Sentences with phrase «kinds of adaptation»

As we shall see, that high - emitting nations have responsibility for funding adaptation measures in developing countries is a conclusion that can be based on strong ethical grounds despite reasonable disagreements about such matters as when the ethical responsibility was triggered, which kinds of adaptation measures should be funded now, and the need to distinguish between responsibilities that arise due to the «fault» of high - emitting countries and responsibilities which arise without attributing «fault.»
OpenView Venture Partners illustrates a different kind of adaptation.
I am envisioning all KINDS of adaptations to this!
During subsequent outbreaks, however, «people had already developed some kinds of adaptations — they had developed quarantines, they had developed first aid to treat patients with the symptoms.»
This requires the right kind of adaptation measures that account for this variability — such as intelligent insurance schemes, for example.»
As you think of this [kind of adaptation] in the developed - country context — if you can accomplish the energy services with less need for that supply and infrastructure — then you are better off.
Consider it as a recent example that the kind of adaptation Room merited is possible; and that the kind of film that Room is, is massively disappointing for its broad appeal.
And what kind of adaptation does one do for loss of most agriculture?
They have developed all kinds of adaptations to deal with the extreme cold.
That kind of adaptation does not happen overnight.
The A-frames require a different kind of adaptation, as they are mainly open spaces, a different kind of living.
You might ask your tenant if he would have the Ocupation Therapist or his Case worker to call you with the kinds of adaptations you would need to do, and if there is a way the state or medicare can pay for them since he does not own the home.

