than one type of traumatic event, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Students have faced all kinds of trauma that weighs them down, and you can't move forward until you face that.
A slipped belt usually happens due to some kind of trauma to the tire, such as hitting a pot hole or a curb at just the right speed or direction.
Having said that, the stronger and more applicable potency for this kind of trauma would be 200C.
Answer: Limping isn't a common symptom of poisoning but vomiting is - but dogs can vomit for MANY different reasons (dietary indiscretion, kidney disease, liver disease, poisoning, intestinal parasites, viruses like parvo, etc etc) The only way I can relate the limping to the vomiting is if she sustained some kind of trauma (like hit by car) and may have internal injuries.
Most often the result of some kind of trauma, eye injuries usually require immediate veterinary care.
Though it is new to veterinary medicine, it is proving to be a very effective treatment for any kind of trauma — human or animal.
It happens either as the result of a lack of fetal fluid or as a result of some kind of trauma (such as a fall).
Your pet has been experienced some kind of trauma, such as being hit by a car or a blunt object or falling more than a few feet.
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