Sentences with phrase «kinesthetic learners prefer»

Others claim the VAK model: visual learners have a preference for seeing (think in pictures; visual aids such as overhead slides, diagrams, handouts, etc.) Auditory learners best learn through listening (lectures, discussions, tapes, etc.) Tactile / kinesthetic learners prefer to learn via experience — moving, touching, and experiencing.

Not exact matches

It's also essential to make your online scenarios brief, as kinesthetic corporate learners prefer short bursts of information that are spread out over the course of time.
Researchers like Anthony Gregorc, Neil Fleming's VARK (visual, auditory, reading / writing, kinesthetic) Learning Style Test, Rita Dunn and Kenneth Dunn, Ned Hermann's Brain Dominance and David Kolb (among others) have all suggested that learners have a preferred way to learn.
Some students are visual learners who prefer using pictures or images; some students are physical or kinesthetic who prefer using their bodies and sense of touch.
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