Sentences with phrase «kinds of abortion»

There are two kinds of abortion in the U.S. — in - clinic abortion and the abortion pill.
There are two kinds of abortion in the U.S. — medication abortion and in - clinic abortion (also called «abortion pill»).
Both kinds of abortion are safe and effective.
Some Planned Parenthood health centers provide one or both kinds of abortion.
Instead, they will gain because support for many kinds of abortion comes not so much through either passion or reason as through a change in lifestyles.
Because public opinion supporting certain kinds of abortion is close to unanimous; it was formed before the 1973 Supreme Court decision; and the majority that have come of sexual age since that year now take for granted that fertility decisions are to be made only by the individuals involved.
It's all some kind of abortion — you can have a threatened abortion, a spontaneous abortion, a partial abortion, or in my case, with these pregnancies that continue despite the lack of a living embryonic occupant, a missed abortion.
Your doctor, nurse, or health center staff can help you decide which kind of abortion is best for you.
Your nurse, doctor, or health center counselor can help you decide which kind of abortion is best for you.
Which kind of abortion you choose all depends on your personal preference and situation.

Not exact matches

The extreme violence, high number of abortions, and criminality associated with drug cartels prompted the church to carry out this unique kind of exorcism.
This Republican reticence about abortion is all kinds of self - defeating.
Maybe there is some kind of 11th commandment that has to do with abortion, but I guess I must not have seen that one.
1) Somewhere in the Bible there is / are some kind of passages that say abortion is wrong.
Your reference to gay people and women who have had an abortion kind of makes it sound like you are one of the «Christian» masses that blindly follow your «Church».
But Clinton is far better positioned to keep the abortion rate at the record low it saw under President Obama while the Republican Party works for the next four years to produce the kind of candidate the people of this country deserve.
So the «pro-lifers» are against abortion as a legally medical form of «murder», but then vote for politicians in our USA who promote war and all kinds of both domestic and foreign policies that lead to the death of millions of already born humans.
The audacity of the prominent campaigner for reproductive rights illustrates the kind of changing of attitudes that would lead to the 1967 Abortion Act.
I guess I kind of follow this simple idea: «Don't like abortion?
There is only one way it could not be, and that is if you decide that it teaches that nihilism is the truth, revealed here by the pointless failure of Davis's career, so that his having to obtain abortions for women he impregnated is just another absurd, annoying, and energy - sapping aspect of that, his irrational guilt instincts causing him to have to scrounge for money, and so that his learning that one of these abortions didn't occur is just another sort of misfortune, saddling him with sentiments that he will have no way to really act upon (it is unlikely the that the mother of the child wants to see him), and probably causing him to draw some kind of superstitious karmic connection between a random coincidence of having hit a cat that looks just like one he abandoned, and his driving by the town his child may be living in.
And I think there are too many abortions, but fundamentalists of any kind, including Catholics, going after the morning after pill doesn't help anything IMHO.
To me that kind of experience is just as bad as abortion.
I don't know what kind of forms or what information women have when they go to get an abortion, but maybe the abortion clinic could explain other options that they have and make sure they are educated.
I took the first step 26 years ago, and it would seem that the issue of abortion kind of falls into the arguments I am hearing related to Dominic's thoughts.
The report shows a sort of tortured desire for some kind of good, some kind of affirmation of human dignity: Wonderfully, it calls on Member States to «implement policies and measures aimed at preventing people from having abortions for social or economic reasons and providing support to mothers and couples in difficulty.»
They justify their violence by taking verses out of context — you know, kind of like Christian extremists that blow up abortion clinics or racists who quote Phineas to justify their bigotry.
For the next generation as well, it seems possible that abortion will be the bloody crossroads where conflicting visions of the kind of people we are and should be will do battle.
