Sentences with phrase «kind of truth»

When I read the closing lines again, I was certain that I was being told a special kind of truth, and maybe one that only poetry can tell.
Through a chorus of unique voices, each struggling to tell their own kind of truth, a single authentic tale unfolds.
What kinds of truths can artists explore that politicians can not (or should not)?
Moreover, different scriptures teach us different kinds of truth.
I think the fact the Colson Whitehead used magical realism to describe his version of the Underground Railroad is a clear signal that we need to not take this as history but look for other kinds of truths in it.
The camera's objective eye warrants a certain kind of truth while painterly renderings become objects far enough removed from their subjects that they take on new and different meanings as the artist exaggerates the inconsistencies between what is really seen and observed.
So it's just an example of where you have to triangulate all four of those to make sure you get the real kind of truth in terms of customer feedback.
Lindbeck was trying to address secondary kinds of truth, on which we might disagree as Christians.
Different genres make different kinds of truth claims.
There can be many kinds of truth relations, thus justifying the use of the term both for art and mathematics, as well as for concrete impressions and abstract speculations.
While it is accurate to say that story produces truth, it is not the beyond - a-reasonable-doubt kind of truth that ought to be the goal in a court of law.
So, an experiment is not a self - evident kind of truth in Restoration England.
Tons of Different Types of Ammo: Tackle challenges with multiple kinds of Truth Bullets, such as Paralyze and Link.
This taxonomy of mundane acts plays with charismatic resistance to the neutralization and domestication of so - called lesser social actors as they work to hustle a new kind of truth.
Now if we regard all real religions as attempts to get at a special kind of truth to provide some answer to man's intuitions about his own nature, we shall, I believe, find that what we know as «Christianity» comprehends, develops and fulfills all that at heart we hold to be true.
There are great differences among these three spokes - persons for social possibility and pathology, but they all focus on the fact that societies have ways in which to articulate and distort certain kinds of truth that make human life possible Or problematic.
It's a game about the stories families tell each other and how memories become fiction and then history, before morphing into their own kind of truth.
Using a variety of media — including photography, drawing, collage, and sculpture — as well as acts of alteration and appropriation, Something With Birds In It conjures a visual environment where anticipated meanings are called into question and in which contradictions and nonsense point to other kinds of truths.
Without a relationship with Jesus you do not enter Heaven, im sorry if you think me bigoted, narrow minded or unenlightened but that is the truth, you know, the kind of truth that the rabble have a propensity for crucifying those who speak it?
They are exuberant recipients of the kind of truth that Pilate could not comprehend.
Could be that kind of truth that we are not aware of to.
Not only is there a complementarity between the truths of modern science and the truth of Revelation in Jesus Christ, but rather the laws of physics and chemistry, the patterns of evolution, the truthsscience discovers about the cosmos and every kind of truth cry out for Jesus Christ as their fulfillment and meaning.
More stories showing how crazy religion is, more religious posters rabidly defending the insanity as a special kind of truth that only they can see.
But there are ways of apprehending some kinds of truth which are quite independent of the scientific method.
William James wrote that he could not accept any rule of thinking that would keep him from accepting «certain kinds of truths if those kinds of truths were really there.»
Weil had immense respect for the human intellect and the vital importance of the kind of truth that is accessible only to the intellect.
In our fallenness, however, individualism possesses a kind of truth.
Prayer is a truly reflective state of mind which should bring us closer to some kind of truth about ourselves, who we are.
Peaches they can't handle that kind of truth.
Though Lactantius had himself been declared heretical more than a thousand years earlier, historical ignorance made it but a short step to the kind of truth v. orthodoxy morality play that bas persisted even as late as this exchange in Joseph Chiari's Christopher Columbus (1919):
He says conservatives like Dreher and Douthat are foolish to hail him as some kind of truth - teller to and about conservative elites, that the reality is he is an enabler of American personal irresponsibility and what's more, a force for political evil....
This seems reasonable, and that faith aspires to some kind of truth is something even those mistrustful of creeds might hesitate to deny.
They seem so true that they are, at one level, a kind of truth.
I believe that the kind of truth we are talking about very often transcends facts.
This project rides on the dubious assumption that there is only one kind of truth, the kind of empirically established explanations attained by scientists.
Whenever mythology is translated into scientific and rational terms there is an inevitable loss of meaning and consequent superficiality, which shows the inadequacy of the scientific approach to this kind of truth.
But allowing ourselves to become overly focused on perceived «threats» to our beliefs can distract His Body from showing the kind of truth even science isn't equipped to understand.
Religion, on the other hand, is concerned with a kind of truth that is rooted in what is unseen.
The bible may be truth to you bobby but it is not any kind of truth to many people.
It is simply that there are ways of apprehending some kinds of truth which are quite independent of the scientific method.
In like fashion, we probably should not expect the realm of scholarly discourse closely to resemble the kind of truth - seeking dialogue imagined by great religious thinkers such as Martin Buber, and by great secular thinkers such as John Stuart Mill.
If you want some kind of truth which provides absolute answers then simply pick one and be happy in the ignorance of believing you have it also.
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