Sentences with phrase «kinds of snark»

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In a piece titled: «Dumb Money: Exposing Silicon Valley's Stupidest Investments,» a writer for New York magazine snarked»... what kind of genius decided to throw $ 1.2 million at NaturallyCurly, the «leading social network and community for people with wavy, curly and kinky hair?»»
Jay — I kind of let the snark out on this one.
When we pillory critics for saying hard but true things; when our leaders who've championed inclusiveness issue (and defend) bigoted remarks; when we plod from one spiteful spat to the next, played out (performed, really) in online forums and social media with all the requisite snark and ad hominem attacks, it's worth asking what kind of audience are we?
But these are the kind of public transaction that Zcash has been fighting to eradicate with «shielded addresses», its primary innovation that utilizes zk - SNARKS.
Zerocash permits anonymous transactions by harnessing a kind of zero - knowledge proof called a zk - SNARK, which allows two parties to provide each other with verified information without revealing their identities in the process.
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