As a conservative Christian I'm against perverse sexual acts of any kind, murder, gossip, abortion, and a whole gamut of immoral actions that we all struggle with and see others struggle with.
I would totally go with treating [abortion] like any other crime up to and including hanging — which kind of, as I said, I'm kind of squishy about capital punishment in general, but I've got a soft spot for hanging as a form of capital punishment.
What kind of Catholic isn't shocked and horrified by the sin of abortion?
I'd anticipated some kind of difficulty watching an abortion; it wasn't there.
It's a safe bet the abortion count is much higher in sanctorum's family Klan but as usual with his kind is don't let ur women do what mine has done plenty of times
Of course, what kind of Democratic bill is it, if it doesn't include funding for abortioOf course, what kind of Democratic bill is it, if it doesn't include funding for abortioof Democratic bill is it, if it doesn't include funding for abortion?
Mississippi would have become the first state to define a fertilized egg as a person, a measure which was aimed at outlawing abortion in the state but, opponents contended, would have led to all kinds of unintended consequences...
Churches involved in this kind of hands - on ministry see firsthand the power and influence of the abortion industry, and the harm it does to women, children, and communities.
What started to drive the wedge between me and the church was the overemphasis on sexuality, around questions such as, who sleeps with who, who can marry who, what kind of families are good vs. bad, divorce, abortion etc..
Abortion, rampant ho mo se xuality, perversions of all kinds is it any wonder we have ineffective people trying to run this country?
In this collective smog the abortion issue acts as a kind of volatile precipitant, causing all the various elements of angst in church, state and society to condense and focus themselves with a terrible intensity.
Sallie Tisdale, a nurse from an abortion clinic reveals in an article in the October 1987 Harper's Magazine («We Do Abortions Here: A Nurse's Story»): «There are weary, grim moments when I think I can not bear another basin of bloody remains, utter another kind phrase of reassurance.»
If we (yes, I'm a Christian) had that kind of power, abortion rights would have been revoked.
It may well be true that self - consciousness about standing on such shaky ground is the reason why the talk of a woman's «right» to abortion services has become an uncritical mantra, rising to a aggressive assertion when challenged, for this kind of feminist.
Following a huge prolife march and rally on 6th October 2006 — reportedly the largest march of any kind ever in Nicaragua's history — the Nicaraguan National Assembly on 26th October voted (52 in favour, 0 opposed and 9 abstentions) to close a legal loophole which allowed thousands of abortions every year.
In his post on the midterm elections and their discontents, Jody Bottum argues that conservatives haven't made support for the Iraq War a defining test of one's conservatism, in the way that opposition to the war ¯ and indeed, war of almost any kind ¯ has become an abortion - style....
We would want to know, for example, whether the use of the word abortion in a religious broadcast occurred only within narratives or in a wider variety of discursive forms, whether it was spoken by more than one narrator, whether it was spoken in the same «voice,» whether it occurred consistently in a particular kind of sentence structure, and so on.
Isn't that kind of the point of abortion - to not become a mother?
In some well - resourced, Western countries, epidurals are not accessible (the Netherdlands), and MRCS are not permitted, or if permitted require the same kind of paternalistic oversight that was once applied to abortion (the UK).
Debra Evans, a childbirth educator and lactation consultant with a degree in reproductive health, explains in her book, «Without Moral Limits,» how abortion is just a new kind of prostitution.
Lack of a secure attachment in the first three years can not be easily corrected later, and it can be partly responsible part for all kinds of problems, from depression and bi-polar disorder to unhealthy choices in mates, inability to parent, even to poor sexual choices and abortion decisions, and difficulty experiencing intimacy with God.
Thanks both to the lack of truly divisive issues in the UK (such as abortion, gay marriage or gun control) and more importantly a fear of being branded a maverick by the central party, British candidates sadly can't motivate people to give the kind of money it takes to run a state - ofthe - art campaign.
«We have congress actually poised to escalate the kind of attacks on abortion and contraception and even going after Obamacare,» said Andrea Miller, the president of the National Institute for Reproductive Health.
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