Sentences with phrase «kinds of wonderful things»

Let your guard down, be human and be real and you will stop beating yourself up, and those around you will be more inclined to connect with you at a deeper level, which leads to all kinds of wonderful things.
I was excited and purchased plenty, with plans for salad and baking and all kinds of wonderful things, but then ended up eating most of them by the handful.
Then maybe I'd use it more to make all kinds of wonderful things!!!
I love this... thanks for sharing your recipe... I have a proposition for you... I am starting up a whole new blog... in it I will be featuring all kinds of wonderful things... one being a section each week called «Let's eat» It would be awesome if you were a member of my team and did that piece each week... you could pick one of your posts and add it there... what do you think??
In this podcast I talk with food writer Matthew Amster - Burton, author of Hungry Monkey: A food loving father's quest to raise an adventurous eater (Houghton Mifflin 1st edition 2009) Matthew shares his love of food with his young daughter Iris, and together they learn that there are all kinds of wonderful things to experience when you open your mind and your mouth.
Along the way, all kinds of wonderful things are possible for you, the surrogate.
Now, cameras can be used for all kinds of wonderful things: photos of pretty girls, and cute kids, and flowers and puppies, and... well, we're getting into dangerous ground here.
y blogging friends were posting all kinds of wonderful things, and all I could think about was what if I had cancer?
Meanwhile, my blogging friends were posting all kinds of wonderful things, and all I could think about was what if I had cancer?
The number one scam still running on adult dating sites is that scammers will set up a fake profile that looks like a very beautiful woman from another part of the country, or from another country all together and then they will message you, saying all kind of wonderful things and telling you that they will be all yours if you can just pay for their travel to you.
«And it really was kind of a wonderful thing
And even its grayness looks as if it could be reflected color from the slate floor or from the concrete coffers in the ceiling and then you realize that there's fabric that's stretched over a support, a giant painting support, it's kind of a wonderful thing.
You have thirty years of experience and multiple awards, and all kinds of wonderful things to tell them — and don't want to leave out a word.
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