Sentences with phrase «kinds of paradigm shifts»

But when looking at these kinds of paradigm shifts, what's more important is the technology that lies beneath them.
In addition to more manageable and sustainable efforts by more people, we need to consider what kind of paradigm shift is needed.

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But a dimension of the alleged «paradigm shift» through which we are passing has to do precisely with the failure of that kind of anthropocentric bravado.
It's interesting that Pope Francis» people pick and choose what they like to hear and they ignore — you know he'll say something that is kind of paradigm - shifting in terms of getting people to think differently, but people don't read the full context of what he says about family and about life issues, about a lot of things.
In this kind of work, it helps to be what Grinschpun describes as a «paradigm shifter» — someone who is skilled at identifying topics, such as nanotechnology, that challenge common ways of thinking.
What kind of paradigm and technology shifts will and the industry go through in the next 5 to 10 years?
The expectation is that this collaboration will lead to the kind of systemic blend DesignShare lauds as «a seamless grade 9 - 16 curriculum» and that blur physical and program boundaries in a way some educators believe can lead to a paradigm shift for learning in all inner - city high schools.
It is kind of life or death out there, though, and I want you to be mentally prepared for this huge paradigm shift that is going to mean you move at the speed of internet marketing (rather than publishing).
It's fairly... unrelated to manual control: the original game could have easily had all six characters on the field at once (ignoring technical limitations, perhaps), but it would cause quite a lot to be going on at once (personally I prefer a lower ideal point here), and — well, it kind of breaks the choice of the paradigm shifts?
Even this kind of project is no longer new in our increasingly globalised cultural sphere, but «Other Primary Structures» is no less absorbing for being part of a well - established paradigm shift.
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