Not exact matches

Here I mean by it that Christianity must be accepted in its revealed totality — accepted absolutely, intransigently, without cultural or philosophical or any other kind of accommodation or adaptation.)
Nor do they cast into sharp relief, except in very general statements about adaptation and reaction, the kinds of conflict that have emerged between religious liberals and religious conservatives.
Successful social adaptation, to either mainstream secular culture or the ecclesiastical sub-culture is no longer the measure of psychological health that it once was in kinder, gentler times.
And historically it sets the English empire apart from the Catholic Spanish and French empires, which were born with a kind of institutional rigor mortis that confused forms with godliness and made adaptation next to impossible.
I love cookbooks of all kinds and have this one on my wish list; recipe adaptations would be a bonus!
I love the sound of your adaptation... wish I could have tried a sample Thank you for the kind words and appreciation for the energy I am bringing forwards.
Drawing on a wealth of research (including the Minnesota Longitudinal Study of Risk & Adaptation), Paul challenged the ways we often try to predict or measure success and helped change the public conversation about the kinds of experience and environments children need from infancy to adulthood.
Such adaptation will be a key cultural challenge of the next century — as will fostering the kind of global communication that can connect with the local concerns of individuals and communities to reduce climate risk.
«Our finding, in a species so distantly related to humans and lacking symbolic language, raises numerous questions about the kinds of understanding of «folk physics» and causality available to nonhumans, the conditions for these abilities to evolve, and their associated neural adaptations,» the authors conclude.
One adaptation to this fortunate reality is that rather than using overall survival (OS) as the measure of a drug's success, many clinical trials now use a kind of midpoint, namely progression - free survival (PFS)-- the time that it takes for a tumor controlled by the trial's medicine to restart its growth.
To show that something is an adaptation, you have to be able to explain the how and the why, show that it has some kind of special design, a design that solved a specific problem.
The studies also allowed the team to pinpoint patterns of evolutionary change in the genes of these viruses, reflecting their adaptation to different kinds of mammalian hosts.
Researchers will look next at whether the adaptation affects how the killifish are able to respond to other kinds of stressors in their environment, such as low oxygen levels.
Sometimes, this takes the form of understanding recent adaptations that have evolved within human populations, which gives us an insight into the challenges that our ancestors faced and the kind of traits that helped them survive and prosper.
«Humans don't have that kind of structural coloration, which is an evolution driven adaptation we did not adopt.»
Today, in a world where many people have ready access to a wide variety of foods at their local groceries, the adaptations can act more as limitations to the kinds of foods you can eat to remain healthy.
So the way you can think about it is not a really light load and not a really heavy load but basically kind of a medium load, the type of load you would use with right around 10 to 12 repetitions and so what that means is if all you're going after is getting yourself kind of tired out, really working the muscle and getting the maximum hormonal adaptation to strength training or to weight lifting or to lean muscle toning in the weight room — that 10 to 12 rep range is probably going to be a pretty good range for you if you really, truly are using about 75 % of your one repetition maximum.
Due to tremendous variations in climate, indigenous food supplies, environmental conditions and the principles of evolution, adaptation, and heredity, different cultural and ethnic groups, over a period of many centuries, developed distinctly different kinds of dietary requirements...»
There's a little bit of concern, more so in the more elite bodybuilder camp than just your casual exercisers, that doing your own kind of endurance training, which creates an endurance adaptation, is kind of counter to the adaptation of hypertrophy, strength, or power.
During exercise our bodies undergo all kinds of chemical reactions and stress adaptations.
I might say, that I'm those kind of person with easy adaptation, however I have to admit that the comeback to my routine has been a bit harsh... don't know why, but I think my body needs at least 4 more weeks of holidays!
These small, but meaningful, adaptations promote the kind of environment that makes connecting on a deeper level possible, Ben said.
(And in addition to a penchant for remakes and adaptations, I'd point out he suffers from a lack of a certain kind of craftsmanship and discipline the early Spielbergs evoked).
In addition to QUEEN OF THE DESERT, Lewis» upcoming film credits include THE SILENT STORM, which had its world premiere at the 2014 BFI London Film Festival and was recently acquired by Sony Pictures Worldwide Releasing, and OUR KIND OF TRAITOR, the film adaptation of the novel by John le Carré, which he co-stars in opposite Ewan McGregor and Naomie HarriOF THE DESERT, Lewis» upcoming film credits include THE SILENT STORM, which had its world premiere at the 2014 BFI London Film Festival and was recently acquired by Sony Pictures Worldwide Releasing, and OUR KIND OF TRAITOR, the film adaptation of the novel by John le Carré, which he co-stars in opposite Ewan McGregor and Naomie HarriOF TRAITOR, the film adaptation of the novel by John le Carré, which he co-stars in opposite Ewan McGregor and Naomie Harriof the novel by John le Carré, which he co-stars in opposite Ewan McGregor and Naomie Harris.
And Robert Wise's 1963 adaptation of the book, The Haunting, in Bergmanesque black and white, teases out the Freudian implications of every gargoyle with the kind of intense regard only an entire movie industry engrossed in psychoanalysis could produce.
A film of this kind must either be an adaptation, or a piece of filmed theatre.
After starring in the 1959 adaptation of the William Faulkner classic The Sound and the Fury, Woodward co-starred with Marlon Brando in The Fugitive Kind before teaming with Newman in the 1960 hit From the Terrace; they were again together in 1961's Paris Blues.
, this will be a more faithful adaptation — and a new kind of screenwriting challenge — for Mr. Anderson.
Still, there's something to be said for a video game adaptation being an interesting and well - intentioned failure and not a raging garbage fire, as is often the default with this kind of movie.
The adaptation of the long - running and occasionally beloved video game series has been filming for a few months now, but details of any kind have been shaky at best.
There is no financial risk to comic book adaptations anymore to justify this kind of dumbing down.
I discussed the same kind of exchange in slightly different terms in «The Adaptation and the Remake: From John M. Stahl's When Tomorrow Comes to Douglas Sirk's Interlude» in Senses of Cinema, Issue 70 (March 2014)
While most filmmakers and actors visit the convention generally to promote a comic book movie or an adaptation of some kind, director Oliver Stone and Open Road Films brought a biopic about Edward Snowden (played by Joseph Gordon - Levitt) to Hall H.
My Old Lady: Ringed with darkness though it is, this adaptation of an Israel Horowitz play (he also wrote and directed the film) is the kind of show you slip into as comfortably as a pair of old slippers.
It's kind of the same situation we had with Manhunter and The Silence of the Lambs: they're both adaptations of connected books, yet the two movies have really nothing to do with each other.
Adaptation, Comedy, Drama, Focus Features, Images, anna boden, It's Kind of a Funny Story, Keir Gilchrist, ryan fleck, Zach Galifianakis
Today at the Toronto International Film Festival I saw the big screen adaptation of It's Kind of a Funny Story, the next movie from Half Nelson writer / directors Anna Boden & Ryan Fleck.
We recently got to chat with the lovely and talented Saoirse Ronan about her upcoming young adult adaptation «How I Live Now» (review here), which is kind of like what would have happened if Terrence Malick had directed «Red Dawn» (more from that interview soon).
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