Sentences with phrase «kingship of»

About Blog The Presbyterian form of Christian faith is best described as «Reformed» with its strong emphasis on the Sovereignty of God, the Kingship of Christ and the authority of the Bible.
About Blog The Presbyterian form of Christian faith is best described as «Reformed» with its strong emphasis on the Sovereignty of God, the Kingship of Christ and the authority of the Bible.
The kingship of Wakanda appears to be very much a military position.
Tasking your lowly adventurer to win the kingship of a distant land, Iron Throne seeks to better immerse you when doing so thanks to the game's fully - realised 3D graphics and visuals.
So it is to be understood that one said «Kingship of Heaven» when one meant God's Kingship, God's Kingdom.
It is not a place or community ruled by God; it is not even the abstract idea of reign or kingship of God.
But to speak this word, to intimate the actual death of Ben - hadad and the kingship of Hazael, is no easy thing for the prophet.
Cf. W. A. Visser «t Hooft, The Kingship of Christ (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1948).
That Jesus was aware with every breath he drew of the eternal kingship of God everyone will agree; that he believed men could come even now in some real sense and measure under the righteous and loving rule of God is almost equally clear; and only by the most tortuous methods of interpreting the Gospels can one escape the conclusion that Jesus expected the kingdom of God as a future supernatural order.
The Kingship of Christ is one of peace and humility.
As we come close to celebrate the events of the Passion, we are reminded that the kingship of Christ is a kingship of sacrificial love.
It was the kingship of Yahweh that had constituted Israel, and Israel would survive only as that imperium continued, overarching and overruling the power of human kings.1 So when the prophets said, «Thus says the LORD,» they were representing the ancient, original, final, and legitimate authority in Israel.
Some passages which deal with the Kingship of the Messiah add a whole new dimension to the Person of the Messiah, making Him a man — and yet more than a man.
It is the kingship of the cross, and the irony is that those who proclaim his Messiahship here will be baying for his blood by Friday.
The Kingship of the Messiah contains the strange God - Man Concept concerning the Messiah.
Whereas the East was interested in Wisdom, the divine Law, and the Kingship of God, the less abstractly minded, more concretely thinking and believing West — it will be said — demanded the adoration of a person, of a divine - human being, a Son of God, as the center of its religious loyalties.
After Moses, the most serious attempt to realize the kingship of God was in the period of the judges.
Paul, in contrast to Jesus, represents a decided turning away from the Biblical conception of the kingship of God and the immediacy between God and man.
This paradox is that of the kingship of God itself: it stands in the historical conflict between those who bear the message and those who resist it.
Yet it is more than a stamp; it is a burden laid upon him which makes him wholly acceptable, vulnerable, disponible, and yet withdraws him to the task of «giving his flesh for the life of the world»: almost in the moment when an outburst of popular devotion would bestow upon him the splendor of kingship, a kingship of popular acclaim which he refused without seeming even to consider attempting to manage it.
Because it is intractable he simply dodges the kingship of acclaim, awaiting instead the coronation that will be his in his supreme hour, a coronation which by its quality of contempt suggests, even partially reveals, the many - leveled mystery of the Son of Man.
In his book, Kingship of God, Martin Buber argues that Yahweh is different from the other middle eastern gods in that he demanded control in all areas of human life, not just the religious.

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May his Kingship be established in your lifetime and in your days, and in the lifetime of the entire household of Israel, swiftly and in the near future; and say, Amen.
When young Solomon prays for wisdom at the beginning of his kingship — a prayer that pleases God — he asks for a heart that discerns good and evil, using the same language that gives a name to this tree (1 Kings 3:9).
Political terms such as «pantokrator» («all - ruling»), «sovereignty,» and «kingship» dominate western descriptions of God.
In Jeremiah's time the people's understanding of kingship was tainted by human kings who had led them to the point of imminent destruction and deportation.
In the story of Jesus, kingship is recast.
These may not be authentic, but it is quite probable that Jesus connected the idea of kingship with the coming of the Son of man.
In Jesus» thought the divine kingship is here already, to be acknowledged in the doing of God's will.
He does not deny his kingship — nor that his kingship merits the kind of reverence the woman offers him.
Sacral Kingship in Ancient Israel (Cardiff, Wales: University of Wales Press, 1956)
Isaiah becomes one with the cult prophet, his words reflecting living cultic conditions, the core of which is the institution of sacral kingship.10
But Washington was also Gideon, the judge who delivered Israel and very deliberately refused an offer of kingship.
«My kingship is not of this world; if my kingship were of this world, my servants would fight... but my kingship is not from this world» (John 18:36).
The wisemen's recognition of kingship in a powerless infant, the angels» choice of humble shepherds to whom to announce the news, Jesus» birth as an outcast in a stable — all these point to a very different kind of king, to a power and truth that transcend worldly power and the socially acceptable status quo.
Since the Messiah was expected to re-establish the kingdom of David in keeping with the prophecies (see p. 97), and since Jesus was evidently not interested in worldly kingship or in driving out the Romans, this is a very good question.
«My kingship is not of this world,» says the Johannine Jesus (18:36)-- who also says of his followers, «they are not of the world» (17:14) Jesus» glorification comes through an act of self - sacrificing love.
Perhaps it doesn't have a full understanding of how Jesus» birth signified the imminent salvation of humanity or that the manger itself would come to set an eternal contrast to Christ's glory and kingship?
In the power and wealth of Herod and Caesar, of kingship and empire?
The narrator (or editor) responds differently, however, suggesting the political solution of kingship instead of the anarchy of the judges (Judg.
Though some aspects of the process are still debated, it is now generally thought that Saul's «kingship» and at least the early stages of David's rule should be thought of as chieftainships.
The time when this recognition of God's kingship takes place is that of the Covenant at Mount Sinai.
God's choice of Israel, therefore, is not complete in itself but it is a movement in history, pointing to fulfillment; and this is true of all institutions — circumcision, covenant, passover, priesthood and its sacrifice, kingship, assembly or synagogue.
Amos's «righteousness,» Hosea's hesed, or «lovingkindness,» and Isaiah's «holiness» represent three important developments of the meaning of the divine kingship for the life of the community.
The kings were commissioned by God and responsible to Him, but they tended to sublimate the irresponsibility into a divine right granted without obligation and to regard their anointing as demanding of them a merely cultic acknowledgment of YHVH's kingship.
The God of Isaiah whom one knows to be Lord of all is not more spiritual or real than the God of the Covenant of whom one knows only that «He is King in Jeshurun,» for already He makes the unconditional demand of the genuine kingship.
Jesus penetrates to the heart of the theological issue and discusses the nature of kingship, affirming his true kingship, denying that he is a king in Pilate's sense.
The current wave of dystopian young adult fiction, for example, serves the same kind of public liturgical function for progressive individualism as the New Year liturgy of Marduk's victory over Tiamat once did for a strong Babylonian kingship.
What Elisha says to the young man is this: «Lead Jehu to an inner chamber, anoint him with the oil of kingship, and say to him, «Thus says the Lord, I anoint you king over Israel,» then flee, do not tarry.»
The contrast is evident in Sojourners» concocted «Celebration of Yahweh's Kingship,» held annually on the Fourth of July.
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