Sentences with phrase «kind program based»

We created this unique, first - of - its - kind program based on the philosophy that food should be functional — that food is a pathway to optimal health and wellbeing, and is the medicine you need to fight inflammation, make skin glow, balance hormones, heal the gut, and so much more.

Not exact matches

Under an income - contingent repayment program, borrowers with Direct Stafford loans of any kind, PLUS loans made to students, and consolidation loans have their monthly payment based on the lesser of 20 percent of discretionary income or the amount due on a repayment plan with a fixed payment over 12 years, adjusted for income.
Finally, you want to make sure that you're not eligible for any kind of forgiveness program that would knock out some of your loans before you agree to income - based repayment.
«If companies heard more of that from their shareholder base, they might engage in those kinds of programs,» adds Rosen.
Wuthnow draws the subtle distinction that «rhetoric about faith - based programs has had one kind of impact on civil society while the reality of these programs has had quite a different effect.»
We felt that students should have a broader experiential base, and we have tried all kinds of changes in curriculum — experiments in contextual education, teaching parishes, internships, supervised ministry programs, etc..
The district also infuriated scores of parents when it shuttered all 54 of its full - day school - based programs in June — the kind of extended preschool program the district said last year it wanted to beef up.
The effect of these kinds of supports on home visitors has not been well studied, but some research on similar interventions indicates implementation of evidence - based practices with fidelity monitoring and supportive consultation predicts lower rates of staff turnover, as well as lower levels of staff emotional exhaustion relative to services as usual.29, 30,31 Moreover, a supportive organizational climate has been associated with more positive attitudes toward adoption of evidence - based programs.32
Community - based parent support programs are based on the belief that when parents receive parenting support as well as other supports and resources, they are more likely to feel better about themselves and their parenting abilities, and in turn interact with their children in responsive and supportive ways enhancing the development of their children.3 Bronfenbrenner, 16 Cochran, 17 and others18, 19 have noted that parenting knowledge and skills are learned and strengthened by the kinds of help and assistance provided by informal and formal social support network members.
The only program of its kind in Los Angeles, Five Acres Deaf Services provides community - based counseling and mental health services to deaf individuals and their families.
Though many different kinds of kids will do well at such a program, Ms. Raymer says play - based schools tend to be good for «the very young, the energetic and those whose attention spans are still in development.»
Some groups estimate that 10 percent of all U.S. schools now use some kind of evidence - based, emotional learning program.
So my hope is that «we» (medical and nursing programs) need to provide evidenced based education for any provider who works with mothers and babies so they can help mothers who have difficulties and give them the right kind of help.
The server stats don't show any referring sites sending THAT many readers, and I'm also not seeing the kind of spike in traffic from web - based email programs (Yahoo Mail, etc.) that an email newsletter pickup usually causes.
In a letter of support for the project, U.S. Congressman Brian Higgins wrote»... this company's vision includes the first of its kind partnership with the «Say Yes Buffalo» program in which The Phoenix Brewery Apartments LLC will donate 10 % of its projects once stabilized to this board based community education collaborative to increase high school and postsecondary completion rates.»
«Any kind of existing program that gives credit to reforestation could give credits to forest preservation,» such as the carbon offsets based on tree planting, he says.
(The Interior Department's inspector general, however, released a scathing report on September 10 charging that 19 current and past officials in the MMS's Denver - based Royalty in Kind program were both literally and figuratively in bed with energy company execs.
«But their teaching practice is not benefiting from the kind of support often provided in school - based mentoring programs
I think one of the assumptions in artificial intelligence has always been that, you know, the brain as this kind of digital computer and the mind is a software program and you can just extract that software program from this flesh - and - blood, three - pound mass in our skulls and put it in a laptop or some kind of silicon - based machine; and that's a tremendous assumption, it might be that you can say, maybe, the mind is software but it might be a software that can only run in this particular stuff within which it evolved.
In a Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) program, physicist Ibo Matthews and his team are experimenting with a new research - based metal 3D printer, one of only four of its kind in the world, using a customized software platform capable of unprecedented design control.
What kind of nutrition program do you recommend for plant based athletes?
I have worked with clients utilizing many different kinds of diets as well as many hundreds of different dietary supplements from countless companies and natural products until I came up with what I believe to be the most effective clinical programs based on my own personal clinical experiences.
The first of its kind in the nation, this program provides evidence - based nutrition training specifically for health professionals and those with advanced science training who want to broaden their expertise and client reach with a strong knowledge base in nutrition.
These evidence - based programs are a first of their kind in North America.
I would love to have lunch with Lauren Parsekian Paul, one of the founders of Kind Campaign, a nonprofit that helps educate about the powerful belief in KINDness that brings awareness and healing to the negative and lasting effects of girl - against - girl «crime» through documentary films and school based programs.
In most educational programs, traditional time - based assessments provide a single quantitative grade, more often than not on some kind of «pass - fail» scale.
He does two kinds of schools: high schools that are tech related, where the kids are engaged in projected based learning and discovery, and that have deeply embedded partnerships with local industry; and also schools that are K — 8 flex programs, in which students attend school two days a week, work from home two days a week, and one day is an enrichment day.
Consequently, school districts lack the kind of research - based evidence necessary to choose among such programs; often the only information they have comes from the program developers themselves.
No Child Left Behind (and pre-existing programs such as Florida's A + Program) have begun to yield the kinds of data that make performance - based judgments possible, and Race to the Top has underscored the importance of doing this.
