Sentences with phrase «kingship by»

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In Jeremiah's time the people's understanding of kingship was tainted by human kings who had led them to the point of imminent destruction and deportation.
When God's kingship is accepted by an individual, it has in a sense come for him.
Because it is intractable he simply dodges the kingship of acclaim, awaiting instead the coronation that will be his in his supreme hour, a coronation which by its quality of contempt suggests, even partially reveals, the many - leveled mystery of the Son of Man.
The kings were commissioned by God and responsible to Him, but they tended to sublimate the irresponsibility into a divine right granted without obligation and to regard their anointing as demanding of them a merely cultic acknowledgment of YHVH's kingship.
It is the kingship of the cross, and the irony is that those who proclaim his Messiahship here will be baying for his blood by Friday.
From them we glean what has previously been indicated as basic notes in the understanding of the kingdom: the timeless kingship, or kingly rule, of God; an ongoing and present kingdom to be entered and lived in by accepting God's sovereign rule in obedient response; and a final victory of God which is in God's hands, though he calls us to labor in faith and love for its coming.
But David's story began with a profound reliance on God who called him from the sheepfold to the kingship, and by the grace of God it did not end with his exploitation of Bathsheba and Uriah.
By his courageous heart, his valiant leadership against Philistia, and his faith that he is Yahweh's man, he achieves a position of strength and prominence among most of the tribes of Israel quite exceeding that of any previous «judge» but clearly short of full kingship.
That Jesus was aware with every breath he drew of the eternal kingship of God everyone will agree; that he believed men could come even now in some real sense and measure under the righteous and loving rule of God is almost equally clear; and only by the most tortuous methods of interpreting the Gospels can one escape the conclusion that Jesus expected the kingdom of God as a future supernatural order.
When, as the narrator puts it, «God's priest» was overruled by «Caesar's traffic cop,» he tells us, «Never to him had Christ's kingship seemed more distant.»
For the Davidic kingship was permitted in the form of Servant King to Yaheweh, not in the image of the despotic and imperial powers, which were by definition rebellious against the Rule of Yahweh.
Monarchical kingship treats us like members of a household represented solely by its head, while republican order assumes the equal head - ship of all, each professing her or his own conviction about the common good in an arena of debate.
Our first challenge is to become more aware of the way our present worship is shaped by kingship symbolism.
The title of High Priest was still very rare but, with the place of the King seriously diminished by the weak political position of an effectively occupied country and, on occasion, «puppet» kingship, the head of the priesthood became ever more powerful.
It is not a place or community ruled by God; it is not even the abstract idea of reign or kingship of God.
In the tradition itself the «Alenu prayer (which Solomon Schechter called the Jewish «Marseillaise») has this: ``... in hope we wait, O Lord our God,... for Thee to remove the idols from the earth, the no - gods being utterly cut down, to taqqen «olam bemalkhut Shaddai set the world right by the Almighty's kingship...» The prayer ends in two verses from Scripture: «The Lord shall reign for ever and ever» (Exodus 15:18) and «And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one» (Zechariah 14:9).
The story of how Israelite tribes established firm possession of Canaan, drove out enemy raiders, and met the very severe crisis of the Philistine invasion by the institution of kingship, is narrated in the context of Israel's encounter with YHWH.
He said kingship appointment is not an ordinary one but being permitted by yoruba culture and tradition as the king rules on behalf of the gods and is therefore accountable not just to men but to the gods as well for good governance and sustenance of the legacies of his ancestors.
Michael Bay's kingship in Hollywood is proof you'll never go broke by underlining the obvious.
Obviously, something has to happen to make Thor leave the people he has just assumed kingship over, and later be found by the Guardians of the Galaxy.
We recommend: seeing the Kingship and Sacrifice exhibition, where you can see ancient bodies preserved by bogs.
Another 48 hour jam by the IceFortress crew, Kingship is a two - player competitive strategy game, where each player controls a set of spaceships, vying destroy -LSB-...]
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