Sentences with phrase «kinds of cells»

Now, researchers say they've discovered a novel mechanism that marks the identities of different kinds of cells in the human body — and prevents them from transforming into another type altogether.
Stem cells are renowned for their regenerative capacity, able to grow into many different kinds of cells in the body.
They grew other kinds of cells in the medium, such as human skin cells, but these induced no such attraction in the worms.
What kind of a cell phone are you using that you can't reply from leaving everyone wondering where your shit belongs?
You all live in the same kind of cells, sleep in the same kind of beds, eat the same kind of food, do the same kind of chores.
Other proteins allow researchers to measure electrical or biochemical activity, while yet others can activate or inhibit specific kinds of cells in the brain in real time.
One critical obstacle is getting the stem cells to survive in the harsh environment of injured tissue and turn into the right kind of cell where they are needed.
This finding not only tells us something new about stem cell regulation, but opens up the ability to study differences in protein synthesis between many kinds of cells in the body.
I think there are certain rates of failure they have to deal with; certain kinds of cells that can tolerate it better or not.
A new kind of cell was needed, which could give rise to germ cells and allow DNA modifications to be inherited.
Adult stem cells keep dividing throughout life to make various kinds of cells, like new blood cells and germ cells.
For example, nobody knows how many different kinds of cells there are in our bodies.
Stem cells not only bolster their own numbers but also become other kinds of cells through a process called differentiation, thereby keeping an organ populated as mature cells die off.
In particular it is important for the development of several kinds of cells of the immune system.
Not all cancer cells are the same, but right now doctors make treatment assumptions based on a narrow knowledge of what kinds of cells are in the tumor.
One of the dreams of biomedical scientists is to be able to transform adult cells into other kinds of cells.
They need exactly the right kind of cell, which is what we are reporting with embryonic stem cells.
Even though they are located in similar locations with very similar feeling and texture on physical examination, these masses are made of of very different kinds of cells.
This type of cell, first developed about five years ago, has the ability to turn into any other kind of cell in the body.
In contrast to the cells in the rest of the body, sex cells hold half the number of chromosomes (they are haploid) as a result of this special kind of cell division.
Recombination occurs during meiosis, a special kind of cell division that takes place only in the testicles and ovaries.
Figuring out how blank slate stem cells decide which kind of cell they want to be when they grow up — a muscle cell, a bone cell, a neuron — has been no small task for science.
This is a huge leap forward technologically, as we can be sure that we're following only the networks that connect to particular kinds of cells in the basal ganglia.»
With just a few kinds of cells, only loosely connected, the sponge manages to produce a variety of asymmetrical shapes, from cups and fans to tubes and piecrust shapes.
The researchers — including co-first authors Patrick Cahan, PhD and Samantha Morris, PhD, of Boston Children's, and Hu Li, PhD, of the Mayo Clinic, first used CellNet to assess the quality of eight kinds of cells created in 56 published studies.
It had been thriving for well over a billion years when a new kind of cell appeared on the scene, one that harvested the sun's energy using a process that generates a highly toxic by - product — oxygen.
(Mackenzie notes that it shouldn't be a problem for her strategy, because she plans to use the same kind of cells as bone marrow transplants, which haven't caused tumors.)
But these light - sensitive neurons get some help from a much rarer kind of cell, according to a new study.
PERSON 2 agrees that it is important to use science and research to cure diseases like cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes, and Parkinson's, but says that there are more ethical ways, like through the use of new techniques that could create the same kinds of cells without creating cloned embryos.
The researchers took human stem cells, exposed them to a strain of Zika and found that within three days, the virus had attacked specific kinds of cells critical to development of the brain's cortex.
They characterized two kinds of cells within the region — both the novel neural stem cell and its daughter cell, known as the transit amplifying cell.
«I'm looking forward to working with CAR - T cell patients, whose immune cells will be re-engineered to fight their tumors using this emerging kind of cell therapy.»
The risk, of course, is that they become the wrong kind of cell or «run away with themselves» to become cancerous.
Unlike a regular cell, which can only replicate to create more of its own kind of cell, a stem cell is pluripotent.
How by the time we are in school we have about 100 trillion other kind of cells already in us and that when gathering up all the bacteria in our bodies it would equal about three pounds.
The importance of LPA2 in lymphocyte motility is suggested in recent findings by Knowlden et al (Knowlden et al., 2014) indicating that Lpar2 deficiency in lymphocytes is associated with inefficient lymphocyte movement within LNs, although it was not shown how LPA2 - signaling affects lymphocyte migration and what kind of cells provide the ligand for LPA2.
Progesterone affects hundreds of kinds of cell receptors and biochemical interactions.
Detecting Cancer Cells Kimmel Cancer Center researchers determine that a method of screening body fluids, for certain kinds of cells and some of their genetic blueprint, is twice as accurate at spotting breast cancer cells as is a pathologist's view with a microscope.
The analysis was made possible by a new method of collecting and purifying the nuclei of specific kinds of cells.
The Parkinson's patient doesn't need something that is roughly or approximately the right kind of cell.
«Bringing together this team, to do this kind of work means we will be better able to understand how stem cells change as they grow and become different kinds of cells.
Marrow — the tissue inside bones — is full of various kinds of cells.
Previously, our main clue that X and Y had a common ancestry was that they swap a few small sections during one kind of cell division, just as pairs of ordinary chromosomes swap much larger chunks.
Training activates a special kind of cells in the muscles called «satellite cells» which tell the cell's nucleus to release mRNA (messenger RNA), which serves as the blueprint / contains the code for creating proteins.
Thomas Hartung of Johns Hopkins is growing miniature brains that contain the same kinds of cells (left) found in full - size brains.
«We kept them healthy, and without giving them many instructions on what kind of cells they should become they produced many of the cells present in the human brain and achieved the formation of complex tissue,» says Arlotta, describing the brain organoids she used in research published in Nature in May 2017.
Stem cells hold tremendous promise for medicine; their ability to metamorphose into other kinds of cells make them useful for repairing injuries — from heart attacks to brain damage.
In the past decade, scientists have watched protein and RNA molecules condensing into droplets, or membrane - free condensates, in many kinds of cells, from bacterial to human.

Phrases with «kinds of cells»

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