Sentences with phrase «kinds of people are likely»

Two kinds of people are likely to be offended by this billboard: the weak of mind and the weak of faith.
It is also a simple way of knowing the kind of person you are likely to connect with.
Before you plunge into this segment of online dating, it is important to understand the kind of people you're likely to deal with and how you can make your mark.
The Gods, events and other elements it carries as augural messages, define the way people conduct their affairs and even what kind of people they are likely to become.
It's taken to mean that they're unable to follow Derrida, which a certain kind of person is likely to be unable to.
This kind of person is likely to want to know all about mediation, how it can help and to see the different possibilities that mediation offers.

Not exact matches

Whether it's taking some kind of class or regularly hanging out in the same place at the same time, if people become accustomed to seeing your face, they're more likely to like you.
Looking into a crystal ball isn't exactly a scientific thing to do, but if you ask the right kinds of smart people you can get a pretty good idea what's likely to come down the pike.
The average person is less likely to invest that kind of time.
Putting these tried and true tips into action will attract and convert the kind of leads you're looking for: people who are most likely to do business with you.
In most businesses, a person or company with that kind of performance is certainly likely to lose their job.
It answers the question: what kind of person is the most likely to buy our products or services?
I ate up studies (from Facebook and others) that argued the site actually encouraged a certain kind of information diversity, because your Facebook friends are likely drawn from a wider group of people (the guy you went to middle school with, your mom's neighbor, that rando you met that weekend at the beach) than the people you discuss news with in real life.
We also attracted more of the right kind of people, the caliber of students we know are most likely to succeed in the program.
@Noah, That book is ridiculous... He claims the universe is likely younger than 13.7 b.y. and backs it up by claiming that 100 + measurements taken over the past 300 years supports the claim that light does not travel at a constant rate... As if people 300 years ago could measure with the kind of accuracy we can today
So more and more people who are approaching retirement age now kind of know that retirement in prosperity will likely not be an option for them.
Many persons who are not likely to join groups in churches and schools may do so if they're made available in family counseling agencies» mental health services, youth organizations, business and industry, fraternal groups, self - help groups (such as A.A., P.W.P., Alanon, etc.), and in the many organizations devoted to special needs of the handicapped, ex-prisoners, ex-patients, unwed parents, minority groups of all kinds, senior citizens, community action groups, ethnic organizations.
You see answered prayer and I see the combination of the law of averages (some things asked for will eventually come true simply because they were likely to, like getting another job, or finding love) and getting results that are above average (where most people may not survive a particular kind of accident, some do.
A person who experiences some kind of healing and attributes it to a God will likely believe in that God with a tenacity that exceeds what is evident to both the believer and the nonbeliever, and will probably trust God with the whole of her life.
Because the kinds of discussions that garner the most response get the most views, it's typically the most inflammatory content that rises to the top of the feeds: Algorithms ensure that the more controversial or dramatic the post, the more likely it is that people will see it.
This tentative model for understanding the causes of problem drinking is offered in the report of the Cooperative Commission on the Study of Alcoholism: «An individual who (1) responds to beverage alcohol in a certain way, perhaps physiologically determined, by experiencing intense relief and relaxation, and who (2) has certain personality characteristics, such as difficulty in dealing with and overcoming depression, frustration, and anxiety, and who (3) is a member of a culture in which there is both pressure to drink and culturally induced guilt and confusion regarding what kinds of drinking behavior are appropriate, is more likely to develop trouble than will most other people
But as a general pattern this seems to me a product of romanticism, taking with insufficient seriousness the «materialism of Christianity,» as William Temple called it, and quite likely to produce the wrong kind of guilt feelings in competent young people who are in or who are considering the ministry — as if this activity were not worthy of economic support.
Quite likely, many of these people saw that creation was red with tooth and claw and wondered what kind of deity would create such a place.
Alise — To some extent I think that while big and small churches often have different positives, like the kind you point out, part of the reason why people like small churches is that they are less likely to fall into rigid or limiting structures.
Youthful and adolescent masturbation certainly is not wicked; in older persons it will very likely be harmless, in the absence of other kinds of sexual activity and as a means of relieving physical sexual tension.
Without constantly being told we are going to heII or that we must be evil people who are incapable of kindness and love without a deity enforcing our good behavior we would likely just have more time in our day to enjoy being kind and loving to others as we tend to be with no top down morality being forced upon us.
