Sentences with phrase «knee angles at»

In addition, sharper COD maneuvers involve less flexed knee angles at initial ground contact, but ultimately greater peak knee flexion (Havens & Sigward, 2015c).
Start with your back mildly arched and knee angle at 90 degrees.

Not exact matches

With your back against a wall, lower yourself so your upper legs are parallel with the floor and your knees are bent at a 90 - degree angle.
FEET If your feet don't touch the floor, support them with a footrest, but one low enough that your knees bend at a 90 - degree angle.
Grab a mat and lie on your back with your hips and knees at right angles.
With blade wide open and right knee bent at an awkward angle, Woods, from an extremely tricky lie, made a Tiger-esque stroke that had to be his shot of the day.
His lead knee was at a 90 - degree angle, it was a perfect transition from hand - to - hand, and like I said before, that sound.
Professor Gene Logan of the University of Southern California, where High Jumper Bob Avant is a student, reckoned that the angle of the knee of Avant's push - off leg was 135 ° at the moment of takeoff and decided to strengthen his leg muscles at that precise angle.
His knees were never pretty — zipper - scars on both — and his left hand's pinky rested at an unnatural angle.
2 PUT BOTH HANDS on the back bumper and bend your knees at an angle of about 90 degrees.
It's easier to tell from the other angle, but he hits Carson's right leg by the thigh first, then redirects into the left knee while # 97 makes it so Carson's left leg can't adjust to the impact at all.
McConnell would crouch, knees nearly bent at a 90 - degree angle, dipping the ball almost a foot lower than his usual mechanics as Nash squatted even closer to the floor and repeatedly smacked the leather with both hands before McConnell rose into a jumper.
You may do this by putting baby on your shoulder, across your knees or by sitting her at a thirty degree angle on your lap.
If you want, you can try lying on your back after sex, bending your knees and tilting your pelvis backward at a 45 - degree angle for 30 minutes, which may help hold in the semen.
Be sure they are sitting with good support and that their hips, knees and ankles are well supported and bent at 90 degree angles.
You will then bring his knees together and his legs will be at a 90 degree angle.
Sit on a chair or sofa with your knees together and legs bent at a right angle.
The company's new C - Leg contains a lithium - ion battery and a microprocessor that measures the angle of the knee and the rate at which it's bending 50 times per second.
Human knees adapt to changes in speed and terrain by bending at varying rates and stopping at different angles.
Bend both knees at a 45 - degree angle, putting one knee on top of the other.
Engage your abs, and then gently move your left knee into your chest, across the other side and then extend the leg out to the side, touching the toe to the ground at a 45 - degree angle.
Lie on your back with your legs up and knees bent at right angles.
Lying Leg Stretch — Lie flat on your back with one knee bent at a 90 - degree angle.
Slowly slide your back down the wall to assume a position with both your knees and hips at a 90 ° angle.
The right foot should be facing forward with the right knee at a 90 - degree angle.
Make sure your knees are straight above your toes, keeping your legs at a 90 degree angle.
When you lie on your back and put your legs up on a block or chair, it causes a symmetrical right angle posture at the knee joint.
Your knees should be bent at a 90 degree angle.
With each crunch, try to drive your knee so it's at a 90 - degree angle.
Static Lunge with Dumbbell Rotations Step your left leg forward into a lunge with both knees at a 90 - degree angle.
Make sure that your left knee stays at a 90 - degree angle and doesn't go past your toes.
To focus on a specific spot, stop rolling when you feel a tender spot and then bend knee at a 90 - degree angle, and then straighten it.
90 - 90s Lie on your left side with left hip and knee at a 90 - degree angle and right leg pointing forward and directly above left leg.
Flex the legs at a 90 - degree angle with a medicine ball between the knees.
Raise legs off the ground so they form a 90 - degree angle at the knees.
Place your hands shoulder - distance apart behind your torso, and walk your feet out in front until your knees are at a 90 - degree angle.
To perform crunches, lie flat on your back with your knees bent at a 90 - degree angle and feet flat on the ground.
Bend the knees at a 45 - 90 degree angle, again this is the preferable choice and lift the butt off the bench while you bring the knees towards the chest.
Keeping your knee at a 90 - degree angle and your foot flexed, lead with your heel and push it towards the ceiling.
Step your right foot forward and lower your body by bending both your knees at 90 - degree angles.
Take your body to flat position, so that your torso is parallel to the ground, and your knees bent at right angle.
The other option is the «girl» push - ups of gym class of old: put your knees on the ground, bending them at a 90 degree angle and complete a push up like you would a regular one with body straight and abs / glutes tight.
Slowly lower your hips until both knees are bent at about a 90 - degree angle and the left knee is close to touching the floor.
Aim to keep a 45 - degree angle at your knees.
Hang on a bar and raise the knees slowly until the upper legs go at a 90 - degree angle.
To perform it, sit down with your knees bent at a 90 - degree angle and your back at a 45 - degree angle to the floor.
Strive for 4 sets of 20 full reps.. If that's too difficult, do the movement with the knees bent at a 90 - degree angle first and then work up to performing the movement with straight legs.
Start in the same position as for the donkey kick, on all fours with knees at hips width apart and bent at a 90 degrees angle.
Lie on your back with neutral spine and arms and legs at right angles to the body; fingertips in line with the shoulders, knees on top of hips.
Lie on your back and place your feet against a wall while bending the knees and hips at a 90 - degree angle.
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