Sentences with phrase «kinds of obstacles do»

Which kinds of obstacles do you find most frustrating and difficult to overcome?

Not exact matches

The pertinent question is: What does «kidvid» offer in the way of imitable heroes who face the kinds of ordinary obstacles with which real life confronts us?
The older picture of an inscrutable Absolute in whose hands we can nevertheless at least be sure we are held for good or ill, whether in life or in death, has given way to the modern Bild of a kind of sympathetically groping, eagerly persuasive deity who does the best he can with all sorts of obstacles beyond his control.
This is the kind of freedom I'm talking about... the kind of freedom that empowers me to be me despite the obstacles, the resistance, and the threats for doing so.
But for many parents, especially those who are living in conditions of adversity or who didn't receive a lot of attachment - promoting parenting themselves as kids (or both), the main obstacle to that kind of parenting is not that they haven't memorized the list of approved behaviors.
«There was a really big gap in knowledge that was an obstacle to doing the right kind of research» about head and neck cancer, she said.
Still, the question that kind of poses itself is how to avoid different obstacles and do it right without too much of the hassle?
Golden Abyss keeps everything believable and you get the sense that Drake is a little reluctant to take on the type of obstacles that he does in the later games but you do see him kind of progress more into the man that is willing to take on those challenges.
It challenged you with every kind of obstacle this side of molten lava, and as conditions go, it was about as bad as it gets — torrential weather mixed with cliffs, trees, all kinds of stuff you don't really want to crash into,» Ben Collins said.
Golden Abyss keeps everything believable and you get the sense that Drake is a little reluctant to take on the type of obstacles that he does in the later games but you do see him kind of progress more into the man that is willing to take on those challenges.
I didn't finish it as I was soon wowed over by a richer and bigger Polish alternative called Robbo (Avalon, 1989) in which there were bombs and obstacles of many kinds; perhaps too action - orientated to be properly considered a puzzle game but all those extra ingredients made it extra tasty.
The, sort of, current obstacles is the kind of work that I'm doing with lawyers, particularly.
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