Vata is governed by the element of air, which means you'll likely be the kind of person who's always on the go, with a tendency to skip meals or eat irregularly due to your flighty, quirky and impulsive personality.
I believe there are a few kinds of cookbook consumers; this book is for the person looking for quick, weeknight, crowd - pleasers made from ingredients you likely have in your pantry, or will have no trouble finding - Chilaquiles, Thai Spiced Rice Bowls, Make - Ahead Yeast Rolls - timeless sorts of things.
BYU is a big place, and there are people like me who go there (my wife, for example, is a grad), but we picked up that the kind of folks who were likely to have a union card and a temple recommend were more likely to be at Utah.
Given that this is the Patriots and more specifically Brady, it's likely people will complain that the fine wasn't enough, but it's not as though Brady has a history of this kind of thing.
When I have on occasion visited those sites or observed people like yourself on here who are likely normally on those sites, I tend to feel the comments come across as a kind of bloggers version of pinning someone up against the wall and shouting in their face to literally bully them into agreeing with you.
I think fairs are a really good way of getting feedback from people that you are not related to or friends with, who let's face it are more likely to be «kind» about your creations.
We have all been one of these kinds of people because I find more likely than not we are all truly a mixture of all black and white thoughts, most of us are gray.
This election year has been a spectacle, an extended sporting event, an obsession, a flat - out, dopamine - bursting ADDICTION for millions of people in this country and even abroad, and we're all likely to suffer some kind of king - hell letdown over the few weeks after the vote regardless of who wins.
As soon as a member suffers this kind of attention, though, his or her office is likely to turn off people's ability to comment without filtering, making it a tactic with a short shelf - life.
Furthermore — and this is the final reason for advocating a greater emphasis on reducing inequality — it should be popular with the kind of people who are likely to vote for us, generally highly educated, socially liberal and progressive, concerned about the quality of life, not just personal consumption.
I suspect that people who are particularly attuned to this kind of story, or who think of women as a special interest group with their own «issues», are less likely to be open to a party that prefers to think of people as individuals rather than in categories.
The kind of person who'd vote for the Conservative Party candidate likely hates Paterson and Pelosi already; that's the whole point of the ad.»
«We already know that people are more likely to blame others when they themselves have been blamed — a «kick - the - dog» kind of effect,» says Nathanael Fast of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.
«Part of it is likely the kind of images that are available in the culture,» she speculates, such as «the lone scientist with the microscope or a computer and not with another person, whereas when you think about a doctor, you think about a doctor with a patient.»
«More significantly, however, the data revealed that children with any kind of pet in the home reported being more likely to engage in behaviors such as introducing themselves, asking for information or responding to other people's questions.
Because if some genius Neandertal invents a new kind of hand axe — and they used the same kind for so long, for tens and tens [of] thousands of years — but if somebody in the cave invents a new one, it's not going to spread beyond that cave probably, it might not even spread that much within the cave; it's [likely] to die with him; whereas the modern humans have this thing of watching each other and teaching other and spreading things among themselves among one another, so that 10,000 or so --[it] might have been a few more, I know that the people are not too clear about that might — there might only have been 10,000 Neandertals all over Europe.
In the largest study of its kind, people who ate a daily handful of nuts were 20 percent less likely to die from any cause over a 30 - year period than were those who didn't consume nuts, say scientists from Dana - Farber Cancer Institute, Brigham and Women's Hospital, and the Harvard School of Public Health.
«People who are already advocating expansion of these kinds of programs will find it a useful tool,» Bozeman says of the report's likely impact.
«People on East Campus are more likely to carry out these kinds of crazy projects,» says Vincent, who, like 10 percent of graduates, plans to go on to medical school.
When it came to migraine with aura, relatives of people who suffered from the condition were four times as likely as the general population to experience this kind of headache — and six times as likely as relatives of the people who had never had migraines.
The concept of OEE was generally well received, as evidenced by this quote from the report: «This kind of elevator would be very useful in getting a building quickly evacuated because it takes time to go down those stairs and the more people you can get out quickly, especially from the higher levels, the less likely there is to be a real disaster.»
«People seem to be taking into account statistical information about the input that they're receiving to figure out what kinds of mistakes are most likely in different environments,» Bergen says.
Past studies have suggested that the spots targeted by both kinds of stimulation — located in the left hemisphere — are likely to process «approach» emotions such as happiness, curiosity, and anger, which drive people to reach out and engage with the world.
The more words someone wrote, O'Connor determined, the more likely he was to be the kind of person who wakes up in the night and scribbles down a blueprint for a sewing machine.
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