Sentences with phrase «kinds of folks»

What kind of folks leave and don't come back?
Plus, solving tricky puzzles and meeting new kinds of folks make it a rewarding and memorable journey.
We all want that signature scent that people know us by, whether you're a lover of florals or a French vanilla kind of folk.
They claim to be fundamental, bottom - up value kinds of folks.
That makes the cat a very important pet and I would think we, as scientific kind of folks, would want to also know how cats think.
Very boy, sports athletes, dork, dork, Punk Mountain, and musician all conditions used to explain different kinds of folks and
But you, dear Roadshow readers, are not base kind of folk.
You don't know any publishers or agents or all these fancy - shmancy kind of folk.
Though she navigates the upper echelons of high technology she «sees the computer as a new kind of folk instrument».
The challenge for lawyers and law firm leaders is that we, more than most other kinds of folks, are prone to cognitive distortions that particularly cripple our ability to accurately Orient.
Many of the people who have lived in Billings their entire lives are ranchers and farmers — you know, the salt of the earth kind of folk — and they love their town and all it has to offer.
In so many words, it's easy for a video game fan to make a purchasing argument for the Switch given its strong line - up of exclusive games — and the majority of the 10 million people buying a Switch early on were likely the kind of folks who already own another game console.
All kinds of folks — well - intentioned and also awful people — play off that desire every day.
As you can imagine, that got the kind of folks who get excited about clean energy pretty excited.
He was a regular guy who was known and revered only by the kind of folks who go to sleep with a copy of Graham and Dodd under their pillow.
And those are the kinds of folks that we have to deal with.
Chen's crowdfunding pioneer, Kickstarter, enables quirky entrepreneurs and artists — the kind of folks who wouldn't normally qualify for venture capital — to raise money.
Also, there was a cute TV show a couple of years ago that portrayed God as all kinds of folk, it was fun to try to «pick» out God before He made it clear it was Him; to me it goes with the description in Genesis that «male and female created he them» in His Image.
I am usually much more willing to actually talk to these kinds of folks.
I've had plenty of those kinds of folks ostracize me.
of course atheism is really fine and dandy for all kinds of folks, young and old.
«First of all,» he said, «if you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks.
Gee, I'm hearing all kinds of folks stating that what the lady says just can't be so, but all they seem to offer as a reason is that her conclusions conflict with their beliefs, so she she must obviously be wrong.
There is a kind of folk religion or domestic religion in which believers use God as a means to achieve their own ends.
There's also an undeniable feel - based approach to life, a kind of folk science where personal experimentation and verification by introspection are the guiding principles, the kind of thing that lead cultures throughout the globe to be so enthralled by hot chilies since they were discovered in the New World.
BYU is a big place, and there are people like me who go there (my wife, for example, is a grad), but we picked up that the kind of folks who were likely to have a union card and a temple recommend were more likely to be at Utah.
They're the kind of folks who would use arguments with a lot of italics.
The trauma of mass unemployment under Conservative governments has made anti-Toryism a kind of folk hatred passed from generation to generation in parts of Britain.
Good luck governing with those kind of folks.
«People who are driving into the central business district of Manhattan are pretty uniformly a lot wealthier than people taking public transit, so the folks who would have to potentially change behavior or who would pay a toll are the kind of folks who are already making quite a bit of money anyway, so it's equitable to make sure there's a toll in place,» said Sifuentes.
Those who do demonstrate environmentally friendly behavior, however, seem more like the kind of folks who understand that science has much to teach us about addressing global problems.
The Alamo Drafthouse offers dinner gay speed dating dallas tx a movie with entertaining commentary, a one of a kind experience for all kinds of folks.
The executive music producer is Timbaland, who's worked with all kinds of folks, including Jay - Z and Justin Timberlake.
«There's kind of a folk understanding of biblical heroes that they're all just saints, and they have little halos over their heads, and some of the old films seem to present things like that,» Mr. Strawn says.
The movie charts the rise and fall of his movement and implies that while Mireles may be corrupt, the government and armed forces are more corrupt, so he's still some kind of folk hero.
(These are just the kind of folks I'm addressing in my forthcoming book The Same Thing Over and Over: How School Reformers Get Stuck in Yesterday's Ideas, which is due out in November).
A good example is a line spoken by Atticus Finch (Gregory Peck) in the movie To Kill a Mockingbird: «If you just learn a single trick, Scout, you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks.
The kind of folks that will forget more than guys like me will ever know.
The Bavarian brand has a loyal following that consists of all kinds of folks.
It's so wonderful the kind of folks you meet through the common love of books.
Those critics I was talking about before seem like the kind of folks who believe «You can't get rich by overestimating the intelligence of the American public.»
Learn how to introduce your puppy to people, places, dogs and new situations so that they thoroughly enjoy the company of all kinds of folks, especially children, men and strangers.
Honored to be among those invited to the event, he told the audience:» You are the kind of folks who see a couple of eyes in a dark parking lot, and are not the kind who say «oh those animals are OK, they're probably just on their way home.
He began to be portrayed as a kind of folk hero, though he had helped build and protect a growing industry of puppy mills.
Even over personal email Carol exudes that openness, and those are the kind of folks I like to connect with, probably because I'm the same.
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