It's also easier for you, as you don't have to deal with the costs and logistics of running a traditional classroom - based training program for tens, hundreds or even thousands of people of all kinds of backgrounds and skill levels.
Under her leadership, the school launched the Doctor of Education Leadership Program, a first - of - its - kind practice - based education doctoral program; created a universitywide Ph.D. in Education; established the Urban Scholars Fellowship which provides full tuition to teachers from urban schools; and significantly increased financial aid for master's and doctoral stProgram, a first - of - its - kind practice - based education doctoral program; created a universitywide Ph.D. in Education; established the Urban Scholars Fellowship which provides full tuition to teachers from urban schools; and significantly increased financial aid for master's and doctoral stprogram; created a universitywide Ph.D. in Education; established the Urban Scholars Fellowship which provides full tuition to teachers from urban schools; and significantly increased financial aid for master's and doctoral students.
These charters are accountable to the District of Columbia Public Charter School Board (PCSB) for the quality and results of their pre-K programs — just as they are for grades K — 12 — but they are not subject to the kind of extensive, input - based quality requirements found in other pre-K programs.
Surely there are risks associated with drawing private schools into public accountability systems, but empirical evidence shows that downsides can be mitigated if policymakers are smart about how they design results - based accountability in choice programs of this kind.
This kind of project - based learning, such as the building of the raft in the novel and the range of skills it promotes, are something our vast network of expanded learning programs in California have been doing for many years in the after school and summer program hours.
Keeping in mind that test - based accountability mostly focuses on the level of test scores, not changes, and virtually never relies upon a rigorous identification of how test scores are caused by schools and programs, we have no way of knowing that that the kinds of schools, programs, and practices that we are pushing in education will actually help kids later in life.
The draft accountability rules, to be released this summer, will encourage states to identify high - and low - performing teacher preparation programs across all kinds of educational models, not just those based in colleges and universities; urge a transition from current input - based reporting requirements to a focus on more meaningful outcomes; and likely limit program eligibility for TEACH grants — which are available to students who are planning to become teachers in a high - need field in a low - income school — to only effective teacher preparation programs.
However, there is limited scientifically based research on what kind of program produces effective teachers; rather, the literature consists mostly of calls for change in teacher preparation programs.
This involved developing strategies to attract high quality teachers into teaching, including extended an existing government - funded Masters program for early career teachers, and also strengthening university - based teacher education (instead of replacing or eroding it with a market of other kinds of providers).
The teaching fellows program provided this kind of clinically based approach.
It is the only program of its kind in the district, according to district spokeswoman Rachel Strauch - Nelson, although there might be some overlap with a UW - Madison - based college - readiness program called the PEOPLE Program, and the district also has just started creating individualized learning plans for new high school stprogram of its kind in the district, according to district spokeswoman Rachel Strauch - Nelson, although there might be some overlap with a UW - Madison - based college - readiness program called the PEOPLE Program, and the district also has just started creating individualized learning plans for new high school stprogram called the PEOPLE Program, and the district also has just started creating individualized learning plans for new high school stProgram, and the district also has just started creating individualized learning plans for new high school students.
The last major alternative is restorative justice, the kind of climate - based improvement program that Matthew Hornbeck has been building in his school over the past nine years.
In addition to connecting complex and important subjects, STEM programs are also created in reaction to changing work tasks and demands, which ask for not only an integrated knowledge base, but, again, an integrated worldview that places significant emphasis on the kind of person a STEM education produces; ideally valuing collaboration, interpersonal communication and the groundwork necessary for customer empathy in future careers.
Consistent with this conceptual base, the MELAF professional development program attempted to enact the following principles: First, educator - participants must «be» what we want them to help students become — that is, they must experience the kind of teaching and learning that students are to experience in classrooms.
But the idea of finding some kind of existing program or co-op that has an established presence and fan base may have some merit.
isnt there any tablet or any kind of e ink display which can be connected to computer via wi fi or a cable hence can be used for programming in various firms.more or less i need monitors / screens based on e-ink technology
Under an income - contingent repayment program, borrowers with Direct Stafford loans of any kind, PLUS loans made to students, and consolidation loans have their monthly payment based on the lesser of 20 percent of discretionary income or the amount due on a repayment plan with a fixed payment over 12 years, adjusted for income.
With an income - based repayment program, borrowers with Direct Stafford loans of any kind, PLUS loans to students, or consolidation loans not including Parent PLUS loans have monthly payments capped at ten or 15 percent of discretionary income.
Bank on Evansville is based on a model that is spreading across the county and is the first program of its kind in Indiana.
Two kinds of «Fees» are eligible for this guarantee: (1) asset - based «Program Fees» for the Schwab Private Client («SPC»), Schwab Managed Portfolios («SMP»), Schwab Intelligent Advisory («SIA»), and Managed Account Connection («Connection») investment advisory services sponsored by Schwab (together, the «Participating Services»); and (2) commissions and fees listed in the Charles Schwab Pricing Guide for Individual Investors and the Schwab Bank Deposit Account Pricing Guide (together, «Account Fees»).
Two kinds of «Fees» are eligible for this guarantee: (1) asset - based «Program Fees» for the Schwab Private Client («SPC»), Schwab Managed Portfolios («SMP»), Schwab Intelligent Advisory («SIA»), and Managed Account Connection («Connection») investment advisory services sponsored by Schwab (together, the «Participating Services»); and (2) commissions and fees listed in the Charles Schwab Pricing Guide for Individual Investors («Account Fees») or the Charles Schwab Bank Pricing Guide.
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